Found 830 Articles for Cloud Computing

Big Data in 5G Mobile Cloud

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 10:44:22


We live in an age where data is everything. Big data, 5G, and mobile cloud are competitive technologies. The popularity of 5g communication allowed mobile technology to see a good time. By implementing these technologies, businesses can see exponential growth through cost reduction, customer satisfaction, and profits. Before getting into big data, let's see 5G and mobile cloud. 4G wireless network is successfully adopted by the public and connected humans to create a network of devices. However, 5G technology is specially designed to connect everything from humans to machines. It made communication faster and more reliable. The data we collect ... Read More

What is Puppet? Components and Writing Manifests

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 13:59:04


Think about a system administrator managing many servers. They can readily resolve any problems that may arise with one of the servers. But when several servers are unavailable, the situation gets severe. Puppet can be useful here. Using Puppet problematic servers can be deployed with ease. All servers are instantly reset to their original desired settings after the code has executed. The following subjects are covered in this puppet article Describe Puppet. Puppet's components Puppet's workings Businesses use Puppet Writing Puppet manifests Describe Puppet The configuration management tool puppet makes sure that all systems are set to a ... Read More

Top 5 Popular DevOps Tools

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 13:52:28


Modern software development is infused with the DevOps philosophy. The Agile technique is practically used in the DevOps culture, which is now the most effective way for software development. With that in mind, DevOps is something that every business owner wants to use for a smooth software development lifecycle. There are a few key DevOps concepts, and several tools are available to carry them out. DevOps Tools and Principles The automatization of ordinary software development operations is a feature of the DevOps technique. It is realizable using several tools and technologies. There are a few key tenets for implementing DevOps. ... Read More

Release Manager: Job Description, Salaries

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 13:48:35


Release management in software engineering is a relatively new topic, but it is growing swiftly. Throughout the release lifecycle, this principle is about organizing, planning, and scheduling software delivery. The goal is to provide a smooth release with little disturbance while streamlining the process required to bring software releases into production. Today, the distribution of software and IT services, as well as continuous delivery, all depend on release management. 1. Release Manager vs. DevOps Release Manager In the IT business, a release manager is responsible for overseeing the whole life cycle of software delivery. They must work with the ... Read More

Difference between Terraform and Ansible

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 13:40:08


The most frequently heard comparison in the DevOps community is Terraform vs. Ansible. Ansible, a configuration management tool, and Provisioning Tool are both well-known tools (Terraform). These technologies will make it much easier for us to deploy our code and other infrastructure in a variety of repeatable situations with challenging constraints. Before, this procedure was far more difficult to complete without these instruments. Terraform Definition Terraform is a tool used by DevOps teams to build and deploy a variety of infrastructure resources, including virtual machines, load balancers, and networks, by using descriptive languages and models. IT infrastructure cannot deviate from ... Read More

Top 10 IoT Sensors You Need to Know in 2023

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:29:50


Nowadays, sensors are widely used. Over the past ten years, the cost of various sensors used in consumer electronics and industrial applications has decreased due to the smartphone revolution. And they are more widespread than ever because of the IoT's growing influence in our daily lives. IoT is regarded as a very potent system. They have a great potential to alter how systems function and how businesses run. IoT systems are capable of gathering, analyzing, reporting, and acting on enormous amounts of data. Not even human interaction is necessary. IoT sensors make it possible to collect data in this manner. ... Read More

Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in smart city

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:28:38

4K+ Views

Smart cities use IoT gadgets like associated sensors, lights, and meters to gather and dissect information. The urban areas then, at that point, utilize this information to develop further a framework, public utilities and administrations, and then some. The IoT gadgets now and again have handling abilities called edge figuring. Edge processing guarantees that the most important and applicable data is conveyed over the correspondence organization. A firewall security framework is likewise fundamental for the insurance, checking, and controlling organization traffic inside a processing framework. Firewalls guarantee that the information being communicated inside a savvy city network is secure by ... Read More

Wireless Sensors for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:27:25


What if you are at work and forget to switch off the Air conditioner at home? Do you need to travel back? If you have a mobile application that checks the AC status and switches it off immediately. This use case is not limited to Air conditioners; how about having this advantage with all home appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, heaters, security alarms, etc.? Yes, we can connect all these appliances internally, leading to a trending technology called IoT, the Internet of Things. The Internet of things can make every machine smarter, giving internet access to internet−not−enabled devices. This results ... Read More

What is Green Cloud Computing?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:26:29


The rising interest in cloud frameworks has brought about a critical ascent in energy utilization. This mission for power has impressively expanded the carbon impression of the climate. The remarkable ascent of server farms with many servers and different foundations is mainly answerable for the always−expanding energy necessity. Luckily, an answer is accessible as Green Cloud computing assists associations with limiting their carbon impression and advancing ecological supportability. The developing interest in cloud frameworks has prompted an emotional expansion in energy utilization. This longing for power has fundamentally added to the climate's carbon impression. The always−expanding interest in energy is ... Read More

What is cloud mining, and does it work?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:25:36


Many years prior, each significant programming PC organization would keep up with cellars loaded with PCs that did the math constantly. Rooms the size of exercise canters would be committed to the servers that keep the lights on. That is all different in the time of distributed computing. Rather than forfeiting valuable underground land, programming organizations started to lease figuring power from distribution centers brimming with robust machines facilitated somewhere else. Cloud mining brings this equivalent standard − re−appropriating computational work − to digital currency mining, the most common way of running powerful PCs that dig for coins like bitcoin, ... Read More
