Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Longest Job First (LJF) CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Diksha Patro
Updated on 04-May-2023 12:20:58

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Longest Job First (LJF) is a CPU scheduling algorithm that prioritizes processes based on their burst time. In LJF, the processes with the largest burst time are given priority over the shorter ones. This algorithm works on a non-preemptive basis, meaning once a process is started, it will continue to run until it completes, and no other process can preempt it. To implement the LJF algorithm, processes are sorted in the ready queue based on their burst times in descending order. The process with the largest burst time among all the processes that have arrived until that time is selected ... Read More

RJ11 Color Code

Updated on 03-May-2023 14:15:02

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Registered Jack The Registered jack is a network interface to connect various data equipment and telecommunication systems to provide the services offered by the telephone exchange. The local channels then exchange data for the shorter or longer-distance carriers. It offers network cabling, fixing wires, and jack construction. Customers and telephone companies have to register through the registration interface to deliver and manage the physical installation of jacks and wires this was made mandatory in the year 1970 by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and registered connections have brought to real-time usage in the year 1973 with the physical setup of wires, ... Read More

SMTP Responses

Updated on 03-May-2023 14:11:26


Email communication has been possible only with the help of the SMTP protocol. It is used at the last layer of the OSI (Open Source Interconnection) model. The SMTP has two main parts SMTP client request and SMTP server response. The mode of communication between the client and server is established with the commands. The SMTP Response is sent with a 3-digit number along with the text messages and can be detected using the first digit of the SMTP response. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) SMTP is a type of Application layer protocol used to send and receive mail. It ... Read More

Google Cloud Database Services

Updated on 03-May-2023 13:50:12


Google Cloud provides users with different resources and one among them is Database services. After exploring the database services from the websites, choosing the right for your concern is difficult as there are many options available. The primary purpose of these services is to store the data securely and globally. There are three types of services provided namely hybrid data distribution, regional data distribution, and multi-cloud distribution. In the below article based on the database, the services provided by them are explained. Google Cloud Database Services Deploying Database The Google Cloud database supports three main types of deployment that are ... Read More

Difference between Bridge and Repeater

Updated on 03-May-2023 13:48:11

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Repeaters and bridges are both networking devices, both used to extend the range of a network, more specifically bridge provides the facility to combine various LANs (Local Area Networks) to develop a larger LAN. While repeaters are mainly used to amplify signal strength when the signal comes to the repeater it regenerates, which would be an amplified signal of the same and retransmits. Repeaters are commonly used in LANs to extend the range of a network more than the 100-meter limit of Ethernet. Bridge works at the Data Link Layer (DLL) of the model named OSI and they use MAC ... Read More

RPC Message Protocol

Updated on 03-May-2023 12:09:47


In an IT field or any company, the computer systems are interconnected to the same server to share information among them. It follows distributed information systems, in which every computer is physically connected and connected to a common network. RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call which is a type of protocol used in the operating system for making communication over remote devices. Using the RPC message protocol, the message request is sent and after getting the reply the communication is established. Remote Procedure Call The TCP/IP or UDP comes under the low-level transport layer protocol for communication between the networks ... Read More

Generations of Wireless communication

Updated on 03-May-2023 12:03:17

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People are getting connected easily with others using the network for sharing data. The data is transmitted from the sender side to the client side either in a wired or wireless connection and the mode of medium will be guided or unguided. For the wired way of data transmission, the connections can be chosen from the coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, and twisted pair cable. Wireless Communication emerged in the 19th century and is used in every field of communication. Wireless Communication Data communication occurs in the unguided medium when the sender and receiver are not physically connected but use ... Read More

Difference between Client-side filter and Server-side filters in Cyber Security

Updated on 03-May-2023 12:00:19


Filtering Filtering is the process of validating or screening, whether input data given by the user meets the standard format or not. Content filtering is the process of screening emails or web pages that are undesirable. These operate with predefined patterns that include user text string or image data. Recent versions of firewalls include filtering options as built-in features either as hardware or software support. Content filtering is used in cybersecurity as it can block malicious or hacked websites and also block social networking websites as per standard policies defined in corporate organizations. Filtering methods can be deployed in applications ... Read More

Risk Associated with public Wi-Fi

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:55:31


Pubic Wi-Fi is more dangerous in the early times and now it has included solutions to the risks of Wi-Fi. In the modern world, Wi-Fi is installed in every place to make people have easier access to the internet. Even though it provides the usage of the internet without any password, it is also possible that the devices that are connected to public Wi-Fi will face cyber attacks. Some examples of public Wi-Fi are set up in airports, Railway stations, Restaurants, and public libraries. Public Wi-Fi The websites have a separate encryption technique to prevent cyber attacks and so it ... Read More

SFTP File Transfer Protocol

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:48:48


In the world of cyberattacks, organizations should have a trustable source to make secured file transfers. For this IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) developed a protocol named the Secured File Transfer Protocol along with the secure shell to have the strongest protection against hackers. Using this protocol, we can avoid the Man-in-the-attack which is the most vulnerable attack faced during file transfer on the internet. The transferred file is authenticated and a secured shell is provided so the hacker cannot see the password, thus reducing the threats. Secure File Transfer Protocol SFTP comes under the network layer of the OSI ... Read More
