Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Cyber Security- Attacking through Command and Control

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:10:56


Cyber security means the security of cyber systems. Cyber Security secures the computer system from cyber attacks. It protects the system and the personal data, credentials, and passwords. Due to the developments in technology, the risks and the cost to retain the services are becoming higher. Over the decade cyber attacks have raised a lot and one of the most endangered attacks is the Command and Control Attack which is done using Domain Name System (DNS). It is also referred to as C&C or C2 Attack. When an Organization is under this attack, it’s very crucial to get back to ... Read More

Cyber Crime Identity theft

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:08:15


The criminal action or crime through the computer or computer network harms an organization like a government, a private, or even an individual. Cyber crimes can be committed by individuals or a group. A breach of confidential information, espionage, financial loss, System failure, or any other method via the internet that affects the reputation of an organization or an individual is a major risk associated with cyber crimes. Cybercrime is not accidental but intentional to harm an organization or an individual’s reputation, loss, physical or mental harm through any electronic system by concealing the identity of the cybercriminals. The growing ... Read More

Cyber Crime

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:07:23

1K+ Views

The criminal action or crime through the computer or computer network harms an organization like a government, a private, or even an individual. Cybercrimes can be committed by an individual or a group. A breach of confidential information, espionage, financial loss, System failure, or any other method via the internet that affects the reputation of an organization or an individual is a major risk associated with cybercrimes. Cybercrime is not accidental but intentional to harm organizations or an individuals’ reputation, loss, physical or mental harm through any electronic system by concealing the identity of the cybercriminals. The growing usage of ... Read More

Cyber Security Policy

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:05:50


Cyber security generally works for securing the organization’s important assets, Employee details, and the operations performed from the hacker’s attacks or Hacks. The Cyber Security solutions are available to have a secure and less risky operation from cyber-attacks. High authorities and IT professionals both are more prone to cyber-attacks, so they need to take security precautions to limit the loss of their data and assets. Not only IT experts and senior managers should be concerned about security in an organization. The Employees and persons working in a computer system should know the cybersecurity policy for protecting their data and systems. ... Read More

Cyber System Security

Updated on 11-Apr-2023 17:04:45


The Cyber System generally means the word related to a group of computers or Information Technology. And Cyber security means the security of cyber systems. It provides a wide range of functions namely Information Technology, Networking, Computer systems, and mainly cyber security operations. Cyber System Security secures the computer system from cyber-attacks. It protects the system and the personal data, credentials, and passwords. Due to the developments in technology, the risks, and the cost to retain the services becoming higher. Cyber System A system that utilizes cyberspace is referred to as a cyber system. Information infrastructures, as well as ... Read More

Difference Between Deep Learning and Neural Network

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 16:58:15


Deep learning and neural networks are both machine learning methods that are used to identify patterns and make predictions. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, there are important differences between them that can have significant implications for their use. What is Deep Learning? Deep learning is a broader category of machine learning that encompasses neural networks and other approaches. Deep learning involves training models to recognize patterns in data by processing multiple layers of information. These models can learn from vast amounts of data and can recognize patterns that are too complex for humans to identify. What is ... Read More

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:51:56


In this article, we will understand the concept of UPnP. It has features to discover and connect devices automatically within the local area network. This, uses standard protocols like TCP/IP, DHCP, and HTTP for establishing connections and acquiring IP addresses on the devices that are connected wirelessly. UPnP devices are popular as users can make video streaming to TV which is connected to the internet, home automation is made simpler using IoT-enabled devices, connecting printers to laptops, PC, smart TV, etc. Let’s show you an example Creating a connection between a PC or laptop or any other network-enabled device with ... Read More

Traditional Wireless Mobile Communication

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:50:45


The Cellular device has evolved a lot and it has become part of everyone’s life as a hands − on device. Now, most people are access to mobile technology that uses Global Standard for Mobile Communication which is termed wireless mobile communication. The First designed Mobile phones use radio waves. Cellular communication comes under the network technology comprising cells and base stations. The usage of it is by dividing the area into smaller cells and reusing the frequency. In this article, we will study the concept of the Traditional Wireless Mobile Communication. The Traditional analog system is designed for the ... Read More

Understanding Tethering Network

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:47:58


Tethering is the feature that uses mobile phone data as a modem or router which connects to other mobile devices or laptops or any device that requires an internet connection. When the user needs to upload or download any document using a laptop or desktop machine than an internet facility can be made available in any environment using tethering as a wireless or wired network. Connecting data from a mobile device to a laptop or other devices can be done by Wired setup involves connecting the required device to a USB cable and wireless setup is using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Mobile ... Read More

Unicodes in computer network

Updated on 28-Mar-2023 17:46:15


Unicode is the information technology standard for the consistent encoding, representation, and handling of text that is expressed in the world’s writing systems. The standard is created by the Unicode Consortium in 1991. It includes symbols, arrows, characters, etc. Characters that are mostly used in the English language, are represented by the ASCII subset of Unicode. Unicode, on the other hand, is a more thorough encoding technique that can represent characters from various languages and scripts, including mathematical symbols and other specialist characters. Unicode Standard approved by the Unicode consortium and international standard ISO. Definition Unicode is a universal character ... Read More
