Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

Avoid Scope Creep: Control Your Project Scope

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 06:34:18


Let us discuss our favorite and one of the champion Project Manager Mr. K, who is working in a renowned software product company. He is successfully managing a project for last seven months. All his stakeholders, including the client, are very pleased with the project progress so far. Also, the senior management of his company is impressed by the way he is managing the project and generating the revenue for last seven months. It’s a big client, already two more big projects of the same client have been delivered by his company a few months back.One day, he got an ... Read More

Snapshot of Agile Software Development

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 13:10:23


Software Development Methodology involves a comprehensive set of activities where there exists an ordering relationship between activities. In the absence of any predefined ordering relationship, the ability to produce the desired product may go for a toss. Be it any software development methodology – the goal of all software development methodologies is to produce good quality software and deliver it to the customers within the mutually agreed deadlines.Let us first understand the purpose of specifying the Agile Software Development Methodology whose manifesto essentially comprises the following −Individuals and Interactions − Individuals can be anybody who is involved either directly or ... Read More

How is Amazon’s New kindle one of the Best E-Readers?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:34:51


Facebook has introduced Graph search, several months back, if you already have it, then you might be wondering what’s great about it. The short answer could be, a lot of things. Given below are the clever ways as to how to use the graph search and in case, if you do not have it then find few reasons to sign up to get it if you do not have it already.For BusinessesBusiness Owners can BenefitIt helps identify who your customers areWhat are their favorite interests and hobbiesHelps Identify the interests of the competitor companiesHelp Identify the employees who like your ... Read More

Resource Crunch: A Nightmare for Project Managers during Deadline

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:25:17


When everything goes well, nobody cares about the project’s resources, they become a dime a dozen. And smart project managers always keep their resource plan with them for any unwanted situation. But, the problem comes when the project is hitting the deadlines and some of your activities are far away from completion and you are not able to achieve the target with the planned, committed and available resources. Then these Project Managers caught between two stools, either the deadline will be missed, or include additional resources whoever is available to complete the work in allotted time.But the biggest problem here ... Read More

WBS – Simplify your Work to save Cost and Time

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:27:36


Let’s discuss a scenario, you bought a piece of land in the outskirts of the city. It is a calm and quite place, surroundings with green lush nature. A pleasant escape from the busy and noisy city life. You love to build a house there to stay forever.So, as planned, you have started to build your house, and hired the Laborer, Masons, Carpenters etc., and also purchased the raw materials. Fixed a specific time period to complete the work.Coming to the most important part is the budget. For that, you take expert opinions from your friends and neighbors, who had ... Read More

Useful Techniques To Identify Your Project Risk

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 12:10:05


Before starting a long journey on your car, isn’t it a general practice to check all the vital components of it? Most of us do check the conditions of important parts like tyres, oil levels, lights, mirrors etc to ensure that they are running in good conditions. But, what is the necessity of doing that? That’s because we want to ensure that at least we will not face any problem on the way just because of our carelessness. But the uncertainty is still there, you never know when any unexpected events left you high and dry on a lonely highway.You ... Read More

Understanding the Objectives of a Business Requirements Document

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 13:08:23

1K+ Views

To get what we want, we need to accurately define it. Business requirements are the critical activities of an enterprise that must be performed to meet the organizational objectives while remaining solution independent.Here are some common questions which might ring a bell in you. Has a client ever told you that the product delivered is not performing as requested? Was there a change in the deliverable after beginning to build the product? Has there been a difference of opinion about end results from multiple stakeholders? Has there been new requirements requested after the product has been built?Preparing a good business ... Read More

Planning and Scheduling Tools for Project Management

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 11:30:05


We are living in a fast paced competitive world, where everybody wants his work to be completed as soon as possible. The industries across the world also have not escaped from this mindset. The customers who buys the products and services; the companies who provides those, and the employees who works on those projects, everybody has that pressure to get the job done on or before time. So it is the need of the hour to prepare project schedule more accurately and cautiously.Let’s discuss a scenario which can happen to any project, if proper schedule management processes are not in ... Read More

Outlook Tips and Tricks for Efficient Work Productivity

Sharon Christine
Updated on 17-Jan-2020 10:58:56


Millions of people use Microsoft Outlook for managing their email, meetings, and contacts. It offers so many features but few of us really know how to make the most of its features. When you use these useful features effectively, Microsoft Outlook enables you to do your work seamlessly and as efficiently as possible.Few of tips and tricks are listed belowAvoid Repeated Typing with Quick PartsIf you need to use a standard passage of text over and over again, save it as a Quick Part for easy insertion in emails. To do so, simply highlight the text in the composer window, ... Read More

Myths Around Agile - Scrum Framework

Sharon Christine
Updated on 14-Jul-2020 07:44:05


In our childhood, we used to listen to many stories from our Parents, Grandparents and also Teachers in the school. There are stories about Kings and Queens, Prince and Princes, Dogs and Monkeys etc., a wide range of stories from fictions, drama, and actions to stories with morals. One of such famous stories called as “The Sour Grapes”, where the fox jumped again and again to eat the grapes from the tree, but when he couldn’t reach to that height after many attempts, he declared that the grapes are sour.You can see the same state of affairs also occurs in ... Read More
