Found 1259 Articles for Computers

How to fix/convert trailing negative signs to real numbers in Excel?

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:28:42


In this article, the users understand “How to fix/convert the trailing negative signs to real number in excel.” The problem is that Excel does not understand negative values. Excel does not perceive some cells as a negative number if you are adding up some cells and it seems to disregard those cells. There are several possible causes for this, but the main one is that Excel misinterprets your reference to a number. For a variety of causes, Excel cells may contain trailing negative signs that need to be fixed. There some solution to fix/convert trailing negative signs are ... Read More

How to find / Select minimum data / value in a range in Excel?

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:23:37


The term "data range" refers to a single cell, a row, a column, or a group of cells that include one or more continuous groups of cells. The range statement designates a set of data values. You can use a range expression in Excel to define the data range to extract. The given problem statement which can easily solve by using the minimum function. To search for the minimum value, open a excel worksheet where large voluminous of data in the cells are presented. Users would have to gather them all up one by one and retrieving the minimum ... Read More

How to flip/reverse a row of Data Order in Excel Quickly?

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:21:35


This article thoroughly describes how to flip/reverse a row of data order which is achieved by the sort command in Excel. For a row with a lot of data, it may be difficult to directly reverse the data order. The row user wants to reverse will now have a helper row below it. Fill this row with a list of numbers beginning with 1, and then flip the adjacent row. Cells are organized horizontally from left to right into groups called rows. Sorting involves putting information in a meaningful order in order to evaluate it more efficiently. Let’s explore ... Read More

How to find Value with two or Multiple Criteria in Excel?

Updated on 27-Aug-2023 12:17:38


This article thoroughly describes the array formula and depicts the advanced filter to find the value with two or various constraints in excel. The criteria range for an Excel advanced filter is a collection of worksheet cells where the data filtering rules are entered. There must be a particular layout for the heading cells and criteria cells in the criteria range. The vertical and horizontal lookup functions in Microsoft Excel are special functions, but experienced users typically replace them with INDEX MATCH, which is in many respects superior to VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. It can search up two or more ... Read More

How to Group Time by Minutes or Hours Interval in Excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 20:36:54


This article is designed for user to group the time data by using the two examples for minutes, and hours. To understand the process in depth it is better to explain both the processes separately by using different example. Interval can be defined as the difference in between two provided time periods. For example, if first time is 2 o clock and another time is 4 o clock, then the interval between them is of 2 hours( if evaluated in terms of hours). Examples to Group Time by Hours in Excel Example 1 Step 1 First open the ... Read More

How to Group or Ungroup Worksheets in Excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 20:29:36


Grouping sheet in excel is a good feature. By using this feature users can use the data of multiple sheets simultaneously. This feature will save lots of user time. This feature allows users to properly structure the data with the header names mentioned in the column. Once, the user work of the grouped sheet is completed, then the user should need to ungroup the grouped sheets. This will help user to avoid confusion and ambiguities. Let’s go through the below-provided article to understand the use and application of grouped and ungrouped worksheets. Advantages of the Grouped Worksheet ... Read More

How to group Multiple Option/Radio Buttons in Excel

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 20:25:01

4K+ Views

Grouping will save a lot of time when users need to perform the same task repeatedly. In more, simple word changes made to the single sheet will be reflected in multiple grouped sheets simultaneously. radio/ open buttons are a type of control buttons available in Excel. A group of multiple open/radio buttons can be created by using two form buttons and by using two ActiveX buttons. Both processes are based on almost based on same steps. But the second process will need a few extra steps to perform the same tasks. In short, it can be said that using the ... Read More

How to go to the First or Last Empty Row in Excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 20:19:47


This article focusses about the evaluation of the first and last empty rows. To accomplish the provided task, it is better to use VBA code. VBA is an acronym for visual basic analysis. It is a Microsoft programming language used for office applications. It contains a coding script. Code can run like other front-end programming languages. Empty rows are those that do not contain any data but are available in the provided table structure. During this strategy user learn how to open the VBA editor, and steps to execute the defined module. Examples to go to Evaluate the First ... Read More

How to go to a Specific Sheet in Excel

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 20:16:27


Nowadays, many tutorials and guides are available, to guide the user about the shortcut or easy ways to access the same work, in a shorter time. This will help user to save time and increases their processing speed. Similarly, this article will try to teach two methods to access specific sheets within excel. List of example strategies, we are going to use for this article: The first example, allows the user to switch the sheet directly. Second, an example guides the user about the strategy by using which ... Read More

How to Get the Current Sheet Number of a Workbook?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-Aug-2023 20:11:35

3K+ Views

Sometimes the user is working with multiple worksheets at the same time. While working with a large number of sheets, obtaining current sheet numbers is important to track the current working operations status. To access the worksheet number, for this tutorial, we are using two strategies, the first strategy involves setting the sheet number on the status bar, and the second strategy involves using the VBA code. VBA code is an effective way to write code once, and the same code can be used to process data any number of times, by simply calling the associated module. A list ... Read More

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