Found 1259 Articles for Computers

Difference Between Contiguous and Non-contiguous Memory Allocation

Updated on 19-Apr-2021 06:30:11

1K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between contiguous and non-contiguous memory allocation −Contiguous Memory AllocationIn this allocation type, the consecutive blocks of memory is allocated to a file/process.It executes quickly in comparison to non-contiguous memory.It is easy to be controlled by the operating system.Minimum overhead since there are not many address translation when a process is being executed.There is internal fragmentation in contiguous memory allocation.There are different types of partitions: Single partition allocation and multi-partition allocation.Memory gets wasted.The swapped-in process is arranged in the originally allocated space itself.Non-contiguous Memory AllocationIn this type of allocation, separate blocks of memory ... Read More

Difference Between Multitasking and Multithreading in OS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 18:02:08

3K+ Views

Both multitasking and multithreading are the concepts related to the operating system of the computer. One major difference between multitasking and multithreading is that multitasking allows the CPU of computer to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, while multithreading allows the CPU to execute multiple threads of the same process simultaneously. Read through this article to find out more about Multitasking and Multithreading and how they are different from each other. Let's start with some basics first. What is Multitasking? When a single CPU is allowed to execute multiple tasks at the same time, it is called the multitasking. In ... Read More

Difference Between Semaphore and Monitor in OS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:56:03

7K+ Views

Both Semaphore and Monitor are types of process synchronization tools in operating systems. Semaphores and monitors allow the different processes to utilize the shared resources in mutual exclusion, however they are different from each other. The basic difference between a semaphore and a monitor is that a semaphore is an integer variable, whereas a monitor is an abstract data type. Read this article to find out more about semaphores and monitors and how they are different from each other. What is Semaphore? A semaphore is a process synchronizing tool. It is basically an integer variable, denoted by "S". The ... Read More

Difference Between Deadlock and Starvation in OS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 07-Dec-2022 05:43:49

3K+ Views

In operating systems, both deadlock and starvation are unwanted situations that take place when the processes that need a shared resource block each other's progress indefinitely. Both are unwanted situations; however, a deadlock is quite different than a starvation. In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between deadlock and starvation. What is Deadlock? A deadlock is a condition in operating systems in which no process proceeds for execution and waits for resources that have been acquired by some other processes. Thus, in the case of a deadlock condition, the process simply gets blocked. Deadlock is also known ... Read More

Difference Between Loosely Coupled and Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor System

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:30:21

6K+ Views

A computing system which consists of more than two processors is known as a multiprocessor system. Multiprocessor systems are broadly classified into two categories− loosely coupled multiprocessor system and tightly coupled multiprocessor system. In a loosely coupled multiprocessor system, the degree of coupling between different processor is low; whereas a tightly coupled multiprocessor system has high degree of coupling between different processors of the system. Read this article to find more about loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessor systems and how they are different from each other. What is a Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor System? A multiprocessor which has very ... Read More

Difference Between Linker and Loader

Updated on 19-Apr-2021 06:07:03

10K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between a linker and a loader −LinkerThe main function of the linker is to generate executable files.The linker takes the input as the object code which would be generated by a compiler/assembler.The process of linking can be understood as a method to combine different snippets of code in order to obtain executable code.There are two types of linkers available: Linkage Editor and Dynamic Linker.Linker also helps combine all the object modules.Linker is responsible to arrange the objects in the program’s address space.LoaderThe main function of a loader is to load executable files ... Read More

Difference Between Register and Memory

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:52:45

8K+ Views

Both Register and Memory are types of storing elements used in computing and digital systems for the storage of data. Although both have similar functions, they are absolutely different from each other. In this article, we will cover all those differences, but before that let’s have a basic overview of registers and computer memory. What is a Register? A register is a most elementary data-storing device that is implemented onto the processor chip itself. It is a small, high−speed storage area within a computer's processor or central processing unit (CPU). The processor can directly access the data stored in registers. ... Read More

Difference Between Stack and Heap

Updated on 16-Apr-2021 07:54:14

1K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between Stack and HeapStackIt is a linear data structure.Memory is allocated in a contiguous (continuous) block.The memory for a stack is allocated and deallocated automatically using the instructions of the compiler.It costs less to build and maintain a stack.It is easy to implement.It is fixed in size; hence it is not flexible.Its only disadvantage is the shortage of memory, since it is fixed in size.If all the blocks are not occupied, memory gets wasted too.It takes less time to access the elements of a stack.It has an excellent locality of reference.HeapIt is ... Read More

Difference Between Hard link and Soft link

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:13:30

8K+ Views

In computer networks, links are the pointers associated with files and directories. These links are of two types: Hard Links and Soft Links. A hard link is a direct reference to a file, while a soft link is a reference by name. Thus, a soft link points to a file by its file name. Read this article to find out more about hard links and soft links and how they are different from each other. Let's start with a basic overview of hard links and soft links so that it becomes easier to differentiate them. What is a Hard Link? The ... Read More

Difference Between CLI and GUI

Updated on 16-Apr-2021 07:48:54


In this post, we will understand the difference between CLI and GUI −CLIIt stands for Command Line Interface.It is difficult to use.It consumes less memory.It provides high precision.It is quick in comparison to GUI.The operating system of CLI required a keyboard only.The appearance can’t be modified.An input can be entered at command prompt only.The information is presented to the user in the form of plain text and files.No menu is provided.No graphics are present in CLI.It doesn’t use any pointing devices.It doesn’t help avoid spelling mistakes and typing errors.GUIIt is easy to use.It stands for Graphical User Interface.It consumes more ... Read More
