Found 830 Articles for Cloud Computing

Hybrid Cloud - Definition, Features, Advantages

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 07:33:35


Many forward−thinking firms use a hybrid mix of cloud services since not everything belongs in the public cloud. Hybrid clouds use the infrastructure already present in data centers while combining the benefits of public and private clouds. What is Hybrid Cloud? Using orchestration across many platforms, a hybrid cloud architecture includes on−premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure. To create a hybrid cloud system, we use a combination of public clouds, on−premises computing, and private clouds in your data center. An IT architecture connecting at least one public and one ... Read More

What is the use of Cloud Computing in Healthcare?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 08:19:01


Healthcare providers and hospitals can use a network of remotely accessible servers connected to the cloud to store vast amounts of data in a safe environment that IT professionals manage. Cloud−based solutions for storing and protecting patient records have become increasingly popular in the medical industry since the EMR (Electronic Medical Records) Mandate was implemented. Cloud−based solutions were also adopted by healthcare organizations that did not intend to move their existing data centers to the cloud. Advantages of Cloud Computing in Healthcare 1. Growth of Telemedicine Telemedicine is expanding more quickly due to the use of cloud computing in healthcare. ... Read More

Essential Steps to HIPAA-Compliant Cloud Hosting

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 07:25:17


HIPAA is a United States National standardized act that prevents the misuse of a patient’s health information. Every single health−related enterprise in the US must abide by these regulations. Being HIPAA compliant in the context of the cloud requires complying to following a set of rules and ensuring no data leakage occurs. These rules summarized are − Encrypting non−dynamic data. Having a trail of audits. Making sure no data is lost Ensuring high (ideally 100%) Availability Robust, layered security controls and Identity Management Multifactor authentication for access controlling Use of Encrypted VPNs A Business Associate Agreement (BAA) is mandatory ... Read More

How Hybrid Cloud and the Microsoft Azure Stack Can Work Together?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 07:07:17


A hybrid cloud is an IT architecture that connects at least one private cloud and one public cloud and offers orchestration, administration, and application porting across them to create a single, flexible, ideal cloud environment for operating a company's computing workloads. Multiple public clouds from various cloud service providers are included in a hybrid multi-cloud system. While facilitating the mobility of workloads across all cloud environments and automating the deployment of those workloads to the optimum cloud environment for a given business objective, hybrid cloud architecture places less emphasis on the physical connection. Microsoft Azure Stack is an expansion of ... Read More

Cloud Computing Interview Questions

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 07:01:10


There are different aspects to cloud computing. Cloud computing is a term used to describe the virtual environment that offers hosted sources through the Internet. This covers intelligence, databases, analytics, servers, and networking. Flexibility, creativity, and cost-efficiency are all factors that were considered when doing this. For both mid-sized and small firms, this has shown to be of considerable assistance. Machine learning, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are all used in cloud computing. The handling of data and documents has undergone several revolutions thanks to cloud computing. Interview Questions on Cloud Computing What are the different cloud service models? There ... Read More

A Comprehensive Guide on Amazon AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 06:59:04


An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a master image used in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment to create virtual servers, sometimes called EC2 instances. The machine images resemble templates that include an operating system and additional applications preconfigured to establish the user's operating environment. The region, operating system, system architecture (32- or 64-bit), launch permissions, and whether or not they are backed by Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) or the instance store are the categories used to group AMI types. Amazon offers a storage solution called Amazon Elastic Block Storage, or Amazon EBS, to be utilized with your ... Read More

How is HPC Shifting from On-Premises Environments to the Cloud

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 06:55:53


High-Performance Computing, or HPC is the domain of expensive data centers that run complex math problems such as data mining in cryptocurrencies. The HPC servers can crunch large quantum of data and numbers and come up with answers to complex questions. The best use of High-Performance Computing is to run complex math calculations such as genomics, computational fluid dynamics, Risk management, and portfolio optimization. High-Performance Computing is the best precursor for the cloud environment. The HPC will have an extensive set of servers that are set up to run problems with specific configurations of the server. There are in no ... Read More

Top 10 Highest Paying Cloud Certifications

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 06:53:36


With a cloud computing testament, you will have better proficiency improvement as you will have confirmation of your capacities. At this point, there is a wide stock interest opening for conveyed figuring specialists. Consequently, on the off chance that you would prefer not to fight in this relentless world, you need to procure mentioning circulated processing skills. Cloud computing has changed into a significant key skill today. It has opened up extra open doors for record limits, security, correspondence, and various resources. With affiliations all around the planet moving their organizations and dealing with any consequences regarding the cloud, ... Read More

Top 10 Cloud Computing Companies in the USA

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 06:45:57


Cloud Computing is the movement of figuring organizations like waiters, storing, databases, coordinating, programming, assessment, information, and that is just glimpse of something larger over the Cloud (Internet). Organizations of every single sort, size, and industry are including the cloud for a wide grouping of direction cases, for instance, data support, disaster recovery, email, virtual workspaces, programming improvement and testing, gigantic data examination, and client-facing web applications. List of Companies AWS Microsoft Google Oracle IBM Rackspace Virtustream Centurylink US Signal TierPoint Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is a helper of Amazon that gives on-demand disseminated ... Read More

Cloud Computing Adoption and Confusion

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Nov-2022 06:41:48


Throughout the long term, cloud computing has abandoned a creative idea into a problematic undertaking. Today, cloud computing is a roaring industry wherein associations and scientists keep on pushing the limits of what is conceivable and give better-than-ever answers for basic issues. In the long run, this was transformed into the making of "virtual" confidential organizations utilized by organizations. Then, during the 1990s, the current distributed computing framework was created. Salesforce became the principal organization to offer a product-as-a-administration over the web - made conceivable by cloud computing. Cloud Computing Definition It gives associations further client help through predominant data ... Read More
