Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Cyber Attack Symptoms

Ajay yadav
Updated on 18-Mar-2020 07:20:54


If we think an advance level of anti-virus has been installed on our computer, and we are fully secure as it performs a full system threat infection scan regularly. However, there may be instances where the scan did not detect any threat, or you cannot perform a scan. In these scenarios, we recommend that to notice the aggressive methods or symptoms to detect threats or attack.If it has been noticed an unwarranted presence of PowerShell in the task manager then our computer is definitely under attack.If a connection found to be established on port 4444 or 445 without your cognizance ... Read More

Find if your Email Provider is Leaking Your IP Address

Samual Sam
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 12:27:12


Many people are unaware, that by sending an email to others, they disclose more information about them, which they do not prefer to disclose. Yes, most of you might be surprised to know this.Whenever you send an email message to others, few unwanted information also goes along with your message, which is called header information. Header information might also disclose unwished information to recipients such as your IP address, which might be easily used by the recipients in order to find your normal location and varied private things about you.Some DifferentiatorsDepending on the email provider you use, the IP address ... Read More

How to use OpenSSH Multiplexer To Speed Up OpenSSH Connections on Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 12:32:14


This article will help us to understand the multiplex SSH sessions by setting up a master session, then having subsequent sessions by using multiplexer to speed up the SSH connection on Linux.MultiplexingMultiplexing is nothing but send more than or more over a single connection of SSH and can reuse the existing TCP/IP connection for multiple concurrent SSH connection. This will reduce the load of creating new TCP connections on the server.Advantages of Multiplexer on SSH Connection.It uses the existing *inx socket to connect.IT uses existing TCP/IP connection no more new TCP/IP.No more key exchanges.No need of authentications.Configuring MultiplexingIf the config ... Read More

How to Setup HAproxy Load Balance Server for Sharing Web Traffic

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 11:41:55


This article is written to prepare high availability of a website. This can also be used by those who want their website to be available to their clients or users with high availability servers and to share between their servers. It is a free and open source application used as a TCP/HTTP load balancer which will distribute web traffic to multiple servers and improves performance and reliability of the web server.InstallationAssume that load balancer HA proxy server IP address is Server detailsOS: Centos 6.7, IP Address: Centos 6.7, IP Address: Centos 6.7, IP Address: need to ... Read More

How to install Angry IP Scanner from PPA in Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 11:37:31

5K+ Views

Angry IP Scanner is an open-source and cross-platform network scanner. It is very faster and simple to use platform which scans IP addresses and ports. TCP/IP(Angry IP) network scanner allows users to easily scan IP addresses within any range of your choice via a user-friendly interface. Once Angry IP Scanner detects an active IP address, then it resolves MAC address, hostname, and port/s. The gathered data information can be saved as TXT, CSV, XML or IP-Port list files. This article describes” How to install and use IP scanner in Linux”Installing Angry IP ScannerTo install Angry IP Scanner in Ubuntu/Linux Mint, ... Read More

How To Set Up Multiple SSL Host With A Single Apache Server

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 11:07:35

4K+ Views

In this article, we will show you how to set up multiple SSL Certificates on a CentOS with Apache using a single IP address only. In general, a website administrator is restricted to use a single SSL Certificate per socket with an IP which will cost a lot of investment to the company. This restriction may lead them to buy multiple IP addresses for HTTP’s websites for their domain hosting or buy hardware that allows them to utilize multiple network adapters.This is allowed by an extension to the SSL protocol called Server Name Indication (SNI). Most current desktops and mobile ... Read More

How to Install and Configure NFS Server on Linux

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 10:03:22

9K+ Views

In this article we will learn and configure NFS (Network File System) which is basically used to share the files and folders between Linux systems. This was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1980 which allows us to mount the file system in the network and remote users can interact and the share just like local file and folders.Features of NFSNFS can be configured as a centralized storage solution.No need of running the same OS on both machines.Can be secured with Firewalls.It can be shared along with all the flavors of *nix.The NFS share folder can be mounted as a local ... Read More

10 Netstat Command Examples on Linux

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:03:35


Netstat is a command line utility that can be utilized to list out all the network (socket) connections on a method comparable to network connections, routing tables, interface records, masquerade connections, multicast memberships etc. This article explains about – Top 10 Netstat Command Examples on Linux.Listening and non-listening socketsTo show about listening and non-listening sockets, use the following command –$ netstat -allThe sample output should be like this –Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0 localhost:mysql *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 linux-Inspiron-3:domain *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 linux-Inspiron-35:46930 ec2-54-236-207-15:https ESTABLISHED ... Read More

Most Frequently Used Linux IPTables Rules with Examples

Sharon Christine
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 12:34:37

9K+ Views

This article will help you to create IPtables rules that you can directly use for your daily or routine needs, These examples will act as basic templates for you to work on iptables with these rules which suit your specific requirement.Deleting the IPtables or Existing RulesBefore you start building new IPtables set of rules, you should clean up all the default rules, and existing rules. Use the IPtables flush command, below are some examples –#iptables --flush (or) # iptables --FDefault Policies ChainThe default policy is ACCEPT, change the policy to DROP for all the INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT.# iptables -P INPUT ... Read More

Difference Between Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Proxy

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:33:27


Both VPN and Proxy are used to connect to a remote system where one can access the host system from a remote location. However, VPNs are superior than Proxy servers because a VPN can protect your privacy and security by routing your traffic via a secure VPN server and encrypting it. A Proxy, on the other hand, just routes your traffic via a mediating server and it does not provide any additional security.Read through this article to find out more about VPN and Proxy and how they are different from each other.What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?A virtual private ... Read More
