Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

The Scrum Ceremonies – Must To Follow

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 10:18:03


On various occasions when we perform some religious activities, we strictly follow all the rituals without any fail. Whether we follow those rituals fearing GOD or due to our faith and devotions towards the GOD, that’s a separate topic to debate. But our common belief says that the rituals must be followed with full sincerity to get the desired blessings from supreme power.Similarly, while following any frameworks, we must follow all of its methods and processes to get the required benefits from it; Scrum is no exception from them. Scrum has certain principles and processes, when followed completely we will ... Read More

The Importance of Convincing End Customers in a BPO

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 27-Apr-2022 12:17:17


For any business, be it retail, IT or reality, new clients are hard to come by. It often takes months of grueling follow-up with a prospective customer to actually get them on board. This is exactly why it is critical that we value customers we already have and work harder towards attaining fresh clients.Even the leading BPO companies face stiff competition from one another as well as new ventures, thus making customer retention as one of the prime objectives of a business.There are certain companies that are not affected if a customer shifts loyalty. However, the ideal scenario is one ... Read More

Useful Techniques to Conduct Procurement

Sharon Christine
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 12:37:57


It is quite common these days, to have the work outsourced to a third party vendor. Ask me why? Yes, one of the simple reason is that you won’t find the right talent all the time when you look at your internal staff – in the case of services. However, if your organization intends to buy products, then there is always the concept of make vs buy study which needs to be performed to get the cost effective benefit to the firm.Procuring the products or services is an art by itself. It takes a lot of analysis, research to finalize ... Read More

Top 10 Tools and Techniques to Estimate Project Cost

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Apr-2022 11:14:23

10K+ Views

Estimating the project cost can be a scaring exercise for many managers. It is often seen that many project managers across the industries burn the midnight oil to prepare a perfect estimation. Despite all the efforts, when the project cost exceeds the estimated budget, they face a lot of flak from all the corners. Though a perfect and accurate estimation of project cost may sound like climbing onto the peak of Himalayas, but a near perfect, appropriate estimation can be done with the help of few proper tools and techniques.There are a lot of uncertainties associated with the project in ... Read More

Top 10 Sedans Men Love to Drive!

Sharon Christine
Updated on 13-Jan-2020 11:54:43


Men love cars. Often we don’t really know why, but the sound of an internal combustion engine resonates with the thump of the heart! It’s in our instinct. Cars are fun, they are beautiful, sometimes downright dangerous. No wonder, it is mostly men who do the driving across the planet. It is not just a means of transportation, but an Identity.I attempt here to enlist the classiest of sedans that men love to drive. The list is a mix of cars who have varying levels of popularity, outright performance, grandiose elegance and vivacious technology.Maserati Quattroporte SPowered by the 3-litre Twin ... Read More

Difference between Cost Variance and Schedule Variance

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 12:04:38


For any application or specifically for any project the one of the most concern factors are its budget management and time management in both pre development and post development phase. So to evaluate these both prime factors of any project there are many ways among which Cost Variance and Schedule Variance are the two important and main ways.As name suggests Cost Variance is based on cost that has been spent in development of the project while Schedule Variance is based on time that has been spent in same development. So this is the main difference or characteristics about both variances ... Read More

Difference between Cost Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 24-Feb-2020 12:03:12


For any application or specifically for any project the most concern factor is its performance in both pre development and post development phase. So to evaluate the performance of any project there are many ways among which Cost Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI) are the two important and main ways.As name suggests Cost Performance index is based on cost that has been spent in development of the project while Schedule Performance Index is based on time that has been spent in same development. So this is the main difference or characteristics about both indexes however more to ... Read More

Differences between Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 15:00:40


Both Quality Assurance and Quality Control primarily focus on defectfree delivery of an application. Quality Assurance focuses on preventing defects. It ensures that the approaches, techniques, methods and processes designed for the projects are implemented correctly. Quality Control, on the other hand, focuses on identifying the defects. It ensures that the approaches, techniques, methods and processes are designed in the project are followed correctly. Read this article to learn more about quality assurance and quality control and how they are different from each other. What is Quality Assurance? Quality Assurance, also known as QA, focuses on preventing defects. It is ... Read More

What is the role of Rash Behari Bose in the Indian independence movement?

Ishita K
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Rash Behari Bose was involved and played a crucial role in the Ghadar Revolution, which was a plan to attack the British army from the inside. Rash Behari Bose was the founding father of Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauz) which was later capitalized by Subhash Chandra Bose. The Indian National Army was formed by Indian nationalists in 1942 in Southeast Asia during the World War II, which always aimed for a secure Indian independence from British rule.He was very much interested in the revolutionary activities starting from his childhood life, and other than the Indian National Army, Jugantar, was ... Read More

Why is feedback necessary for good business?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Every business and every company needs feedback. The question is, why is this feedback so important to run a business?Let us look at some of the reasons why feedback is necessary for any good business:Honest feedback helps the business grow. Based on the feedback, the entrepreneurs make changes in their strategies and work towards making their products/services better. Online businesses rely more on the feedback because it is easy for a consumer to give brutally honest feedback on the website.It improves the customer experience/engagement. If you react to the customer feedback and solve the issue, that will give a positive ... Read More
