Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

Project Management Maturity-Where Does Your Organization Lie?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:57:23


The project management maturity model is a concept that shows how your project management methods evolve over time. Just like your company changes its procedures, technology, and employee as it expands, it also upgrades its management approach. Note that PMM is not a hard-and-fast rule. It is a rather flexible approach that gives you a glimpse of the features and traits of a great project management process. It doesn’t guarantee that your company will move between different levels and adapt to the latest management approaches. But, if the PMM concept is implemented correctly, chances are your organization and the team ... Read More

An Agile Approach to Project Management?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:54:58


Different companies have implemented different project management approaches. What’s working for your competitors may not necessarily be the most suitable project management method for your business. One of the most popular project management approaches that have been gaining immense popularity lately is agile methodology. It’s an iterative approach that breaks down a large and complex project into several small steps, all of which can be adjusted as you work on the project. Instead of a linear method, agile project management methodology promotes a flexible management plan that helps you execute projects in a flexible and efficient manner. In this post, ... Read More

3 Essential Project Management Skills and How to Hone Them?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:53:19


As businesses struggle to deliver complex projects in a timely fashion without compromising on quality, the demand for project managers has been growing exponentially. Businesses, whether small or large corporations are looking for skilled project managers. They need someone who can guide the team correctly and build a positive environment in the workplace that supports seamless collaboration among employees. Anyone can become a project manager after taking the PMP test and enrolling in other certification courses to learn the basics of management. However, it takes experience, practice, and the right set of skills to master this. That’s because project management ... Read More

Valuable Skills to Make you the Best Quality Manager?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:46:29


Every project requires a dedicated manager that handles all operations—from taking care of the quality to ensuring seamless execution of the project. A quality manager, for instance, is supposed to take care of the project's quality. They also ensure that the quality is maintained throughout the project and the final product satisfies the end user. They guide their teams in the right direction and follow the best management practices that bring the best output. Completing your lean sigma certification course is the first step in advancing your career in quality management. Let's first discuss the meaning of quality management, and ... Read More

Important Tips to Achieve Success in Green Belt Projects?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 15:47:49


Time management, communication, and collaboration are the three most crucial pillars of every project. Customers expect the best quality in the end product. They don’t just want the product to look good, but it must resolve their pain points. To achieve that, businesses are focusing on six-sigma-certified project managers. These are skilled and certified professionals with years of experience in solving all kinds and complexities of projects efficiently. Achieving a green belt in six sigma is one of the most important steps in growing your career in this industry and becoming a recognized and valued project manager. It also helps ... Read More

The Best Practices for Client Relationship Management

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:03:49


Without an effective client relationship management strategy, getting new clients can be just as challenging as retaining them. It's important to remember that if you are not managing your new client properly, all your money and effort could be wasted. You can manage your client relationships better by using some unorthodox methods. First of all, let’s understand what client relationship management means. What do you Understand by Client Relationship Management? It is the process of maintaining relationships with prospects, new clients, and current clients. It includes the following steps − A system for tracking and managing your clients ... Read More

The best design thinking Blogs to Read as a Beginner

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:01:16


In the age of the internet, we can connect with so many different companies and groups that benefit us. Several decades ago, we might not have been able to find new opportunities and peers. It hasn't taken more than a decade or so for blogs to become a significant part of the online world and a superb way to create content for others to enjoy. Popular Design Thinking Blogs You can learn a lot from these UX blogs, design thinking, and CX thought leaders. On these sites, you will find tips, best practices, and interesting stories about design thinking, customer ... Read More

How to Create an Impactful Business Proposal?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 17:59:09


The initial stages of a new business are a challenging time for many business owners because they don't know how to write a business proposal. You might not consider proposing your business for a project as soon as you have developed your products, the business plans, and all other aspects of your business. Businesses underestimate its importance. You can use your business proposal to create a plan of action, secure funding, identify your brand's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and serve as a guide for its future, even if it doesn't have an immediate benefit. This guide will help you write ... Read More

Why Sustainability is Important in Project Management?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 17:54:38


In order to improve the business conditions of an organization, a project manager might evaluate ways to improve the project. A project's sustainability is one component that they might investigate to ensure it will be able to continue to meet the needs of the project over time. You can use this concept in the project management world if you understand why it's important. Our article discusses what project sustainability is and how it is affected by project managers. Sustainable Projects: What are They? Project sustainability refers to the ability of a team to execute a project successfully. It allows ... Read More

Things to Know about Schedule Network Diagram

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 17:48:56


A project schedule network diagram is a proven technique for determining and documenting the sequence of activities, taking interdependencies into account, when scheduling projects. In Project Management, what is a Network Diagram? Network diagrams should be familiar to you whether you are a project manager or a team member. Project network diagrams are important because they help teams look after the activities they need to complete over the course of a project, as well as providing crucial contexts such as task duration and dependency. What Do You Understand by Project Network? Project networks display the activities within the project, ... Read More
