Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

What are the Top Elements of Business Leadership?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:49:10


To ensure effective leadership, it’s important to understand that leadership is much more than working for organizational goals. Of course, as a business leader, your main job is to facilitate all resources for your team so that they can work on the long-term organizational objectives. Leadership is not about telling your employees what to do. It’s more of a systematic and consistent approach, which requires the leader to hone their skills and continue to be a great leader. Top Elements of Business Leadership A leader has much more responsibilities than any member of your organization. Since they are supposed ... Read More

What are the 5 Cs of Leadership?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:47:13


The biggest goal of any leader is to improve employee engagement. The engagement affects your employees' productivity, desire to contribute to organizational growth, and ability to do routine tasks. The company’s leadership plays a pivotal role in employee engagement. A great leader is someone that employees feel great to talk to. They don’t just set the mission and vision for the organization but work as an active member of the company, helping the teams achieve their goals. As a leader, you should ask yourself these questions − Do people trust my leadership? Do I do what I preach? ... Read More

Top Tips for Building a Strong Leadership Team

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:45:13


Building a strong leadership team is the most important step in achieving success. Setting corporate goals is easy, but working on them and ensuring that your human resources and projects are aligned with the organizational objectives is pretty challenging. Do you know 40% of leaders fail within the first 18 months? What do you think is the reason behind the increasing number of leadership failure cases? The success of a business depends on multiple factors, from stellar customer service to a streamlined workflow. The leadership team also matters. A great leadership team that consists of qualified, trained, and experienced ... Read More

Understanding the 5 Critical Roles in Project Management

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:23:26


We have seen tremendous changes in the project management industry in the last two decades. Projects are much more than occasional tasks that are to be finished within the allotted time. It’s rather seen as something that contributes to the company's long-term growth. That’s why when a manager selects or approves a project, they take several factors into consideration. The most important of all is the project’s alignment with the company’s strategic objectives. Gone are the days when managers would accept just about any project. Today, they pick projects that contribute to the company’s corporate goals. To handle all ... Read More

Effective Way for Project Status Communication

Ruda Rabbani
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:16:01


A project is a series of specific tasks performed in a predefined order to achieve an objective. Projects are assigned to teams, and the team's size depends on the project's size. Every project has some financial limitations, and it should be completed within a specific time limit. Projects are broken down into small modules and then handed over to team members according to their areas of expertise. To make a project successful, a team of people with the knowledge and required skill sets for that project is created. A project has an objective that will add value to the business, ... Read More

Creating and Maintaining a WBS Dictionary

Ruda Rabbani
Updated on 09-Feb-2023 11:13:55


The work breakdown structure provides a roadmap to carry out specific activities of the project in a pre-defined manner to avoid confusion and conflict among the teammates. so that any friction in the production process can be reduced to a minimum and the activities carried out smoothly. What is a WBS? Work breakdown structure is a tool to manage the activities of the project; WBS decomposes the activities of large projects into smaller tasks and then distributes them among the specialized professionals to carry out their respective activities, and all the project data is maintained in the WBS dictionary. ... Read More

A Complete Guide to Handling a Project

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:26:11


Handling a project from start to finish can be a cumbersome task for someone new to the field. The project manager has to be on a constant lookout to ensure that every task under the project is running smoothly. The time-tested project management processes help the manager break down the project into phases and tasks and manage it effectively and efficiently. Project Management Processes to Handle a Project Project Management essentially involves 5 phases − Project Initiation This is the first stage where you define the purpose of starting the new project and a broad-level view of the business ... Read More

How to Use Search Intent for Keyword Research that Gets Results?

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:19:27


For any marketer out there, the customer should be the king. They must serve their customers come what may and in the best possible way. Google has done this since its inception and its dominance is not unknown. 92 percent of all the searches online, take place on Google. That means no one is even close. But why is Google a go-to place for everyone? Why does only Google come to our mind when we think of search engines? Because Google has done the grind. Google evolved with the changing times. It kept on adding features like Google Images, Google ... Read More

CSR vs CSV: Not the same?

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:12:10


Since 2011, when Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, first coined the term CSV, it is often confused with CSR and at times used interchangeably. There is a big difference between the two concepts. This article aims to explain how these two concepts are distinct and which one is better. What is CSR? CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. In simplest terms, it is the use of a company's economic resources for philanthropic purposes. It is self-regulatory in nature. It allows companies to be socially accountable to themselves, their stakeholders as well the general public. There are numerous ... Read More

Analyzing the Culture of an Organization: Competing Value Framework?

Mayank Singh
Updated on 08-Feb-2023 16:07:30


If one walked into the headquarters of Patagonia, an American company that designs gear for silent sports (climbing, surfing, or skiing), he/she would see employees wearing shorts and slippers. After work, some of the employees might go surfing. The ambiance inside the headquarter is vibrant where people work hard and have a lot of fun at the same time. On the other side of the spectrum, if one entered the headquarters of Exxon Mobil, an American multinational oil and gas corporation, he/she would notice people with typical business attires seriously doing their work. The atmosphere exudes competitiveness and rigor. Why ... Read More
