Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

How to Effectively Capitalize the Wearables Market?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:17:06


Introduction The market for wearables has never had a good reputation. At the outset, most observers of the market incorrectly predicted that the number of units sold would be about equivalent to that of mobile phones. The truth, however, has been very different. The previous few years have seen essentially no growth in sales. Early sales projections for wearables were inflated for the same reason that their worth has been grossly underestimated. Wearable Technology: A Brief Overview Let's quickly review the history of the wearables market and its current state. One might be forgiven for thinking that Apple was ... Read More

How to Design a Moment Marketing Campaign?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:15:00


Introduction Some years ago, the concept of "moment marketing, " or real-time marketing, swept the marketing industry by storm. In order to bridge the gap between traditional and digital audiences, businesses must be proactive and find ways to incorporate their wares into cutting-edge cultural phenomena. Getting your message across successfully depends on delivering it at the optimal moment to the intended receivers. And that is why it is often referred to as the Right Time Marketing. Let’s look at some of the guidelines to start providing the clients an exceptional service that will not only result in sales, but also ... Read More

Conversational Marketing - Strategies and Examples

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:11:30


Introduction: What is Conversational Marketing? Conversational marketing, also known as Feedback-Oriented Marketing, is a strategy used by businesses to increase client base size, foster customer loyalty, and, eventually, increase revenue. Conversational marketing is built on the rational principle of paying attention to the demands of your current and future clients. Your company's brand may be distinguished, and potential customers may be persuaded to interact with your product or service if you are prepared to include customer feedback in your marketing plan. New channels of connection with clients have been made possible by the growth of social media and other ... Read More

Channels Employed in Viral Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 14:08:00


What are the Different Channels Employed in Viral Marketing? Viral marketing is the quick transmission or transfer of information about a company, brand, or product through the media. It has helped thousands of marketers improve the growth of their businesses and has worked quite effectively for them. Additionally, it is quite simple to accomplish in the contemporary digital age because individuals are so resistant to social media. Unconventional PR In theory, sending an automobile into space falls within the category of unorthodox PR. Or a publicity stunt that receives a lot of attention. For example, the brand Airtime invited ... Read More

What is Shotgun Approach in Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:59:21


Definition: Shotgun Approach in Marketing Instead of targeting a specific audience with their advertising, "shotgun" marketing aims to get the word out about a product to as many individuals as possible. Shotguns are the actual inspiration for this name, as they disperse a huge number of tiny pellets across a broad region rather than a single bullet. Like the shot from a real shotgun, this advertising approach targets a huge group of people all at once. The "shotgun" method of advertising aims to reach as many people as possible. We would look at two cases, one online and one offline. ... Read More

What are the Best Practices in Visual Marketing?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:53:46


What is Visual Marketing? In visual marketing, marketing messages are linked to visuals, including pictures, graphics, infographics, videos, logos, signage, and more. With visual marketing, you focus on the physical product rather than just the words. Marketing campaigns that use images have been shown to increase interaction between brands and their target audiences, much as the way that pictures enhance the appeal of social media postings. To be successful in advertising, your ads need to elicit a response from the target audience, be it a click, a download, or a buy. Psychologists consider that visual components assist us to recall ... Read More

Shotgun Approach vs. Rifle Approach in Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:51:35

1K+ Views

Definition: Shotgun Approach Marketers that take a "shotgun" approach use a broad variety of promotional tactics (both above- and below-the-line) in an effort to reach as many potential buyers as possible. When a company has a target audience that is too broad to be divided into manageable subsets, this is the case. Marketers choose ATL & BTL methods like TV advertising, billboards, radio spots, and more to reach as many people as possible, much like a shotgun that discharges a high number of tiny pellets over a broad region. With this method, marketers aim for broad appeal by concentrating on ... Read More

Pyramid Structure Marketing Vs. Network Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:45:38


What is Network Marketing? Network marketing is a common option for those seeking flexible work schedules and a low initial investment. Network marketing includes some of the most well-known American brands, such as Avon, Mary Kay, and Tupperware. With network marketing, you may sell a product line to friends, family, and acquaintances with little to no overhead costs (often only a few hundred dollars for the purchase of a product sample kit) and a high potential for personal profit. Participants in most network marketing schemes are also expected to find and attract new salespeople to join the network. A salesperson's ... Read More

How does Cause Marketing Work?

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 12:45:25


What is Cause Marketing? To boost revenues and bring about social change, businesses and non-profits often work together in a strategy known as "cause marketing." Its marketing efforts emphasise corporate responsibility and activist ideals. By using this method, a business may strengthen its relationships with local communities while also boosting its brand's visibility and differentiating itself from the competition. Types of Cause Marketing Initiatives There are several types of cause marketing initiatives that businesses run. Point-of-Sale A cashier could ask for donations instead of money when a customer is ready to pay for an item. Various donation-related adverts are ... Read More

Aggressive Marketing vs. Discrete Marketing

Abhishek Sengupta
Updated on 22-Dec-2022 11:33:57

1K+ Views

Introduction The idea of marketing has evolved from aggressive to discrete: from the old marketing that is equal to all to marketing that is targeted to a specific group or even to a single individual. This rule is followed by business executives as well. Let us now look at both these marketing strategies in detail. Aggressive Marketing Modern technology advancements have an impact on digital marketing, which has grown within the ambit of marketing and is now a part of marking as a unique scientific subject. Because the generations that have emerged in the new millennium, have no need to ... Read More
