Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

What Are the Different Types of Productivity?

Pavan Sharma
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 15:34:33

1K+ Views

Every business must assess its productivity to ensure that its time and resources are being put to good use. Inefficient businesses incur high expenditures and waste resources. All successful businesses prioritize cutting expenses and boosting productivity in order to boost revenues. In order to maximize each productivity type, it is essential to understand them. What Is Productivity? Productivity is often defined as the number of outputs produced per unit of input. Corporate businesses track the effectiveness of their production process to determine how productive they are. It is determined either by the number of units a business generates per hour ... Read More

Two Major Documents of Project Management - Project Charter and Project Scope

Pavan Sharma
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 15:33:22


The project charter and the project scope are two important papers that makeup project management. At the beginning of a project, both the project charter and the project scope statement are created. Throughout the project, they are utilized to determine whether or not the project is headed in the right path. The creation of a project charter and scope statement is crucial. According to studies, poor planning results in 39% of initiatives failing. What is a Project Charter? One of the most crucial and significant papers for each project is the project charter. It serves as the project's initial document ... Read More

Productivity Tools You Should Know

Pavan Sharma
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 15:43:33


Being productive is vital, and everyone is constantly striving towards being more productive. People prefer more things to be done with less effort. However in this era of more distractions in the personal and digital space, staying productive is very important. It takes more than individual efforts to stay productive, thus productivity tools are required. What Are Productivity Tools? Productivity is the measure of the efficiency of a person on a particular work. Productivity tools are electronic tools designed in order to simplify tasks, and streamline workflow. It often includes features to access documents easily, create charts and graphs to ... Read More

What is an Issue Log: Project Management

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 11:07:21


Unidentified conflicts, problems, and inconsistencies that occur during the course of a project's life cycle are known as issues. These can affect the quality of the project and its stakeholder expectations. If the project's management does not resolve these issues, it might cause delays or failure to deliver the promised deliverables. What is an Issue Log? The issue log is a set of documentation elements that help manage a software project. It contains a list of closed and active issues. While it can serve as a way to keep track of errors, it can also be used to address other ... Read More

What is a Deliverable in Project Management?

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:54:58


The results of a project are known as deliverables, and they can be small or large. These are the things that the project management team and its stakeholders agree upon following the project's planning phase. Deliverables, such as data, resources, and other technical components, are produced after the project has been completed. Various factors affect the types of deliverables that are delivered. For instance, a product or service might be a deliverable, while the documentation that accompanies the project might be part of the project's closure. Projects often need to develop capabilities that can be used to complete a task. ... Read More

What are Organizational Process Assets (OPA)?

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:53:51

1K+ Views

Most organizations have developed a variety of tools and templates that help them manage their projects. These tools can be used in various ways, such as by creating contracts, assessments, and templates. Organizations can also learn more about themselves through lessons learned. Organizational process assets (OPAs) are the various pieces of equipment that an organization can use to manage its projects. These include plans, procedures, and guidelines, which are very important for planning stages. Whether your project is short or long-term, these are must-haves. What is an Organizational Process Asset (OPA)? An organization's process asset is a collection of assets ... Read More

The Role of Leadership in Project Management

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:52:23

1K+ Views

Projects in any organization are very important and require the full dedication and concentration of all involved participants. The success or failure of such undertakings can influence the direction that the company believes the project should take. One of the most crucial tasks that any individual can perform is project management, especially in today's business environment where changes can happen at any moment. The success of any project depends on its leaders, as they have all the necessary authority to make all the necessary decisions and manage the project. What is Project Leadership? One of the most important skills that ... Read More

The Importance of Defining Project Acceptance Criteria

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:49:53


The success or failure of a project depends on its management. This process involves making sure that everything goes smoothly during the entire project's completion. Whether the team is tasked with developing a website or software, the process has to be completed in phases. The process begins with gathering the necessary information and developing a strategy. Then, various stages are handled by different teams. These include the quality check, development, and final product delivery. Project managers are responsible for making sure that the teams work together seamlessly and deliver the project on time. They also set the standards that the ... Read More

Project Management Consultant: Job Description, Skills

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:47:21


A project management consultant is a professional who helps organizations improve their processes and quality by developing and implementing solutions. He or she can also serve as a team leader and implement these strategies. These professionals are valuable assets to an organization as they can help the stakeholders identify and address issues related to their projects. Usually, a project management consultant is responsible for managing multiple projects at the same time. These projects can be business-specific or enterprise-wide initiatives. In this article, we'll talk about the various aspects of a project management consultant job and provide you with a general ... Read More

Project Documentation and Its Importance

Gargi Tomar
Updated on 23-Jan-2023 10:44:12


It's a daunting task for a project manager to create and maintain documentation for a complex project. They are usually tasked with delivering high-quality work, and they have to manage various constraints during the course of a project. Most project managers don't appreciate the importance of documentation during their busy schedules. However, even though they may not be able to spend a lot of time on the task, a good project manager should still keep in mind that documentation is very important. What is Project Documentation? The project documentation is a collection of documents created by the project manager during ... Read More
