Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

Difference between Vendor Name and Company Name

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 17:00:09

4K+ Views

Establishing a new business and overseeing an existing one are not easy responsibilities. The success and profitability of a business can be affected by a wide variety of internal and external variables, such as its branding, corporate structure, sales and marketing strategies, and product suppliers. Although many may not know, the vendor name and the company name are not the same things. What is Vendor Name? This is a phrase used to describe a company or person whose services or goods are sold to the next participant in the distribution chain. The term "vendor name" can refer to either the ... Read More

Difference between Subject Matter Expert and Team Leader

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:23:19


Companies nowadays must contend with a very competitive business climate. In light of this, businesses must maintain a high level of competitiveness. One of the most significant factors in a company's success is the caliber of its leadership and the depth of its knowledge base. Sales and marketing professionals, for instance, have established benchmarks they must meet to ensure the continued success of their businesses. To achieve this goal, the aid of a team leader is required. Despite the significance of leadership duties, the dissemination of information is of paramount importance in the global economy. Therefore, it is important ... Read More

Difference between Strategist and Consultant

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:21:02


People seek advice on a wide range of issues throughout their lives, from their personal lives and relationships to their businesses and careers. Most often, people turn to coaches, strategists, and consultants for guidance, but one may also rely on other sorts of experts, depending on their needs. Despite common usage, there is a difference between the two notions. Who is a Strategist? A strategist is someone whose job is to devise an overarching plan for achieving an organization's objectives and then implement that plan. A strategic thinker knows how to employ the best means to achieve desired outcomes. Design, ... Read More

Difference between Product Orientation and Market Orientation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 15:40:32

3K+ Views

Prioritizing a marketing plan is a necessary component of running a company. Any number of marketing strategies can be used by a company, but the one chosen must align with the company's goals and be feasible given the company's structure and resources. Business owners and managers might seek advice from business strategists when deciding between a market focus, product focus, production focus, or sales focus. This should only be done once a thorough understanding of the components of each marketing strategy and the likely responses of the target audience has been attained. The two concepts share a lot of similarities, ... Read More

The Product Concept of Marketing Management

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:53:31

2K+ Views

A business exists to maximize profit, serve its customers, and serve society in the best possible manner. Businesses provide products or services to their customers or end consumers for a fee to serve them. This has been the age-old agenda of the business for its survival, although many modifications have been coming by the change in environment and customer expectations. There have been five different marketing concepts that are still relevant. These concepts help us understand the workings of the business and what it aims for. Marketing Concepts Marketing, in simple terms, means selling products that satisfy consumers. ... Read More

Red Ocean and Blue Ocean Market Strategies

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:52:42


Red Ocean and Blue Ocean strategies help us understand the market space the launch of a new product will be facing. These strategies help the entrepreneur make the right decisions and implement strategies that will help the product survive and excel in the business environment. Understanding the Red Ocean and the Blue Ocean Marketing Strategies These terms were first coined by Renée Mauborgne and Chan Kim. Red Ocean’s marketplace strategy applies to the products which are launched into an existing, well-defined, and developed market space. In this sense, in this market space, there are competitors and the firms are ... Read More

Effects of Advertisement on Consumer Behavior

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:43:52

28K+ Views

We live in an era where the visible product is the product that sells. A company can adopt various methods to inform consumers about the existence of the product, and some of the methods are Sales promotion − Providing the consumers with trial packs of the product. It is a paid form of communication. For example, test drives, free shampoo sachets, and others Public relations − It means informing the consumers about the existence of the product through press conferences, news stories, and others. It can be both a paid and unpaid form of communication. Word of mouth ... Read More

Difference between Outsourcing and Vendor Management

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:42:02


Business management is the first concern for any firm, no matter the size or field. This enhances the company's capacity for cost control, risk mitigation, and long-term viability. Due to the inherent difficulty of the task at hand, organizations may opt to employ a variety of methods, such as outsourcing or vendor management. What is Outsourcing Management? Since its discovery in 1989, outsourcing has been an integral part of company strategies. However, the loss of employment in many countries has made this policy controversial, despite its widespread acceptance as a cost-cutting measure. It's also employed to free up in-house resources ... Read More

Difference between Nonprofit and Foundation

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:37:06


It's safe to assume that everyone has heard the terms "foundation, " "nonprofit, " and "charity" before in the course of normal life. It is possible that we frequently use these terms interchangeably and erroneously. It will be demonstrated in the next section that while all of these phrases refer to organizations with the goal of helping the less fortunate in society, there are important differences between them in terms of how they are created, who rules them, and where their funding originates from. What are Nonprofit Organizations? This is a nonprofit with a specific social mission that invests its ... Read More

Project Management Methodologies

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 15:48:03


Are you planning to become a project manager? The first thing you should consider learning when starting a career in this field is the suitable methodology. There are over 8, 000 project management methodologies. So, which one should you choose? Whether you are starting from scratch or have experience and certifications in project management, your success depends on how well you implement the selected methodology. Each option has a set of rules, principles, and lists that you must comply with at every stage of management. In this post, we are going to discuss the most popular, helpful, and easy-to-apply project ... Read More
