Found 1259 Articles for Computers

How To Display Selection Pane In Microsoft Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 15:06:06


A variety of tools and capabilities are available in Microsoft Excel, a robust spreadsheet programme, to help you with your data management and analytical activities. The Selection Pane is one of these capabilities, allowing you to arrange, manage, and regulate the visibility of objects inside your Excel spreadsheet. The Selection Pane offers a handy way to pick and operate with numerous objects that you have added to your Excel worksheet, such as shapes, charts, photos, and other objects. The Selection Pane may significantly streamline your editing and formatting process, whether you're creating a complex spreadsheet or working with numerous layers ... Read More

How To Display Row Height Or Column Width In Cells?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 15:04:32

3K+ Views

In order to efficiently organise and present data in Microsoft Excel, row heights and column widths are quite important. For a variety of reasons, such as altering formatting, aligning content, or examining data patterns, you may frequently need to know the precise dimensions of rows or columns. Although Excel offers default measures, it can be difficult to properly visualise these dimensions. Fortunately, you can automate processes and increase your control over your worksheets thanks to Excel's robust programming language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). In this lesson, we'll look at how to display row heights or column widths within the ... Read More

How To Display Or Show Year Of Date Only In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 15:02:54

2K+ Views

Welcome to this article on using Excel to display or show a date's year. For managing and analysing data, Excel is a robust spreadsheet programme that provides a wide range of features. When working with dates, it's frequently necessary to merely extract or display the year from a given date data. Knowing how to extract the year from a date can be helpful when working on financial reports, project timetables, or any other data−driven jobs. It can also help you make wise judgements. In this article, we'll look at a variety of built−in Excel functions and formulas that can be ... Read More

How To Display / Show Worksheet Tabs Vertically On Left Side Of Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 15:01:31

3K+ Views

The worksheet tabs are automatically positioned at the bottom of the window by Excel, making it simple to navigate between sheets horizontally. This article is for you if you favour a vertical arrangement of worksheet tabs, though. When working with a lot of sheets or when you want to see a clear overview of the structure of your workbook, Excel's left side can display worksheet tabs vertically. It enables you to swiftly browse through your worksheets and immediately retrieve the desired sheet. This guide will show you step−by−step how to change Excel's settings so that worksheet tabs appear vertically on ... Read More

How To Display / Show Auto Filter Criteria In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:25:31


With the help of Excel's auto filters, you can swiftly sort and filter data in a spreadsheet. However, occasionally being able to see the filtering criteria that have been used on a specific column can be helpful. You can better comprehend and examine your data with the use of this information. This article will show you how to simply check and review the filtering requirements by displaying or showing the auto filter criteria in Excel. This course will provide you the knowledge and skills to fully utilise Excel's filtering features, regardless of your level of Excel proficiency. In order to ... Read More

How To Display Or Hide Status Bar In Microsoft Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:22:52


The status bar is a useful tool that gives you critical details about your Excel worksheet and makes it easy for you to access key functions. Learning how to show or conceal the status bar is a useful ability to have, whether you prefer to have it always displayed or want to free up more room for your worksheets. In this article, we'll look at two ways to manage the status bar's display in Microsoft Excel. We'll start by showing you how to make the status bar visible if it's currently hidden. You can use this technique to access the ... Read More

How To Display Or Hide Sheet Tabs And Sheet Tab Bar In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:20:53


Excel is a robust spreadsheet programme that enables you to efficiently organise and manage data. The ability to work with numerous sheets within a worksheet is one of Excel's key capabilities. To make switching between sheets simple, Excel by default places the sheet tabs and sheet tab bar at the bottom of the workbook window. To best meet your needs, you might wish to alter how these pieces are displayed in some circumstances. In this tutorial, we'll look at a variety of ways to make Excel's sheet tabs and sheet tab bar visible or invisible. This article will show you ... Read More

How To Display Or Hide Row & Column Headers In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:20:01


Understanding how to manage row and column headers is crucial for effective data organisation and analysis, regardless of your level of Excel proficiency. In Excel, column headers are the upper−left capital letters, and row headers are the numbers along the left side of the spreadsheet. These headers make it simpler to navigate and work with enormous datasets by serving as a reference for where the data are located inside the worksheet. There are many situations where knowing how to show or hide row and column headers might be helpful. In order to produce a cleaner printout or present your data ... Read More

How To Display / Show Negative Time Properly In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:18:49


Excel is an effective tool for organising and analysing data, and it provides a number of formatting choices to let you change how the data is shown. However, it can be a little challenging to display negative time values, and they might not show up as you would expect by default. Negative time values can appear while tracking project delays, figuring out time discrepancies, or keeping track of schedule changes. Making sure that negative time values are appropriately and visibly shown in your Excel worksheets is crucial. You will learn how to appropriately format negative time values in Excel by ... Read More

How To Display Only Rows With Certain Text In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:18:02

8K+ Views

With the help of the robust spreadsheet programme Excel, you can easily organise and work with data. When working with enormous datasets or when you want to concentrate on a single piece of information, filtering rows based on particular criteria can be immensely helpful. In this tutorial, we'll show you step−by−step how to limit Excel's display to rows with a specific amount of text. Excel's filtering features will make it simple and quick for you to get the results you want, whether you want to isolate rows that satisfy particular criteria or eliminate extraneous data. By the end of this ... Read More
