Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

What is lateral thinking? Who popularised it?

Knowledge base
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Thinking differently than others in the given situation is called “Lateral thinking”. A UK Psychologist named Dr. Edward de Bono coined the term “Lateral thinking”.An approach straight through a method trained, lets you to a single destination, just like working out step-by-step with the given data, which is called “Vertical thinking”. Sideways thinking which provokes fresh ideas that were never tried before changes the frame of reference you choose to see the solution. Such a different approach to a problem is termed as “Lateral thinking”.Let me tell you that you may not have a clear vision regarding the whole procedure ... Read More

Who is the best VoIP provider in the USA?

Siddhu K
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


When we look for any service, we will gather the information about the product -- whether it gives value for the price, after-sales service and other customers' reviews about the product.When we take all these into consideration, the best Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in the USA is AT & T. My sister and all my cousins are using it for a long time and they say, it is very reliable and service is also very good.

How to know whether your training is effective or not?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The first day of employment for any employee: be a fresher, experienced person, or managerial, will always start off with a training session. The day-long training completes with numerous amount of information, but does so much effort made by the Organization is worth the money invested in the training sessions. We all agree that training is the key to a well-motivated, knowledgeable, and efficient staff.Here we are going to discuss the top reasons on why the training sessions do not help your employees, and why this whole expenditure on training is not fruitful. We will check out the conditions because of ... Read More

What reasons could make your training a flop?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


You have attended a great training session, which was very interactive and all the participants enjoyed the session. Even the trainer was very good, but still, there was not a great outcome from it. What could be the reason?It may be because Service / Customer Satisfaction Scores Are Poor. In other words, you might not have scheduled enough employees to handle responsibilities, like the lunchtime rush, or the cashier stations, or parking during a busy holiday week. There could be many other reasons too:Irrelevant Topics Discussed: We need to evaluate the training properly. Maybe the topic of the training was not ... Read More

Are employees of a company really interested in training?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


There is an old saying"You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink".In the world of Employee Training, it is true in more ways than you think. Some employees don’t want to learn anything out of the training session. They just refuse and rebel against any form of change. It is really important to understand the process of training.It can never be effective if the bunch of people doesn't consist of the right trainer and correct participants. It is a vicious circle. If the customer satisfaction scores are poor, then the solution to it is ‘training of ... Read More

Can Nokia really make a comeback?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The comeback announcement of Nokia has created a stir in the telecom industry as the ability of the brand is not doubtful at all. In 2008, the market share of Nokia was around 40% globally and Nokia also enjoyed a more than 30% global market share in Smartphone during 2010, but it took a deep plunge by 2012 at less than 5 percent.Talk of the TownAfter selling its entire handset business in 2014 to Microsoft, Nokia is currently focusing on Telecom Network Equipment. The announcement of Nokia in the smartphone and tablet business globally has indeed surprised everyone and also ... Read More

How to know when to quit your present company?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


In any industry, you will find two kinds of employees: one who is career-oriented and do not leave any opportunity, and second, that is loyal and remain with their employers for more than a decade. You could be either one of these employees, so which factors should decide whether you should quit your current workplace or not?When You See No Growth: For most people, learning and career progression is a big motivation to continue in a job. If you fall in such a league and if the thought of stability without any growth scares you, it’s time to quit.When You ... Read More

Do companies really conduct genuine quality checking of their products?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


As consumers, our job is to look beyond the words that companies tell us through their product advertisements and find out whether they are true or not. Unfortunately, we could never look beyond our convenience. So yes, fact-checking is just a myth and nothing more than that.Quality CheckingThe companies that encourage such practices (not pointing out anyone in particular) have even built a support ecosystem around it. It’s a known fact that today’s media has become just like any other corporate bosses. But the issue is with the companies who take the money and give way more than the deal’s actual ... Read More

What are the different kinds of advertising frauds?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Now, let me put it this way, according to the rules of Indian advertising you are not allowed to present false or misleading advertisements. By misleading ads we mean, ads with exotic language or without any relevant explanation. If the same thing would’ve been followed by the tech world then most of us would have been charged for malpractice, I am not taking any names again.Smart ConsumerismFor the readers, the tech circle life begins with some launches and after lots of thorough thought, it ends up with your choice of gadget in your hands. In all this process, somewhere in ... Read More

How does the tech industry manipulate its customers?

Anuradha Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Did you know all the articles you read about the reviews of a particular product: about its pros, cons, and ratings from some popular, so-called "authentic and genuine" tech blogs are actually,  just paid ones?In fact, because of these people, the articles with the original product review are pushed to the very end of the priority line by the big tech companies, that can’t seem to get enough affirmation to their success. In some cases, there is no place left for constructive criticism. As you know, criticism also plays an important part in the improvement of technology and its impact on the consumer. ... Read More
