Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

What is the OSI Reference Model?

Updated on 04-May-2021 07:52:56

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OSI represents Open System Interconnection. The OSI reference model is a seven-layered architecture and is created in a hugely structured method. Each layer in the model has specific sets of procedures, functions, and protocols. One layer can communicate with an adjacent layer by using its interface.OSI model was advanced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Geneva, Switzerland, and by the Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT).The figure given below displays the seven-layered Architecture of OSI Models, along with the protocols and interfaces.Functions of the OSI LayersThere are various functions of OSI Layers which are as follows:Physical LayerThis ... Read More

Difference Between Multiprocessor and Multicomputer

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 08:52:38

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Both multiprocessors and multicomputers are the types of parallel computing systems. The basic difference between a multiprocessor and a multicomputer is that a multiprocessor is a single computer system containing multiple processors interconnected with the common I/O and memory devices, whereas a multicomputer is a system consists of several autonomous computers connected in a network and each computer has its own I/O and memory devices, and other computing resources. Read through this article to find out more about multiprocessors and multicomputers and how they are different from each other. What is Multiprocessor? A multiprocessor is a data processing system that ... Read More

Difference Between MD5 and SHA1

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:26:51

13K+ Views

Both MD5 and SHA1 are hashing algorithms. MD5 is simple and fast, but it does not provide good security. SHA1 is complex as compared to MD5 and it provides greater level of security.Read through this article to find out more about these two hashing algorithms and how they are different from each other.What is MD5?MD stands for Message Digest. MD5 is a hashing algorithm that produces a 128-bit hash value.Although MD5 was created with the intention of using it as a cryptographic hash function, it has been discovered to have several flaws. Yet, it is extensively used.MD5 can be used ... Read More

Difference Between Streaming and Downloading

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Aug-2022 14:03:23

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Streaming refers to the act of viewing the content held on a remote server, whereas Downloading is the process in which all of the data is transferred completely, and then viewed.Read through this article to find out more about Streaming and Downloading and how they are different from each other.What is Streaming?Streaming is the process of viewing the content that is stored on a remote system (server) rather than on a client workstation.In media and application streaming, the media bitstream is broken into discrete chunks (i.e., packets) and sent individually.In media and application streaming, the media bitstream is broken into ... Read More

Difference Between PGP and S/MIME

Updated on 20-Apr-2021 09:16:29


In this post, we will understand the difference between PGH and S/MIME −PGPIt has been designed to process plain text.It is not expensive in comparison to S/MIME.It can be used personally as well as at offices.It is less efficient in comparison to S/MIME.It depends on the key exchange made by the user.It is less convenient in comparison to S/MIME.It contains 4096 public keys.It is considered as the standard for strong encryption.It can be used in VPNs.It uses Diffie-Hellman digital signature.S/MIMEIt has been designed to process email and multimedia files.It is relatively expensive.It is used in industrial purposes.It is more efficient ... Read More

Difference Between Interrupt and Polling in OS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 08:28:12

14K+ Views

An operating system acts as a bridge between the hardware and applications. The CPU is that part of the system which handles all the tasks of the system. Sometime such situations arise, when it is required to interrupt the currently running task and take a rapid action. Therefore, in operating system, there are two methods namely interrupt and polling for dealing with such events. In both interrupt and polling, the CPU is paused what it is doing and made to execute an essential task. Both interrupt and polling are quite different from each other in several ways. In this article, ... Read More

Difference Between Time Sharing and Real-Time Operating System

Updated on 16-Apr-2021 07:36:09

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In this post, we will understand the difference between Time Sharing and Real-Time Operating System −Time Sharing Operating SystemIn this type of operating system, a quick response is required to be given when a request comes in.It has a switching method.Any kind of modifications can be done to the program.The resources of the computer are shared externally.It deals with multiple processes and applications simultaneously.The response to a user request is given within seconds of time.Real-Time Operating SystemIn this operating system, the computation tasks are required to be given more importance before its nominative point.It doesn’t have a switching method.No modification ... Read More

Difference Between Network Operating System and Distributed Operating System

Updated on 16-Apr-2021 07:34:31

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In this post, we will understand the difference between network operating system and a distributed operating system.Network Operating SystemThe main object of this system is to provide local services to remote clients.The communication takes place depending on the files.It is more scalable in comparison to Distributed Operating System.It has less fault tolerance.The rate of autonomy in a network operating system is high.It is easy to implement.The nodes of a network operating system can have different operating system.Distributed Operating SystemThe main objective of this system is to manage the resources of the hardware.The communication takes place depending on messages and shared ... Read More

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

Updated on 22-Feb-2021 11:57:05

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DefinitionIn computer science and mathematics, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) refers to a directed graph which has no directed cycles.ExplanationIn graph theory, a graph refers to a set of vertices which are connected by lines called edges. In a directed graph or a digraph, each edge is associated with a direction from a start vertex to an end vertex. If we traverse along the direction of the edges and we find that no closed loops are formed along any path, we say that there are no directed cycles. The graph formed is a directed acyclic graph.A DAG is always topologically ... Read More

Shortest Path algorithm in Computer Network

Updated on 06-Sep-2023 21:32:55

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In computer networks, the shortest path algorithms aim to find the optimal paths between the network nodes so that routing cost is minimized. They are direct applications of the shortest path algorithms proposed in graph theory.ExplanationConsider that a network comprises of N vertices (nodes or network devices) that are connected by M edges (transmission lines). Each edge is associated with a weight, representing the physical distance or the transmission delay of the transmission line. The target of shortest path algorithms is to find a route between any pair of vertices along the edges, so the sum of weights of edges ... Read More
