Found 830 Articles for Cloud Computing

Cloud computing Trends: A Look into 2023 and beyond

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 17:44:16


As cloud computing has become more common, it has led to the creation of many new things. Many facets of contemporary life have changed due to cloud computing, especially the nature of the modern workplace and how employees engage with one another there. As a result of the unwanted plague, many businesses have switched to cloud-based services to handle output problems. Cloud computing is one of the newest IT tools with the fastest expansion rate. Although technology has existed for over ten years, its appeal has recently soared. By 2023, cloud computing will overtake all other technologies based on current ... Read More

Cloud Computing & Politics: Voting Services & Security

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:06:07


Cloud computing has changed how we access and keep data and has affected other sectors. Politics is one industry that has embraced cloud computing, especially regarding voting services. Voters may now cast votes from any location globally because of cloud-based voting technology. The potential of security breaches that can jeopardise the fairness of the electoral process also increases with the rising dependence on cloud computing. In this article, we will examine the usage of cloud computing in voting services. Benefits of Cloud Computing in Voting Services Accessibility Voters now have a simple method to take part in the ... Read More

Introduction to Modern Cloud

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 13:03:00


The concept of the cloud is a new one in which a shared pool of computing resources is made available to consumers on demand. As a relatively new idea, "cloud computing" refers to sharing computing resources online. As a result, the cloud service provider, not the end user, is responsible for supplying and managing the resources. We can choose from various cloud options, including public, private, hybrid, etc. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc., are only a few examples of the many cloud computing models available. Overview of Cloud Computing To fully grasp a subject's significance, one must go to its past. ... Read More

Difference Between Cloud Gaming and Traditional PC Gaming

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 12:58:11


Technology developments have given rise to several gaming platforms, including Traditional PC and cloud gaming. A popular way to pass the time now is by playing video games. In this article, we'll determine and compare cloud gaming with Traditional PC gaming. What is Cloud Gaming? The activity of downloading and playing video games via the internet is called "cloud gaming, " Consumers may access the games from any device with an internet connection. All of your gaming data is kept on a distant server. Instead of downloading and installing the game locally, cloud gaming allows the user to see the ... Read More

Difference between Cloud and On-premise ERP

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 12:57:05


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software solution is one which works with different business functions such as inventory management, customer management, human resources, and customer relationships, all taken into one system. Using the On-Premise technique, ERP can be deployed, and this also works with the cloud network providers that can also deploy ERP. Generally, ERP is hosted on the vendor’s servers and can be accessed through the internet while it is installed thoroughly on the organization’s server. Importance of Choosing the Right ERP System ERP is necessary for any organization's smooth and efficient workflow, and it helps them grow and survive ... Read More

Unleash the Power of AI with Cutting-Edge Cloud-Based Machine Learning Solutions

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 12:55:46


Artificial Intelligence is everywhere now. The Web 2.0 revolution has given us the internet, and Web 3.0 tries to decentralize it, improving security. But the next revolution would be based upon the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based solutions. Perfect examples can be found in self-driving cars like Tesla and self-suggesting language models like ChatGPT. This powerful technology is the future, but how it helps cloud technology to grow? Let us see what happens when we unleash the power of AI for cutting-edge cloud-based ML solutions. How Machine Learning Works with Cloud? Machine learning solutions can be directly ... Read More

TCO Optimization on Google Cloud Platform

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 08-May-2023 12:48:25


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud computing platform that offers aservices such as computing, storage, and networking businesses and individuals. As with any cloud computing platform, managing the total cost of ownership (TCO) of GCP resources is essential to ensure efficient utilization of resources and cost savings. This article will explore ways to optimize TCO on the Google Cloud Platform. Understanding Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) The total cost of ownership (TCO) is a comprehensive assessment of all the costs associated with owning and operating a particular asset, including hardware, software, and labor. In cloud computing, TCO includes costs ... Read More

Grid Computing

Updated on 05-May-2023 11:08:45

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The term “Cloud Computing” was proposed in the year 1950s that gives internet-related services and it emerged from distributed computing to the current technology called cloud computing. Then Grid computing was proposed in the year the 1990s and it came into existence after the invention of cluster computing. As the computing structure includes different computers or nodes, in this case, the different nodes are placed in different geographical places but are connected to the same network using the internet. Grid Computing Grid Computing comes under the evolution of cloud computing which includes all the nodes that are located in different ... Read More

Google Cloud Database Services

Updated on 03-May-2023 13:50:12


Google Cloud provides users with different resources and one among them is Database services. After exploring the database services from the websites, choosing the right for your concern is difficult as there are many options available. The primary purpose of these services is to store the data securely and globally. There are three types of services provided namely hybrid data distribution, regional data distribution, and multi-cloud distribution. In the below article based on the database, the services provided by them are explained. Google Cloud Database Services Deploying Database The Google Cloud database supports three main types of deployment that are ... Read More

Difference between Cloud hosting and Dedicated Hosting

Updated on 03-May-2023 11:51:38


Hosting When the user or customer wants to host a website or any web application which can be accessed using an Internet connection and this hosting service is done by the server. A server is a system that provides the user with data storage space, resources, software tools, interfaces, etc., and when the web page gets hosted on the Internet and people can interact with it. An individual website that is stored on the server and hosted on the web platform has a unique address, and when a user searches for a specific URL then they are navigated to ... Read More
