Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Difference between BSS and ESS

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:37:55

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BSS and ESS are terms used in wireless networking to describe different types of wireless networks and their functions. A BSS is a wireless network made up of a group of devices within range of an access point and its AP, while an ESS is a network made up of multiple BSSs connected through a distributed system. Key differences between BSS and ESS include coverage, scalability, roaming, and definition. BSS has limited coverage, scalability, and roaming, while ESS provides better scalability, coverage, and roaming capabilities. Understanding these differences is important in choosing the right wireless network for your particular application. ... Read More

Encryption, its Algorithms and its Future

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:34:11


Encryption is a method to protect the incoming message by coding the plain text into an encoded one called the cipher text. The main ideology behind encryption is to protect the data transmitted to be secured from any type of attack. There are typically two types of encryptions namely symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods. In this, the encryption algorithm comes under the components of encryption. Decryption is a process of getting the plain text from the encoded text using an encryption key. Encryption Cryptography involves both encryption and decryption, to prevent the data from unauthorized access. The Components of Encryption ... Read More

Evolution of Cloud Computing

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:31:44

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Cloud Computing provides the facility to a wide range of services stored in the cloud or Internet. The Services provided by cloud computing are computer resources, data storage, applications, servers, developmental tools, and networking protocols. It is most popularly used by IT firms and for business requirements. The term “Cloud Computing” was proposed in the year 1950s that gives internet-related services and it emerged from distributed computing to the current technology called cloud computing. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are some examples of cloud services. Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the services provided on the Internet to store a vast amount ... Read More

GPRS architecture in wireless communication

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:23:42

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Wireless Communication Wireless communication is the process of sending voice and other forms of data without the installation of cables and wires. Radio communication systems are used at earlier stages of wireless transmitters, later then modulation is used within transmitters that use electromagnetic signals to send voice, data files, video, or other media signals over the network. Wireless networks connect the network devices to a laptop, tablets, mobile phones, and other support devices to access the internet connection thereby eliminating the physical cabling of wires. After the invention of 4G standards in cellular networking, wireless applications are mostly by the ... Read More

Efficiency of CSMA/CD

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:17:53

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CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Detection) is a networking protocol more precisely it is an Access protocol its standard is IEEE802.3 and used to broadcast links, widely used in Ethernet network systems. It is very effective and easy the implement. But the efficiency of CSMA/CD is an important factor that decides its usage for different types of network topologies and environments. In this article, we will explore the efficiency of CSMA/CD in terms of its capability to handle network congestion and minimize the number of collisions. Working(Basics) of CSMA/CD CSMA/CD works by detecting whether the broadcast channel is idle ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

Updated on 02-Sep-2023 10:57:33

103K+ Views

When many computers are connected, connecting means that they can share data such as text, information, photos, audio, videos and many other services together making a "Network". When this network happens worldwide, that becomes the Internet. Take a real-life simple example, when you are seeing photos on Instagram, tweets on Twitter, or talk through Facebook, that is when you are connected to the internet. Things are happening worldwide. The Internet is used on a vast level, and it is impossible to imagine our world without the Internet. Not only for personal use, organizations and government sectors are also connected to ... Read More

Fiber Optics and its Types

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:39:37


Fiber optics is one of the technologies used to transmit data through thin glass or plastic fibers. It is mostly used in communication channels like telephone, televisions, and the Internet. Core and cladding are two parts of fiber optic cable. The cladding reflects the light to the core, thus preventing the loss of signal. Fiber optics are mostly used in medical and industry services. In the medical field, it is used for endoscopies, to view and treat internal organs. In industries, it is used in controlling temperature, pressure, and vibrations. Fiber Optics and its Types Definition Fiber optics is defined ... Read More

Classification of MAC Protocols

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:34:09

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In ISO OSI layers there are seven layers, and each layer has its characteristics and its protocols. The most important second layer from the bottom is the data link layer. In this data link layer consists of two different layers and MAC is one important layer. MAC is the Medium Access Control layer. MAC layer helps to reduce the collision while transmitting the data. The main functionality of the MAC layer will act as a medium to access the shared resources in the network. So it has the control accessibility of nodes when they are in a shared medium. MAC ... Read More

Components of Information System

Updated on 03-May-2023 10:33:31

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The information system is the process of correct management and flow of data in a system such that the information reaches its correct receiver. It also collects data, analyzes them, and communicates the appropriate information to users of the information system. It is mostly used in organizations for data collection and distribution. It is also used to establish a communication system with customers to manage various operations. It is a collection of hardware, software, and other elements which work together in correct sync to establish its fundamental requirement. This system accepts various formats of data and performs different types ... Read More

Difference between SLIP and PPP

Md. Sajid
Updated on 02-May-2023 11:43:02

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PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) and SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) are both protocols used for serial communication between computers and network devices. While they provide comparable functions, there are several major variations between them. SLIP is a simple protocol designed for low-bandwidth point-to-point connections, whereas PPP is a more complex protocol with more features that may be used for both point-to-point and network connections. Read this article to find out more about SLIP and PPP and how they are different from each other. What is SLIP? Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) is a basic protocol for encapsulating Internet Protocol (IP) packets ... Read More
