Found 830 Articles for Cloud Computing

AR Cloud: Next-Generation AR Experiences

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:22:41


Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the hottest topics in today’s fast-growing technology. Currently, the internet speed everywhere has improved a lot and can be available much better than ever. Hence it directly supports next-generation AR experiences, such as mobile AR functions. Virtual assistants, smart navigations, map support, google earth, street view with dynamic loadings, etc. AR enhances real-world environments by adding computer-generated virtual features and perceptual information, providing an immersive experience. History of Augmented Reality AR technology has been around us since the 1960s, and its development started on a small scale. Until it was in the 1990s that ... Read More

Renewable Energy and Cloud Computing

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:21:39


Renewable energy is one of the most sensitive topics today because only a few people or organizations take it seriously. Many new techniques and methods have been developed for harvesting renewable energy efficiently. But still, this is happening only on a small scale. The primary source of fuel is the oils we find beneath ocean layers or coal. But this must have to be replaced soon, and Cloud computing impacts the reproduction of energy. But how does it work? How can we combine renewable energy and cloud computing? The Synergy Between Renewable Energy and Cloud Computing There are a lot ... Read More

Google Cloud Load Balancing

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:19:44


The Google Cloud Load Balancing service is a managed one that is fully distributed, and software defined. Users of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) efficiently distribute tasks between various managed services. For both public and internal services, it ensures scalability, high availability, and control over network traffic. This article introduces load balancing, describes the various load balancers available from Google, and explains how to choose the best one for your needs. Definition of Google Cloud Load Balancing Load Balancing in the cloud is a managed service that is completely software-defined and distributed. The Google Cloud Load Balancer has several configuration options ... Read More

Differences Between Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:16:41

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Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner are examples of cloud-based solutions that function on GCP. You may scale your database using various services available in the public cloud. Significant distinctions between "NoSQL" and "SQL" databases must be considered when comparing cloud databases. We'll compare Cloud SQL with Cloud Spanner so you can decide which to utilize for your next project. Knowing the differences between Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner, two of the most popular SQL cloud databases, might help you choose between them. What is Google Cloud SQL? MySQL is the underlying database technology for Google Cloud SQL. Google Cloud handles ... Read More

Creating a CloudSQL instance using config connector

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 16:14:16


This guide will cover the Config Connector for Google Cloud Platform, a tool that exposes GCP services as Kubernetes objects. Using the Cloud SQL Auth gateway or connecting directly with a private IP address, applications running on Google Kubernetes Engine can gain access to a Cloud SQL instance. Even when using a private IP address, connecting to Cloud SQL through the Cloud SQL Authentication gateway is the best option. What's the Point of a Configuration Connector? To control your Google Cloud resources from within Kubernetes, you can install the open-source Config Connector. To manage their infrastructure, many cloud-native software developers use ... Read More

Working with AWS for DevSecOps in the Cloud

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 13:15:57


Many security leaders are understandably wary of using DevOps, despite its multiple benefits, such as faster software delivery and higher code quality. It makes no difference how fast your continuous delivery cycle is if you're deploying vulnerable software. Yet the one area where DevOps is severely lacking is cybersecurity. DevSecOps is a development paradigm that puts security to the left side of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). The need of incorporating security checks at the earliest stages is emphasized by DevSecOps. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of incorporating security into DevOps, the primary hurdles of implementing DevSecOps, ... Read More

What are Cloud Access Security Brokers

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 12:42:22


Introduction: Defining Cloud Access Security Brokers Cloud Access Security Brokers, or CASBs, are a novel technology that evolved in response to the growing trend of enterprises adopting cloud-based applications and services. A CASB is essentially a security solution that sits between an organization's on-premises architecture and the infrastructure of the cloud provider, offering a secure bridge between the two. Data encryption, threat detection and prevention, access controls, and data loss protection are among the security features provided by CASBs. They also give administrators visibility into their organization's cloud usage, allowing them to monitor and regulate access to cloud apps and ... Read More

10 Best Google Cloud Platform Courses in 2023

Satish Kumar
Updated on 26-Feb-2024 12:57:50


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services to help businesses run their operations in the cloud. With its flexible and scalable infrastructure, GCP has become one of the most popular cloud platforms in recent years. If you're looking to learn how to use GCP to its fullest potential, taking a course is an excellent way to get started. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best GCP courses available in 2023. Introduction to Google Cloud Platform If you're new to GCP, the Introduction to Google Cloud Platform ... Read More

Leveraging ArchOps, TestOps, And DataOps in Your DevOps Strategy

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 12:04:35


Introduction to DevOps and its Evolution DevOps is a process that integrates software development and IT operations to improve cooperation and communication, allowing enterprises to deliver high-quality software products faster and more efficiently. DevOps aims to bridge the gap between development and operations teams in order to produce software products faster, more frequently, and with fewer faults. DevOps evolved from the Agile methodology, which focuses on delivering high-quality software products fast by breaking down divisions between development and testing teams. DevOps took this a step further by integrating IT operations into the development process and cultivating a culture of ... Read More

DevOps Principles and Best Practices for a DevOps Engineer

Aadyaa Srivastava
Updated on 27-Apr-2023 11:47:01


Introduction to DevOps: What it is and Why it Matters DevOps is a modern method to software development that strives to improve cooperation, communication, and integration between software developers and IT operations teams. Traditionally, developers would work on new features or updates for months before passing them on to IT operations teams for distribution. This frequently resulted in a lengthy, inefficient process with numerous delays and errors. DevOps teams collaborate throughout the development and deployment process, employing a variety of automated tools and processes to make the process more efficient. DevOps is becoming increasingly crucial in today's technology world ... Read More
