Found 1259 Articles for Computers

Mutual Exclusion in Synchronization

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 11:51:13

3K+ Views

Introduction To avoid information loss and discrepancies, it is essential to make certain that discussed assets are obtained in an organized way when using concurrent programming methods, in which numerous threads or methods operate simultaneously. Mutual exclusion, which ensures that just a single string or procedure has access to a crucial area or resource that everyone shares at any point in time, is how this is accomplished. In this article, we will be talking about Mutual Exclusion in Synchronization, its various techniques, use cases, and example implementation through Python. What is Mutual Exclusion in Synchronization? A key component of synchronizing ... Read More

Mutual exclusion in a distributed system

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 11:24:55

5K+ Views

Introduction A key principle of distributed systems is mutual exclusion, which prevents simultaneous operations or node locations from concurrently using common assets or crucial areas. When various procedures attempt to gain access to an identical asset at once, disputes, racial conditions, and discrepancies may result. Due to the absence of storage and the possibility of connection interruptions, errors, and node-to-node difficulties with communication and mutual exclusion turns more difficult in distributed systems. For achieving mutual exclusion in distributed systems, many techniques and procedures were established. In this article, we will be exploring the two main approaches, the various types, ... Read More

Mutex Locks

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 11:21:31

5K+ Views

Introduction In multitasking programming, mutex locks, also referred to as mutual exclusion locks, are synchronization basic functions used to prevent simultaneous possession of resources that are shared by numerous threads or procedures. The word "mutex" means "mutual exclusion." In this article, we will be exploring the components, types with examples, use cases, and implemented examples for Mutex Locks. What are Mutex Locks? A mutex lock makes it possible to implement mutual exclusion by limiting the number of threads or processes that can simultaneously acquire the lock. A single thread or procedure has to first try to obtain the mutex ... Read More

Multiprocessor and Multicore Organization

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 11:15:12

1K+ Views

There are two methods for creating systems of computers with multiple processors or processor cores: multiprocessor organization and multicore organization. Both strategies aim to boost a computer's processing power by enabling it to handle several tasks at once. Several separate processors linked by a communication network make up a multiprocessor system in most cases. Each processor can carry out a unique set of instructions and has a separate local memory. The throughput of the entire system can be increased by these processors working on several tasks concurrently. In this article, we will explore Multiprocessor and Multicore Organization, their use cases, ... Read More

Need for Paging

Diksha Patro
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 16:50:37


Paging enables the operating system to deallocate and allocate memory as necessary without worrying about the memory's physical location. Operating systems employ paging as a memory management strategy to efficiently use the memory resources at their disposal. It makes it possible for the operating system to divide memory into discrete, compact fixed-size "pages, " which are then utilized to store information and code. The ability to let programs use more memory than is actually available is one of the key justifications for employing paging. This is made feasible by the operating system's ability to swap out unwanted memory pages ... Read More

Multitasking Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 16:36:27

2K+ Views

Introduction An OS that can manage numerous duties or procedures at once is known as a multitasking operating system. In simple terms, it enables the simultaneous operation of numerous programs or procedures while allocating a specific amount of memory and central processing time to each process. Every task's distribution of resources is controlled by the operating system's kernel, which also ensures that no tasks conflict with one another. Additionally, it offers a way to move among duties rapidly, giving the impression that every process is active at once. Contemporary systems for computing, which include personal computers, laptops, computer systems, and ... Read More

Multiple Processors Scheduling in Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 16:16:31

5K+ Views

To increase the system's overall performance, numerous processors or cores are frequently used in modern computer systems. The operating system must be able to effectively schedule processes to execute on various processors, though, in order to make the best use of these resources. Multiple processor scheduling involves deciding which processes should be assigned to which processor or core and how long they should be permitted to run. While ensuring that all processes are fairly and appropriately prioritized, the objective is to achieve efficient utilization of the available processors. In this article, we will be discussing Multiple Processor Scheduling, the various ... Read More

Multilevel Queue (MLQ) CPU Scheduling

Diksha Patro
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 16:12:36


Introduction CPU scheduling with multilevel queues (MLQ) is a scheduling technique implemented in Linux and Windows to arrange procedures over the carrying out on a system's CPU. MLQ divides procedures through numerous waiting lists, each of which has a distinct level of priority. Every queue might come with its own scheduling algorithm, which allows the OS to prioritize various kinds of methods in various ways. There are several ways for executing the MLQ scheduling algorithm. A commonly used approach is to separate procedures into two separate waiting lists, resulting in the forefront queue getting more priority compared to the background ... Read More

Multilevel Paging in Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 16:10:58

1K+ Views

Introduction Multilevel paging is an approach to memory management applied to control virtual memory in platforms. The concept of virtual memory in a system of computers implies the utilization of additional RAM as a supplement to the primary memory. Paging is a memory management method that breaks down memory through fixed-sized hinders known as frames and rational storage into fixed-sized sections known as pages. The basic paging methodology is extended through the application of numerous levels of page tables in multilevel paging. The appropriate location is separated into numerous components in a multilevel paging system. Every component indexes various sections ... Read More

How To Create Dynamic Named Range In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 16:11:06


Excel is a versatile tool used for managing data, creating reports, and analyzing information. Named ranges are an essential feature of Excel that allow you to assign a name to a cell or a range of cells, making it easier to reference that data elsewhere in your workbook. However, sometimes you need to create a dynamic named range that can expand or contract automatically based on the data entered in the cells. This is where dynamic named ranges come in handy. Dynamic named ranges are a powerful tool in Excel that help to simplify your formulas, improve your workflow, and ... Read More
