Found 699 Articles for Companies/Organisations

How Can Leaders Improve Problem-Solving Abilities?

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 14:36:10


If there’s one thing we have learned from the COVID pandemic, it’s that problems can crop up at any time and without any warning. Some problems can be fixed easily, but others are complex and require skilled leaders who know how to deal with them without disrupting the workflow. With the type of problems, we experience in our day-to-day lives and jobs, it seems like there’s no ideal way to manage them without facing the negative consequences. Most of these problems create a great deal of tension in the workplace. The managers usually find a shortcut or a temporary ... Read More

3 Critical Skills Middle Managers Must Develop

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 14:34:57


Almost all organizations follow a top-down hierarchy, with senior administrators at the top, including CEOs and CFOs. The admins have essential roles in operating their core business processes and even running more than one organization or sister concerns. There is another vital role called middle manager, who oversees the day-to-day performances of various teams. So, are you looking for an opportunity as a middle manager and willing to upgrade your skills to manage different teams efficiently? This article is just for you. We will help you learn the top 3 critical skills you need to master before pursuing a ... Read More

What Does It Mean to Close a Project?

Gayatri Yellayi
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:49:26


A project is temporary. It has to have a beginning and an ending. The duration of the project depends on many factors. The project has to answer the objectives, the finances involved, the availability of the resources, the quality of the product, and several similar external and internal factors affected. When the project ends, whether successful or not, it has to come across a crucial stage called project closure. First, a project is initiated where the foundation is laid to carry out the project. Then a plan is drawn to determine how the project is to be commenced. Then comes ... Read More

Tips for Overcoming Common Roadblocks When Implementing Analytics into Your Organization

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 15-Feb-2023 11:44:34


Analytics can be a powerful tool for understanding how your website is performing and identifying areas where improvements can be made. However, it can be difficult to get started without some guidance. In this article, we'll share some tips to help you overcome common roadblocks when implementing analytics into your organization. What is Analytics? Analytics is a tool that can be used to collect and analyze data to provide insights into how people interact with a website or application. Analytics can help you understand what users are doing on your site, identify areas where you need to improve the ... Read More

What are the Steps to Digital Transformation in Banking Sector?

Gayatri Yellayi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:53:56


Ever since COVID-19 gatecrashed the world, banks are stopped face-to-face interactions and have sped up the process of digital engagement. Starting in 2020, almost 20% of banks started leveraging tech, and this number has dramatically risen ever since. The automatic opening of digital bank accounts is one significant change technology has brought into the banking sector. Additionally, APIs are leveraged to create new products and services that drive innovation. Some financial institutions have even started migrating to the cloud for faster speed to market. With the increased remote experiences and cyber threats, banking institutions are poised to witness more ... Read More

Digital Transformation in the Real World

Gayatri Yellayi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:51:40


Digital transformation goes beyond adopting new software for a single purpose. It is transforming the business operations entirely to refine the company structure, meet market requirements that rapidly change, and add value to customer service. Digital transformation is adopting digital technology to a company’s operations, thus enhancing its products, services, and operations. It opens doors to the vast digital arena for businesses to grow and thrive. However, it is also a risky step to take, as companies often fail in the process, thus leading to a downfall. Nevertheless, it is still a worthy risk that must be taken through thorough ... Read More

Lean Management in the Age of Digital Transformation

Gayatri Yellayi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:39:38


Digital transformation has taken up the business world entirely. All businesses utilize the digital age to obtain a competitive edge, sustain themselves in the market, and stay relevant to their customers. Digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation have reached almost all remote corners of the civilized world. Lean management has also reached almost all businesses in their operations. The basic principles of this management, delivering value to the customers, reducing waste to zero, and constantly improving the business, have proven fruitful. Let us discuss lean management and digital transformation and see how they complement each other in the digital era. ... Read More

Why do You Need More Entrepreneurs Compared to Managers?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:29:09


Entrepreneurship is a way of life, not just a job. It is the process of creating something new and innovative and then turning it into a profitable business. An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to take risks and make bold decisions in order to turn their vision into a reality. They are the ones who are willing to go above and beyond what is expected of them in order to bring something new to the table. In today's competitive business environment, entrepreneurs are in high demand. They bring new ideas to the table, can quickly identify opportunities and capitalize ... Read More

What do you understand by Distributed Leadership?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:26:32


Distributed leadership is an approach to management and decision-making that involves sharing leadership responsibilities between a group of individuals. This approach is based on the belief that no single leader can have all the answers and that collective decision-making is more effective. It is also based on the idea that no single leader can be expected to have the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to lead a team in all areas. Distributed leadership fosters an environment of collaboration and shared responsibility, which can lead to improved performance. What is Distributed Leadership? Distributed leadership is a concept that ... Read More

The Best Qualities The Best Qualities of Community Leaders

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 10-Feb-2023 10:25:02


Community leaders are responsible for keeping a community together and fostering its growth. Community leaders inspire others to do good, so it is essential that they possess qualities that make them successful. We will explore the best qualities of community leaders in this blog. What is a Community Leader An effective community leader brings people together, inspires them, and helps them work together. Leaders aren't just traditional leaders, but also mentors, problem-solvers, and advocates for their communities. They are the ones who take on the responsibility of ensuring the health and well-being of their community. There are many different ... Read More
