Found 12 Articles for Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Electron Affinity

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:39:18


Introduction Electron affinity is a change in the energy of an atom. When a neutral atom adds electrons to its outer shell it releases energy and carries a negative charge. An element gains electrons to stabilise its octet. Energy is released when an element accepts or loses an electron. In a chemical reaction when an element accepts an electron to form a compound, it releases the energy, it's called an exothermic reaction. The energy is released to attract the electron by a nucleus from another element that's why the energy is released in an exothermic reaction. When an element loses ... Read More

Difference Between Atomic Mass and Atomic Number

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Jan-2024 16:56:36


Introduction The no. of protons presents in the nucleus of every element's atom, denoted by the letter Z, is the element's atomic number. Using only an atom's atomic number, an element can be identified as an atom. Any atom with the atomic number 8 represents an 𝑂 (Oxygen) atom, and a different element would be represented by an atom with a different proton no. The mass number, which is represented by the A, is neutrons plus protons in an atom. Atomic Mass It is the average mass of elements. The atomic mass, determined in amu (atomic mass unit), is equal ... Read More
