Found 830 Articles for Cloud Computing

Get Ready for DevOps Revolution

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:14:07


If you've ever worked in the software industry, you've probably heard of the DevOps phenomena. And if you've never worked in the field of technology, you've definitely been wondering what this word means every time you see or hear it. A group of Agile advocates in Belgium initially proposed the idea of DevOps in 2009. The phrase "DevOps" was first used by Patrick Debois, who is frequently referred to as "the father of DevOps." When intellectuals came together via conferences, lectures, and Twitter arguments, the approach was finally developed as an amalgam of several techniques, including Operations Management, Agile, Lean, ... Read More

Everything you need to know about DataOps

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:12:25


In the field of software and application development, DevOps has received a lot of attention. However, have you heard of DataOps? You're in luck if you don't know what DataOps is since we're about to delve into it and explain why it's so important in today's development environment. What is DataOps? The term "DataOps" (short for "data operations") refers to an approach that brings together DevOps teams, data scientists, and data engineers to provide speed and agility to the whole pipeline process, from data collection through delivery. Lean manufacturing, DevOps, and the Agile methodology are all combined here. DataOps offers ... Read More

Difference Between DevOps, DevSecOps, and SRE?

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:06:14


Organizations that struggle to extend their technological operations and procedures across various sites gave rise to techniques like DevSecOps, DevOps, SRE, Cloud, and many more. However, managing infrastructure changes and infrastructure connected to development is frequently difficult. Infrastructure-as-code, or API administration, is used in this method to facilitate simple application deployment, configuration updates, and scalability. Let’s learn about What is DevOps? DevOps is a method of software development that places a strong emphasis on collaboration, teamwork, and integration between programmers and IT professionals. To benefit the business and to streamline the process, operational employees and developers work collaboratively. deploying ... Read More

DevOps Engineer: Job Description and Roles

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:04:20


Maintaining and enhancing communication between the operational and developmental sides of the software development process is the responsibility of a DevOps engineer, or Development Operations Engineer. Launching product updates, identifying problems in the manufacturing process, and creating integrations that enhance user experience are some of DevOps engineer’s primary responsibilities. Who is a DevOps Engineer? A DevOps engineer is in charge of ensuring that a business' IT infrastructure runs efficiently. To deploy and manage code updates, they collaborate with developers. They also work closely with operations employees to keep systems operational. A DevOps engineer needs a solid technical foundation and in-depth ... Read More

Which are the Top 10 best CI/CD Tools Used by Programmers Today?

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 11:00:51


Maintaining current knowledge of the newest tools and technologies is crucial for programmers. To automate your workflow and guarantee high-quality code, you must use CI/CD solutions. In this article, top ten CI/CD technologies used by programmers are listed and explained why one should become familiar with them by 2022. Discover the newest CI/CD tools to stay on top of the game! Introduction The techniques of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), which hasten the supply of software-as-a-product, aid businesses in becoming more agile. The software development process is automated using CI/CD, which cuts the time to market from weeks ... Read More

What is Cloud Backup, how it works, and the Top Cloud Backup Providers?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 11:28:35


Introduction Customers can use a web browser or the provider's control panel to back up and restore their data and applications. Many businesses today keep all or the vast majority of their critical data and applications in the cloud, necessitating regular cloud server backups. A company's data and programs can be archived offsite using cloud backup. Many businesses are turning to cloud backup solutions to ensure that critical data and files can be retrieved quickly in case of a hardware or software failure or even a catastrophic event. What is Cloud Backup? Cloud backup is a service that allows users ... Read More

What is Azure Stack and Its Design Patterns?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 11:26:33


Azure offers a few distinct choices for managing cloud jobs. The primary choice I generally contemplate is flexible figure and capacity − dynamic process and capacity assets. This choice is frequently called Azure Stack, which is the sensible initial step for associations that need to move to Azure. On the off chance that you are building a regular Azure web application − for instance, a CRM application, site, or web−based business webpage − there isn't anything to design or make due. You simply arrange the process and capacity to use with Azure Stack. You do this by making a profoundly accessible and ... Read More

Top AWS Exams and How to Prepare for Each of Them

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 11:24:11


AWS is a packaged remote registering administration that gives distributed computing foundation over the Web with capacity, data transmission, and tweaked help for application programming points of interaction (Programming interface). Sent off in 2006, AWS was given by cloud arrangement idea pioneer Amazon Inc. Amazon's inner IT asset, the board assembled AWS, which extended and developed into an imaginative and financially savvy cloud arrangement supplier. AWS affirmations permit you to approve your capability in working with AWS cloud administrations. The most popular cloud accreditations on the lookout, AWS affirmations, hang out in their carefulness in surveying competitors' abilities, laying extraordinary ... Read More

How does New Technology add Efficiency to Cloud Computing?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 11:12:11


Cloud computing is the most common way, following the on−request IT administrations, including investigation, data sets, systems administration, servers, and capacity by means of the web. These virtual administrations give quicker advancement, simplicity of versatility, and more prominent asset adaptability. Most cloud models expect you to pay just for the assets you use, making it a financially savvy technique for integrating IT into your business without putting resources into an in−house server farm. The cloud has been a unique advantage for the tech business, and its effect is just developing. There are many justifications for why the cloud is so ... Read More

How Can Cloud File Sync Accelerate Your Business Turnover?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 01-Dec-2022 11:10:03


The advanced world is moving from workspaces and genuine PCs to Phones and Dispersed processing. Unions and acquisitions have happened astoundingly rapidly with the ultimate objective that even the savviest sellers are gasping for breath. The enormous development beasts like AWS are engaging to remain mindful of the speed of moving to the cloud and compact. This consequently gives the clients the best association and the most persuading motivator. Luckily, some of the blend (doubtlessly the gifted staff) can be bought. Driving improvement while simultaneously reducing expenses is a lot of strain, and it has influenced plenty of firms unfavorably. ... Read More
