Found 1259 Articles for Computers

Difference between RAM and CAM

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:49:05

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RAM, short for Random Access Memory, is used for storing computer programs and data that the CPU needs in real time. RAM data is volatile and is erased once computer is switched off. CAM, short for Content Addressable Memory, is used for storing data words that searches its memory for a provided word and returns the list of addresses where data word is found. Read this article to find out more about RAM and CAM and how they are different from each other. What is RAM? RAM is a type of primary memory used in computer systems for storing ... Read More

Difference between Cache Memory and Virtual Memory

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:38:40

8K+ Views

In case of a computer system, memory is one of the most important parts of the system. Computer memory is entirely responsible for storing data, information, instructions, etc. in the system and it also defines the performance of the system. There are several types of computer memories available. But in this article, we only discuss about cache memory and virtual memory, and the important differences between them. What is Virtual Memory? Virtual Memory is a technique to increase the main memory capacity. It uses data swap technology and hard disk area is used as virtual memory. As its name ... Read More

Difference between GUI and CLI

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 20-Dec-2022 13:38:22

4K+ Views

GUI and CLI are the types of interfaces created by an operating system between the user and the hardware components. GUI (Graphical User Interface) uses graphical elements like icons, menus, etc. to create a communication channel between the user and machine, while CLI (Command Line Interface) uses text commands to create a communication channel between the user and the machine. Read this article to find out more about GUI and CLI and how these two interfaces are different from each other. What is GUI? GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. GUI-based operating systems are very easy to use because they ... Read More

Difference between CD and DVD

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 24-Nov-2022 12:56:14

18K+ Views

In computers, several types of secondary storage devices like CDs, DVDs, Blue-Ray Discs, HDDs, etc. are used for permanent storage of data and information. Both CD and DVD are the types of optical storage devices whose operation is based on the optical effects. Both CD and DVD use red LASER to perform read and write operations. However, they are quite different from each other in many aspects. In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between CD and DVD. Let's start with some basics of CD and DVD. What is a CD? CD stands for Compact ... Read More

Difference between MMU and MPU

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 15:05:26

2K+ Views

MMU and MPU are memory management hardware used by the CPU. The set of all the logical addresses generated by a program is referred to as a "logical address space". The set of all the physical addresses corresponding to these logical addresses is referred to as a "physical address space". The user program deals with virtual addresses; it never sees the real physical addresses. Read this article to learn more about MMU and MPU and how they are different from each other. What is MMU? MMU (Memory Management Unit) is used for virtual memory and memory protection operations. The runtime ... Read More

Difference between GUI and CUI

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 07-Oct-2023 02:58:16

26K+ Views

It is the operating systems that play the most important role of creating interfaces between the machine and the user. There are two type of interface that the operating systems can create which are Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Character User Interface (CUI). The fundamental difference between GUI and CUI is that the GUI uses graphics to create the interface, while CUI uses text to create interface between the machine and user. Read this article to find out more about GUI and CUI based systems and how they are different from each other. What is GUI? GUI stands for ... Read More

Difference between Blu-ray and DVD

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 05:29:19

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Both Blue-Ray Disk and DVD are the optical type secondary storage devices used in computer systems. We are all familiar with DVDs, but Bluray discs are relatively new data storage devices. Blue ray discs give a better visual experience with high video resolution. In this article, we will discuss the important differences between Blue-Ray Disc and DVD. But before going into the differences, let's start with some basic concepts of these two storage devices. What is Blu-Ray? BluRay Disk (BD) is an optical storage media used to store high definition (HD) video and other multimedia filed. BD uses shorter wavelength ... Read More

Difference between CPU and GPU

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 26-Nov-2019 11:01:10


CPU and GPU are processor units. CPU is considered as the brain of the computer and consists of ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) which stores the information, performs calculations and CU(Control Unit) which performs instructions and branching. GPU is used to enhanced the images, videos of the computer. It mainly have ALUs.Following are the important differences between CPU and GPU.Sr. No.KeyCPUGPU1DefinitionCPU stands for Central Processing Unit.GPU stands for Graphical Processing Unit.2EmphasisCPU focuses on low latency.GPU focuses on high throughput.3Memory consumptionCPU consumes more memory than GPU.GPU memory requirements are low.4SpeedCPU speed is less than GPU.GPU is faster than CPU.5CoresCPU cores are powerfulGPU ... Read More

What is a Computer language?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Oct-2019 11:09:46

12K+ Views

To communicate with the computers, we need some languages. These are computer languages.There are mainly three different languages with the help of which we can develop computer programs. And they are –Machine Level languageAssembly Level Language andHigh Level LanguageMachine Level LanguageComputer can understand only the language of Digital Electronics. Digital Electronics deals with presence and absence of voltages. Within the computer there are two logics can play their role. These logics are –Positive Logic – Here presence of voltage will be denoted by 1 and absence of voltage will be denoted by 0Negative Logic – Here presence of voltage will be ... Read More

Difference between 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 14:24:49

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In computing, a byte is the unit of data and processing of data is generally denoted as bit processing. In general purpose personal computers, there exist two types of processors namely a 32-bit processor and a 64-bit processor. Based on the type of processor architecture, the computer systems are also of two types – some are using a 32-bit operating system and some are using a 64-bit operating system. The fundamental difference between a 32-bit system and a 64-bit system is in their capability to handle the amount of information, where the 32-bit operating system handles less data as compared ... Read More
