Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

What is the Function of Protocol?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:34:33

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Protocol suites are collecting protocols that act at different layers of the network model to ensure successful communication. There is the various function of the protocol, which are as follows−Connection Establishment/ReleaseA data transfer can be a communication-oriented transfer or connectionless transfer. The connectionless services are the most unreliable services. Most of the protocols provide connection-oriented services. If a large volume of data transfer is required, connectionoriented services are always better.EncapsulationA protocol defines how the data is encapsulated in the frame or packet. Each packet in all PDUs contains three fields for control information along with the data field. There are ... Read More

What is Data Encryption in the Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:32:58

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Encryption is a technique to hide data from unauthorized persons by encoding data not to be viewed and modified. Data encryption involves converting the data into encrypted data called cipher text using a mathematical formula called an algorithm.These algorithms generate a key and then encapsulate the message with this key. There are two types of encryptions as asymmetric and symmetric, are in vogue.The presentation layer deals with the translation, encryption/decryption, authentication and compression, which are explained below−TranslationIt changes the complex data structures used by an application string, integers, structures, etc., into a byte stream that may be transmitted across the ... Read More

What are Data Link Protocols in Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:29:06

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Protocols define a collection of rules or conventions for executing a definite function. It is a collection of the requirements that can manage the data link layer. The fundamental goals of computer broadcasting in a system environment are to transmit a limitless huge message from the source hub to the destination hub.The major service of the Data Link Layer is to send the datagram across a single connection. In Data Link Layer, the datagram can be managed by various link layer protocols on multiple connections in a path. For example, the datagram is managed by Ethernet on the primary link, ... Read More

What is Multimedia in the Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:32:36

8K+ Views

Multimedia is a set of more than one media element used to produce a concrete and more structured communication method. In other words, multimedia is the simultaneous use of data from different sources. These sources in multimedia are known as media elements.Multimedia is the holy grail of networking. It brings vast technical challenges in providing (interactive) video on demand to every home and equally immense profits out of it. Multimedia is just two or more media. Generally, the term multimedia means the combination of two or more continuous media. In practice, the two media usually are audio and video.Elements of ... Read More

Differentiate between Synchronous TDM and Asynchronous TDM in Computer Network

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:26:43

6K+ Views

Synchronous TDMSynchronous TDM is primarily known as synchronous because each time slot is preauthorized to a continuing source. Synchronous TDM is a data transfer approach during which there may be a continuous flow of data signals followed by timing signals. It helps to support that the send and therefore the receiver are synchronized with one another.The time slots are broadcasted regardless of whether the sources have any information to transmit or not. Thus, for the benefit of the integrity of execution, the channel space is wasted.Asynchronous TDMAsynchronous TDM is called statistical division multiplexing. It is a method in which time ... Read More

Differentiate between Datagram Approach and Virtual Circuit in Computer Network.

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:24:11

4K+ Views

Datagram ApproachA packet-switching technology in which a packet exists is called a datagram. It is treated as a separate entity. Each packet includes data about the destination, and the switch helps this data forward the packet to the right destination. It is also known as connectionless switching.Virtual CircuitVirtual Circuit is also referred to as connection-oriented switching. A fixed, consistent direction through the transmitter’s network is settled in the virtual circuit method earlier any packets are transmitted. This direction remains constant for the session period.DifferencesThe major differences between the datagram approach and virtual circuit are as follows −Datagram ApproachVirtual CircuitThere is ... Read More

What are the services of Network Security in Computer Network?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:22:58

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Computer network security consists of measures taken by a business or some organizations to monitor and prevent unauthorised access from the outside attackers.Different approaches to computer network security management have different requirements depending on the size of the computer network.For example, a home office requires basic network security, while large businesses require high maintenance to prevent the network from malicious attacks.Network Security ServicesThere are various services of network security which are as follows −Message ConfidentialityMessage confidentiality or privacy means that the sender and the receiver expect confidentiality. The transmitted message must make sense to only the intended receiver. To all ... Read More

What is Quality of Service (QOS)?

Updated on 05-May-2021 10:32:07

18K+ Views

Quality of Service (QOS) determines a network's capability to support predictable service over various technologies, containing frame relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Ethernet, SONET IP-routed networks. The networks can use any or all of these frameworks.The QOS also provides that while supporting priority for one or more flows does not create other flows fail. A flow can be a combination of source and destination addresses, source and destination socket numbers, session identifier, or packet from a specific application or an incoming interface.The QOS is primarily used to control resources like bandwidth, equipment, wide-area facilities etc. It can get more efficient ... Read More

What is Congestion Control Algorithm?

Updated on 01-Nov-2023 06:04:30

46K+ Views

Congestion causes choking of the communication medium. When too many packets are displayed in a method of the subnet, the subnet's performance degrades. Hence, a network's communication channel is called congested if packets are traversing the path and experience delays mainly over the path's propagation delay. There is two congestion control algorithm which is as follows: Leaky Bucket The leaky bucket algorithm discovers its use in the context of network traffic shaping or rate-limiting. The algorithm allows controlling the rate at which a record is injected into a network and managing burstiness in the data rate. ... Read More

What is Cryptography in Computer Network?

Updated on 07-Sep-2023 00:42:24

33K+ Views

Cryptography refers to the science and art of transforming messages to make them secure and immune to attacks. It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can read and process it. Cryptography not only protects data from theft or alteration but can also be used for user authentication.ComponentsThere are various components of cryptography which are as follows −Plaintext and CiphertextThe original message, before being transformed, is called plaintext. After the message is transformed, it is called ciphertext. An encryption algorithm transforms the plaintext into ciphertext; a ... Read More
