Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

Differentiate between revenue and turnover.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:10:42


The major differences between revenue and turnover are as follows −RevenueIt is the total value of goods sold by a company.It is the money earned by selling goods/services.It effects the profitability of a company.It calculates the gross profit, net profit and operating profit.It determines growth of the company.The types of revenue are operating revenue and non-operating revenue.It is mandatory to report on income statement.TurnoverIt is an income generated by trading of goods/services.It is makes/burns of the asset by a company.It effects the efficiency of a company.It calculates inventory turnover ratio, asset turnover ratio, sale turnover ratio, accounts receivable and accounts ... Read More

Compare marginal tax rate and effective tax rate.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:09:39


The major differences between marginal tax rate and effective tax rate are as follows −Marginal Tax RateIt is additional tax paid on additional dollar is earned.It’s a percentage of income paid on additional dollar earned.Different tax rates are applicable.Amount paid is higher (calculated amount).Higher income people/companies pays more taxes.Taxation goes down when income decreases.Not good for business expansion and is a complicated method.Effective Tax RateIt is tax paid on taxable income.Its percentage of income paid on taxes.Multiple tax rates are applicable.The tax amount is less (compared to marginal tax rate).It has diversified impact.It has minimal impact when income decreases.It promotes ... Read More

What are the differences between limited partner and general partner?

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:08:24


The major differences between limited partner and general partner are as follows −Limited partnerLiable to extend of investment made.Ownership is predefined in agreement.Minimal control partner.Profit/loss is shared according to investment proportion.It has complex structure.More paperwork is required.Less participation in day to day business activities.General PartnerIt has unlimited lability.It has equal ownership right.More control as compared to limited partner.Profit/loss shared equally or according to agreement.It has simple structure.Less paperwork is required.Major participation in day to day business activities.

Write the difference between calendar year and fiscal year.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:07:35


The major differences between calendar year and fiscal year are as follows −Calendar yearIt has fixed time period.It is used in normal life undertaking.It includes 365 days (from January 1st to December 31st).Tax reporting is easy.MNC’s Financials is simple.Easy to compare financials of different companies.Fiscal yearBusiness can choose its starting date as per their requirement.It is used to prepare business accounting, financial reporting and tax reporting.12 months’ period is there in a fiscal year.Tax reporting is complicated as compared to calendar year.MNC’s financial is time taking.Comparison of financials of different companies is difficult.Read More

Compare limited liability companies and partnership.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:06:26


The major differences between limited liability companies and partnership are as follows −Limited liability companiesPartnershipsOffers features of both partnership and a body corporate.It is governed by Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.Registration is mandatory with the ministry of corporate affairs.Charter document is LLP agreement.Liability is limited to capital contribution (except for fraud cases).Can be sued/sue in its nameThey have separate legal status.Name of the firm contains LLP in its suffix.No limit for maximum partnersThere is perpetual succession.Audit of account is mandatory, only if turnover is above 40 lakhs and capital is above 25 lakhs.LLP can’t be converted to partnership.Cost of formation ... Read More

Distinguish between stock option and Restricted share unit (RSU).

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:04:12


The major differences between stock option and Restricted share unit (RSU) are as follows −Stock OptionIt is right to employee to buy fixed share at a fixed price and time.The employees receive stock after vesting period.Stock is used as a mode of payment.Taxes on non- qualified stock and incentive stock.Market price (stock) is greater than grant price.The shareholders have full rights.There are voting rights and dividends.There is no exercise price.Restricted Share Unit (RSU)It is an assurance by a company to pay the amount of stock/cash after questing period is completed.The employees can get tax benefits after vesting period.The mode is ... Read More

What are differences between EBITA and operating income?

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:02:16


The major differences between EBITA and operating income are as follows −EBITAEBITDA is defined as sum of EBIT, depreciation and amortisation (or) sum of net profit, taxes, interest, depreciation and amortisation.It tells about company’s profit earning capacity.The earning capacity of an organisation is calculated.It is not recognised by GAAP.The adjustments are made (depreciation/Amortisation).It is calculated prior to operating income calculation.Operating incomeOperating income is defined as difference between net sales, cost of goods sold and operating expenses.It tells about the profit earned due to operating activities.It calculates how much revenue is converted into profit.It is recognised by GAAP.No adjustments (depreciation/amortisation) are ... Read More

Write the difference between EBITDA and net income.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:01:34


The major differences between EBITDA and net income are as follows −EBITAIt calculates profit making ability of a firm.The earning potential of a company can be calculated.EBITDA is defined as sum of EBIT, depreciation and amortisation (or) sum of net profit, taxes, interest, depreciation and amortisation.Tells about money income generated before expenses (taxes, interests, depreciation and amortisation).There is Overstates the cash flow.It is used by start-ups.Net incomeIt indicates total earnings of a company.It calculates earning per shares (EPS).Net income is defined as difference between revenue and cost of doing business.It tells about total earnings after reducing expenses (interest, tax, depreciation ... Read More

Differentiate between EBIT AND EBITDA.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 08:00:29


The major differences between EBIT and EBITDA are as follows −EBITEBIT refers to Earnings Before Interest and Tax.It measures company’s profit.Operation results are represented on accrual basis.EBIT is defined as difference between revenue and operating expenses.Depreciation/amortisation is taken into account.When capital intensive is less, financial markets gives priority to this ratio.EBITDAEBITDA refers to Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation.It measures actual operating performance of a firm.Operation results are represented on cash flow basis.EBITDA is defined as difference between revenue and operating expenses.Depreciation/amortisation are not taken into account.When sectors are capital intensive, financial markets will emphasize this.Read More

Compare EBIT and operating income.

Updated on 27-Jul-2020 07:59:16


The major differences between EBIT and operating income are as follows −EBITIt calculates company’s profitability.It is used to understand the company’s profit making capacity.It is not recognised by GAAP.The adjustments are made.The non-operated expenses are also considered.It is not reported in financial statements.Operating incomeIt calculates profit gained through operations.It is used to know company’s capacity to convert their revenues into profit.It is recognised by GAAP.There is no need for adjustments.Only operating expenses are considered.It is reported in the financial statements.
