Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Difference between AES and DES Ciphers

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 10-Aug-2022 07:46:07

14K+ Views

Both DES and AES are symmetric-key block ciphers that are used in encryption where just one key (the secret key) is utilized to encode and decode electronic data. The key must be exchanged between the organizations communicating using symmetric encryption so that it can be utilized in the decryption process.Go through this article to find out the features of AES and DES ciphers and how they differ from each other.What is DES Cipher?The Data Encryption Standard, often known as DES, is a symmetric key block cypher developed by IBM in 1977.Plaintext is divided into two halves in DES encryption, and ... Read More

Difference between Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 15:30:38

5K+ Views

Ethernet is a set of protocols that are used primarily in LANs, although they can also be used in larger networks like MANs and even WANs. Ethernet was first standardized in the 1980s as the IEEE 802.3 standard. Since then, it has seen several upgrades and its data carrying capacity kept increasing with each upgrade. Standard Ethernet can support data speeds up to 10 Mbps. Fast Ethernet can carry data at a maximum speed of 100 Mbps. With Gigabit Ethernet, the data speeds reached a maximum speed of 1 Gbps. 10-Gigabit-Ethernet can carry data at incredibly high speeds of ... Read More

Difference between Ethernet and LAN

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 27-Jul-2022 09:46:39

6K+ Views

A LAN is a computer network that is limited to a particular geographic area. Ethernet, the other hand, is a LAN network standard used in wired LAN. Go through this article to find out more about the features of Ethernet and LAN and how they are different from each other.What is Ethernet?Ethernet is a widely used LAN standard. Ethernet refers to networking technologies and systems used in local area networks (LANs) to connect computers inside a single physical space. It is defined under IEEE 802.3 standards. It is very easy to understand, implement, maintain and is a low-cost implementation. It ... Read More

Difference between MD5 and SH1

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 27-Nov-2019 06:55:02


MD5 and SH1 are hashing algorithms. MD5 is much faster than SH1Following are the important differences between MD5 and SH1.Sr. No.KeyMD5SH11DefinitionMD5 stands for Message Digest.SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm.2Supported LengthMD5 can have 128 bits length of digest message.SHA can have 160 bits length of digest message.3SpeedMD5 is faster than SHA.SHA is slower than MD5.4ComplexityMD5 is simple than SHA.SHA is quiet complex than MD5.5SecurityMD5 provides poor security.SHA provides balanced security.6Crack CodeIf one want to seek two messages having same identical message digest, 264 operations to be performed.If one want to seek two messages having same identical message digest, 280 operations ... Read More

Difference between SDRAM and DDR

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 02-Dec-2022 05:37:50

6K+ Views

SDRAM and DDR are two different types of RAM. SDRAM was released in 1993 and the latest variant of SDRAM are DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3. SDRAM stands for Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. SDRAM was very common before the release of DDR. SDRAM is a single data rate memory. On the other hand, DDR stands for Double Data Rate. As the name indicates, DDR provides double data transmission in each clock cycle as compared to SDRAM. Read through this article to find out more about SDRAM and DDR and how they are different from each other. What is SDRAM? SDRAM ... Read More

Difference between BOOTP and DHCP

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:07:28

7K+ Views

BOOTP, Bootstrap Protocol, is used to configure the host and get the host address along with bootstrap info. DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server is an extended version of BOOTP and is used to configure the hosts dynamically.Read through this article to find out more about these two protocols and how they differ from each other.What is BOOTP?The Bootstrap Protocol is a networking protocol that allows a configuration server to provide an IP address to network devices automatically in Internet Protocol networks. RFC 951 was the first to define the BOOTP.When a network-connected machine wakes up, its IP stack sends ... Read More

Difference between DNS and DHCP

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 16-Jun-2022 12:23:23

11K+ Views

A Domain Name System (DNS) server is used to translate domain names to IP Addresses and vice versa. DHCP is a client/server protocol that automatically assigns an IP address and other configuration information to an Internet Protocol (IP) host.Read through this article to find out more about DNS and DHCP and how they are different from each other.What is DNS?DNS is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, and other resources that are connected to a private network or the Internet. It connects a variety of bits of data to domain names assigned to each of the participants.DNS transforms ... Read More

Difference between Volatile Memory and Non-Volatile Memory

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 12-Jul-2023 14:35:17

9K+ Views

Volatile memory and non-volatile memory are two distinct types of computer memory with significant differences in terms of their functionality and data storage characteristics. Volatile memory is used for temporary storage and loses its data when the power is removed, while non-volatile memory is used for permanent or long-term storage and preserves data even when the power is off. What is Volatile Memory? Volatile memory is a type of computer memory that requires a continuous power supply to retain data. This means that when the power is turned off or interrupted, the data stored in volatile memory is lost. The ... Read More

Difference between UMA and NUMA

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 26-Nov-2019 12:20:48

9K+ Views

UMA and NUMA are shared memory models. Multiprocessors are divided among these type of categories. In UMA, Uniform Memory Access, a single memory controller is used and it is applicable for general purpose applications and time sharing applications. In NUMA, Non-Uniform Memory Access, multi memory controllers are used. NUMA is suitable for real-time applications and time critical applications.Following are the important differences between UMA and NUMA.Sr. No.KeyUMANUMA1DefinitionUMA stands for Uniform Memory Access.NUMA stands for Non Uniform Memory Access.2Memory ControllerUMA has single memory controller.NUMA has multiple memory controllers.3Memory AccessUMA memory access is slow.NUMA memory accsss is faster than UMA memory.4BandwidthUMA has ... Read More

Difference between Cache Memory and Virtual Memory

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:38:40

8K+ Views

In case of a computer system, memory is one of the most important parts of the system. Computer memory is entirely responsible for storing data, information, instructions, etc. in the system and it also defines the performance of the system. There are several types of computer memories available. But in this article, we only discuss about cache memory and virtual memory, and the important differences between them. What is Virtual Memory? Virtual Memory is a technique to increase the main memory capacity. It uses data swap technology and hard disk area is used as virtual memory. As its name ... Read More
