Found 830 Articles for Cloud Computing

Data Observability - Overview and its mean for DevOps

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 11:43:01


As organizations increasingly rely on data to make business choices, it is becoming increasingly vital to guarantee that the data is accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Managing and monitoring data quality, on the other hand, may be a complex and difficult undertaking, especially when data sources become more numerous and diversified. Data observability is a hot new technology market that has recently emerged. Essentially, data observability is concerned with determining the health and state of data in a particular system, as well as whether or not data sets and data pipelines are performing as expected. Observability technologies enable data engineers to ... Read More

Common Mistakes Beginner DevOps Professionals Make

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 11:41:01


Introduction As a rookie in the DevOps realm, it's common to make mistakes that impede your progress and reduce the productivity of your team. Here are some of the most typical errors made by new DevOps professionals − Failure to prioritise automation − Automation is a basic DevOps principle, and failing to automate tasks can result in wasted time and human mistake. Ignoring security − While security should be a major priority in any DevOps system, many newcomers disregard it. Make sure that security measures are included into every stage of your DevOps pipeline. Failure to collaborate − DevOps is all about team collaboration, and ... Read More

Benefits of Cloud Computing and preparing IT Team for Cloud

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 11:33:40


Cloud computing provides various advantages to enterprises, including flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Companies may quickly access, and store data using cloud computing, operate apps, and make use of a variety of services from any location with an internet connection. This can lower the cost of IT infrastructure for enterprises and increase overall productivity. But there is more than simply a physical move from physical mainframes to virtual cloud computing. IT and teams will need to adapt to this transition. Does the use of the cloud replace IT? In no way. In the era of cloud computing, IT departments have ... Read More

Difference between CloudMe and Mega

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:45:51


File Hosting Service File hosting is also defined as cloud storage to store and share the user data that are hosted on the server. Users can share files like photos, documents, music, videos, or any type of media files and can perform uploading, downloading, and sharing options in an online platform’s services are available for individual users to share their files with other users and in organizations to share files to its employees or other organizations. Additional installation of hardware, software, and extension of memory storage spaces are not required as files are stored in the online cloud platform. Files ... Read More

Difference between Cloud Accounting and Desktop Accounting

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:37:22


Companies need to maintain accounting details that include a piece of vast information. So instead of manual maintenance, now companies are shifting towards advanced technology. Organizations have two choices to choose between cloud accounting and desktop accounting to maintain accounting for business. Traditionally, the desktop accounting software was installed in every system in the company which needs periodic updating of license. The Desktop accounting software is not mobile and needs to maintain the increased amount of data. While using cloud accounting, the company can maintain and monitor the data of employees remotely. What is Cloud Accounting? Cloud Accounting helps organizations ... Read More

Difference between Cloudme and HCL connections

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:34:49


Cloudme and HCL connections are the storage devices that will lend hand to maintain the storage of data. Data Analytics has now attained a major place in the IT industry and storage software is needed to store the data securely. Security and Privacy are the two needs of any business and storage capacity can be purchased based on the specific need of the company. Using this, the users can access the data remotely after synchronizing the data with the computer. What is Cloudme? Cloudme is a storage device developed in a European country to provide strong security of the data ... Read More

Difference between Amazon Drive and Baidu Cloud

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:49:09


Amazon Drive was released in 2011 by Amazon for file hosting and cloud storage services. It provides file operations like storage in the cloud, hosting, sharing, and backing them up, and also a user-friendly interface making it easy for the customers to handle and manage it. The files or folders that are uploaded on Amazon Drive can be transferred to and from various devices like mobile phones, tablets, or desktops. It was originally named Amazon Cloud Drive and is not available worldwide in all countries. Apart from the 5GB storage space allotted by Amazon, users can also purchase additional space ... Read More

Difference between Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:20:44


Hosting Each website that is stored on the server and hosted on the web platform has a unique address, and when a user searches for a specific URL then they are navigated to the server where the website is hosted. When websites are hosted, the data or contents of the website can be accessed on the web browser with an internet facility. Once the website is ready to be displayed as a live page in an internet browser, the individual or organization has to wisely choose the hosting platform. Based on the company or user needs, choosing the hosting plan ... Read More

Difference between Cloud Computing and Distributed Computing

Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:08:08

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Cloud Computing Cloud Computing is referred to the online services provided via the internet, the services include storage, database, networking, server management, and other IT services. The IT services are everything revolving around hardware, software, and network resources that are hosted via the internet to its customers. Cloud computing is delivered by various third-party companies like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc. The services are given as per the payment structure, the various software or hardware services can be used on-demand without any extra infrastructural requirements. The services offered are greatly effective due to their huge flexibility and scalability. The ... Read More

Best Practices for Protecting Your Data and Customer SaaS Business

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:27:29


As a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) business owner, protecting your data and customers should be a top priority. With an increasing number of cyberattacks and data breaches, you cannot afford to be complacent about your security measures. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices you can implement to protect your data and customers. What is Data Protection? Data protection refers to the process of safeguarding sensitive and confidential information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction. It is a critical aspect of information security and privacy, and it is essential for ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability ... Read More
