Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

What is LAN (Local Area Network) in Computer Network?

Updated on 27-Apr-2022 08:00:11

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A local area network is a comparatively lesser and privately-owned network with the highest duration of 10km to support local connectivity within a building or limited geographical area.In private offices, this type of networking is trendy and effectively used. They are generally used to interface with personal computers and buildings, incorporate workplaces and industry to share resources and transfer data.The figure shows a LAN having computers from several departments like Sales, Finance, Production, Publication, etc.Features of LANLimited Geographic LimitsA LAN is constructed for a limited area. It usually traverses a single frequency workgroup floor in a building or on campus ... Read More

What is Client-Server Architecture in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:52:17

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In this architecture, a specific computer is known as a server, specially designated to provide various services to other computers known as clients. In simple terms, the server can be defined as a provider of services, and the client can be a requester to services. The client requests any information from the server, and the server, in turn, responds to the client request, as shown in the below figure −The most common client-server arrangement method is a LAN made out of microcomputers linked to a network server, which serves all LAN clients.Classifications of Client/Server ArchitectureFollowing is the classification of Client/Server ... Read More

Explain the types of ETHERNET Cable.

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:54:49


There are various types of ETHERNET Cables which are as follows −10Base 5The first standard defined in IEEE 802.3 is 10 Base 5. It is a Thick Ethernet or Thicknet. It is a bus topology LAN with baseband signaling. The data speed is 10 Mbps, and the maximum allowed segment length is 500 meters. The bus's total length should not exceed 2500 meters, i.e., with a segment of 500 meters, each resulting in only five segments to be used. Each station should be separated from its neighbours by 2.5 meters, i.e., only 200 stations are permitted in maximum in each ... Read More

What is Computer Network Architecture?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:51:15

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A network model represents the organization of multiple computers in a network. It describes how individual computers are interconnected in a network.The computer network architecture is as follows −Centralized Computing ArchitectureIn centralized computing architecture, one powerful computer is used to serve one or more low powered computers. In the centralized model, the nodes are not connected; they are only connected to the server.The centralized computing architecture contains the following −All processing holds a function in the central, mainframe computer.Terminals are linked to the central computer and operation just as input/output devices.Networks can be employed to interconnect at least two mainframe ... Read More

What is an ETHERNET in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:49:47

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Ethernet is a LAN architecture developed by XEROX and extended by DEC, IC and Xerox. It is specified by IEEE 802.3, and it defines two categories.These categories are as follows−BasebandBroadbandBaseband uses digital signals, while broadband uses analog signals. Baseband is further divided into five standard names as follows −10 Base 510 Base 210 Base T1 Base 5100 Base TThe first numbers used in all standards, i.e., 10, 1, 100, indicate the data rate in Mbps, while the last numbers 2, 5, and letter T indicate the maximum cable length or type of cable. Only one specification is defined for broadband, ... Read More

What is Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:50:36

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Computer Network is an interconnection of numerous computers to share an operating system, hardware, and information through a transmission mode between them. There is no restriction to the area between two computers in a network.A computer network involves the following elements −Nodes (Workstations)The multiple terminals connected to the network sharing the network resources are known as nodes.ServerWe assign a specific node as a main or central node at a well-known and permanent address to support the network. The node offering the service is called the server.Network Interface UnitThe interpreter, which connects the server and multiple nodes, is known as the ... Read More

What are the Network Security threats and attacks?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:42:38

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There are various network security threats and attacks which are explained below−Natural DisastersEarthquakes, floods, lightning, and fire can cause several damages to computer systems. It could include other threats such as riots, wars, and terrorist attacks could be included here. Although they are human-caused threats, they are classified as disastrous.Deleting and altering dataMalicious attackers who delete or alter data usually do this to prove a point or take revenge for something that has occurred to them. Inside attackers frequently do this to spite the organisation because they are disgruntled about something. Outside attackers might need to prove that they can ... Read More

What are the goals of Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:48:30

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The main goals of computer networks are as follows −Resource SharingThe main goal of the computer network is Resource Sharing. It is to create all the programs, data and hardware accessible to anyone on the network without considering the resource’s physical area and the client.Saving MoneyThe second goal of a computer network is saving money. Small computers have a much excellent value proportion than higher ones. Mainframes are approximately a method ten times quicker than the quickest single-chip microprocessors, but they cost a huge number of times more.This imbalance has made numerous system designers build systems, including dynamic personal computers, ... Read More

Why do we need Computer Networks?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:47:47

9K+ Views

In today’s technology-oriented world, sharing has become an integral part of businesses and other activities. This sharing can be achieved by networking. A computer network is linking two or more computers in order to share files or resources.Here, we will see why we need computer networks in more detail below −To share computer filesNetworks enable users to share files with others. For example, in a company, one file is to be shared by multiple branches. When we locate this file on the network system, all the branches can use this file.To share computer equipmentLaser printers and large hard-disk drives can ... Read More

What is Network Security?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:39:57


The objective of the network is to send data among its users located locally or remotely. Hence, it is possible that undesired users can hack the web and prove harmful to the network or the user's health.The network administrator should follow a few essential points to provide the network with adequate security other than network-specific security, such as e-commerce. These are given below:Networks are designed to share data. Therefore, it should configure the network to identify shareable data and non-shareable data.The network must also clear with whom can share the shareable data.With the increase of network security, the cost for ... Read More
