Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Difference between SFTP and SCP

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:40:25

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The file transfer protocols SFTP and SCP are used to safely send files between computers over a network. While these protocols provide comparable functions, there are some differences between them. SCP (Secure Copy) is a simple file transfer protocol that is commonly seen on UNIX systems. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a more advanced SSH- based file transfer protocol. Read this article to find out more about SFTP and SCP and how they are different from each other. What is SFTP? SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure file transfer protocol based on the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. ... Read More

Difference between IGRP and EIGRP

Md. Sajid
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:05:47


The distance-vector routing protocols IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) are both used in computer networks. IGRP is a proprietary protocol that was widely used in enterprise networks until it was replaced by modern protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF. EIGRP is a powerful and efficient routing system that is commonly used in business networks. Read this article to find out more about IGRP and EIGRP and how they are different from each other. What is IGRP? IGRP, or Interior Gateway Routing Technology, is a distance-vector routing technology developed in the 1980s by Cisco ... Read More

Session Initiation Protocol

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:47:48


Session Initiation Protocol Session Initiation Protocol was introduced in the year 1999 and implemented in the Application layer of the OSI model to perform communication on Internet telephone networks. This telephony protocol is used for creating, maintaining, and concluding communication sessions such as audio, video, and other text messaging applications. It is applied in VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and VoLTE (Voice Over Long Term Evolution) in wireless mobile devices. This protocol uses a text-based approach, which works similarly to HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) elements. SIP protocol can be used with TCP (Transmission ... Read More

Error Detection Code-Checksum

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:44:10

2K+ Views

In the networking system, when one transmits the data it is very obvious that factors like interference, noise, and other disturbances can add to the transmitted signal which causes data corruption and it may lead to significant problems like mishearing, wrong interpretation therefore it is very important to make sure that transmitted data should be reliable, noise-free. To avoid above mentioned critical problem some techniques are there called error detection codes like CRC (Cycle redundancy check), Checksum which we are going to discuss in this article these error detection codes are added to the header of the data packet and ... Read More

Domain Name System (DNS) Zones

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:39:16


Introduction The Domain Name System Zones are each partition of the DNS. A dissimilar or adjoining portion of the main DNS is the DNS zone, representing an organizational area contained within the global DNS and it is also designated to a particular administrator. These designation privileges define if the DNS zone will have only one domain or sub-domains or multiple domains such that multiple domains can be handled by a single organization following a tree hierarchy. Hence, numerous sub-domains and zones can be present in one DNS zone. If there were no DNS zones, then management of the huge resources ... Read More

Difference between Antivirus and Antimalware

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:33:05


When it comes to computer security, two terms that are frequently utilized and traded are antivirus and antimalware. In any case, there are a few key contrasts between the two that is vital to get it. Antivirus and antimalware are two sorts of computer programs that are utilized to ensure computers from a noxious computer program or malware. Even though they could seem comparative, there are a few critical contrasts between the two. In this article, we'll take a closer to see at the contrasts between antivirus and antimalware. Which Should We Use? In common, it is suggested to utilize ... Read More

Ransomware Explained: How It Works And How To Prevent It

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:17:47


The word Ransom means the money one has to pay for the data or goods. It is the type of malware that encrypts the affected user. Ransomware is a threat to the digital world and 91% of the attack is caused by a phishing email. According to the survey of Security magazine, there are around 2200 ransomware attacks taking place in the world. The Ransomware attack targets both personal and professional data. The first Ransomware attack was seen in Russia. Even though the attacks are increasing and the ways to prevent them are also increasing. Ransomware Explained Ransomware The user ... Read More

Elements of Network Protocol

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:05:58

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Computers perform operations based on the comments received. The set of commands or rules is sent and processed by the network protocol. In the network, there are different types of computers connected which may possess different hardware and software components. So, it is necessary to make the computer of different types communicate with each other using common rules set by the network protocols. So, we need to deal with the elements of network protocols to have data communication between the nodes of the network. Network Protocol Network Protocol provides a set of rules to be followed for data transmission in ... Read More

Goals of Networks

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:04:41

4K+ Views

In today’s generation, networks play an important role to establish a connection between people, organizations, and devices. This network is used to transfer data, voice, and signals between two entities. It is also important to maintain a level of security for these data transfers. Also, they can be arranged in different topologies like mesh topology or star topology. Despite their different forms and topologies, all networks have common goals that we will discuss here. The goals of networks can be defined as the primary need of a network to maintain the authenticity, integrity, flexibility, and security of the information that ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mesh Topology

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:23:46

7K+ Views

Mesh topology is a type of network topology in which every node is connected to every other node in the network. This topology provides a high level of redundancy and error tolerance, making it a popular choice for large-scale networks. However, the major disadvantage is it is costly because it consumes a lot of wires to connect it’s like connecting n-size mesh requires $\mathrm{n_{c_{2}}}$. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Mesh topology. Advantages High Reliability − Mesh topology offers a high level of reliability, which is one of its biggest advantages. There is no ... Read More
