Found 1259 Articles for Computers

How To Duplicate Rows Based On Cell Value In A Column?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:58:21

3K+ Views

Duplicating rows can be a useful technique when you need to expand or replicate data in your spreadsheet. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you'll be able to quickly duplicate rows based on specific criteria, making it easier to manipulate and analyse your data. Whether you're working with large datasets, performing data analysis, or simply organizing information, Excel provides powerful tools that can save you time and effort. Duplicating rows based on a cell value is one such technique that can help you efficiently expand your data. Duplicate Rows Based On Cell Value Here, we will first ... Read More

How To Extract Domains From Multiple Email Addresses In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:56:05


In today's digital age, email communication plays a crucial role in both personal and professional settings. Extracting domain names from a list of email addresses can be a valuable task, whether you're conducting market research, identifying potential clients, or analyzing email patterns. In this article, we will guide you through the process of extracting domains from multiple email addresses using Microsoft Excel, a widely used spreadsheet software. Step 1 Prepare Your Data Before diving into the extraction process, it's essential to ensure your data is organized and ready for analysis. Open Excel and make sure your email addresses are in ... Read More

How To Extract Domain Name From URL In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:54:47

2K+ Views

In Excel, extracting domain names from URLs can be a useful task when you want to analyse web data, categorize websites, or perform various other operations. By isolating the domain names, you can gain valuable insights and organize the information efficiently. In this article, we will guide you through the process of extracting domain names from URLs using Excel formulas and functions. Method 1 Using Excel's Text Functions Excel provides a range of powerful text functions that can be utilized to extract domain names from URLs. Let's look at a step−by−step approach using the combination of functions. Step 1 Prepare ... Read More

How To Extract Decimal Numbers From Text String In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:53:31

1K+ Views

Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to perform various calculations and manipulations on data. Sometimes, you may encounter situations where you need to extract decimal numbers from text strings. This can be useful when working with data that includes textual information alongside numeric values. Fortunately, Excel provides several functions that can help you achieve this task efficiently. In this article, we will explore a step−by−step method to extract decimal numbers from text strings in Excel. Step 1− First, select a blank cell where you want to display the extracted decimal number. Step 2− Enter the following formula ... Read More

How To Extract Date From Text Strings In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:52:01

2K+ Views

Excel is a powerful tool that allows users to manipulate and analyze data efficiently. However, working with text strings containing dates can sometimes be challenging. Extracting dates from text strings is a common requirement when dealing with datasets that include unstructured data. In this article, we will explore various techniques and formulas to extract dates from text strings in Excel, enabling you to work with dates more effectively. If you need to extract only the date from a list of text strings in Excel, you can use the following array formula. Follow these steps to achieve the desired result− To ... Read More

How To Easily Rank Numbers Skip Blank Cells In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:44:53


Ranking numbers is a regular chore in Excel, whether you're working with a large dataset or simply need to organise your data. When working with blank cells, though, the process can become a little more difficult. But don't worry! In this video, we'll walk you through a quick and easy approach to rank numbers in Excel, skipping any blank cells you might come across along the way. By the end of the tutorial, you will have learned how to use a combination of Excel functions and formulas to rank numbers in ascending or decreasing order, while also handling blank cells ... Read More

How To Easily Rank List Without Ties In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:44:15

1K+ Views

When working with data in Excel, it is frequently required to rank values in order to determine the highest or lowest values or to produce a sorted list. However, one common issue is dealing with linked values, which occur when two or more values have the same rank. This may make the ranking process more difficult and time−consuming. Fortunately, Excel offers a straightforward technique for ranking a list without ties, guaranteeing that each item is assigned a unique rating. In this lesson, we will walk you through the process of using Excel's built−in functions to accomplish this. Whether you ... Read More

How To Easily Rank Data By Absolute Value In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:30:39


Being able to successfully sort and rank data is a valuable skill whether you're a student, a professional, or simply someone who interacts with data on a regular basis. Excel provides extensive capabilities for analysing and organising data, and ordering data by absolute value is a common requirement in a variety of circumstances. In this article, we will look at a simple method for sorting data by absolute value, which will allow you to determine the highest and lowest numbers regardless of their sign. You will obtain the expertise and confidence to edit your data fast and efficiently by following ... Read More

How To Easily Extract Comments Contents In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 16:52:22

4K+ Views

Comments in an Excel spreadsheet are an excellent method to provide additional information or explanations to specific cells. However, extracting the content of these comments can be a time−consuming and laborious effort at times. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to extract comment contents in Excel in a quick and easy way. Whether you need to examine and summarise comment material, incorporate it into reports, or simply acquire a better knowledge of the data, this tutorial will walk you through the procedures. This tutorial does not require expert Excel skills. We will provide detailed instructions as well as screenshots to ... Read More

How To Easily Enter Dates Without Slashes In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 12:04:39

2K+ Views

If you've ever found it difficult to enter dates in the traditional format of "mm/dd/yyyy" or "dd/mm/yyyy" in Excel, you've come to the correct spot. In this article, we will look at a quick and easy way to enter dates without using slashes, making the process faster and more convenient. Excel is a powerful spreadsheet programme that enables you to do numerous computations, analyse data, and effectively organise information. Dates are an essential part of every spreadsheet, whether you're keeping track of project deadlines, documenting sales data, or building a personal budget. However, the default format in Excel for entering ... Read More
