Found 225 Articles for Class 8


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 16:29:44


Chapter Summary The study presents that a little boy was carrying money to pay his school fees. The fees and funds were not submitted because his teacher was absent on that particular day and therefore he was returning his money. Suddenly at the side of a road, the sight of crisp jalebis excited this boy and he tried his best to resist the desire of having those jalebis. He succeeded as well to return home without spending the money. Still, after being continuously influenced by the money he went to the halwai and bought jalebis for one rupee. While having ... Read More

Children At Work

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 11:19:58


Chapter Summary ‘Children at Work’ by Geeta Wolf transcends the reader to the crowded city of Chennai, through the eleven-year-old kid, Velu’s eyes. His father was a drunkard and used to beat him up, and steal money from him and his sisters. Running away from what he thought could be the worst scenario to live; he ended up in the cold-hearted, materialistic city of Chennai following in the footsteps of European capitalism. Searching for his paradise Velu once again found himself in hell. Starving for the lack of money and food, Velu was on the verge of collapse, when ... Read More

Ancient Education System of India

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 11:14:34

2K+ Views

Chapter Summary Many explorers and travellers came from various parts of the world to get a taste of Indian culture. This massive land is known to the world for being effective and benevolent with huge diversity in the cultures. One of the most important aspects of this trip was to understand the culture through the education system of India. Three main aspects of the education had given to the students who were a part of this system. The system looks after the physical and mental well-being of the human body. This system always helped the students to sharpen their ... Read More

This is Jody’s Fawn

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 15:54:45


Chapter Summary “This is Jody's Fawn” is a touching story and it discusses about a little boy and his consciousness. In this story, a rattlesnake bites Jody's father and he killed a doe to save himself. He used the liver and heart of the doe for drawing out the poison. Jody was disturbed by thinking about the fawn and he thinks that leaving the fawn in the wood was not right. He convinces his family for taking the fawn home and raises him. His emotion and pure heart express that he will share his milk with the fawn. Finally, ... Read More

The Summit Within

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 16:15:25


Chapter Summary The story “The Summit Within” narrates the unimaginable experience of Maj. H.P.S. Ahluwalia while standing on the top of Mount Everest. The narrator was a member of the successful Mount Everest expedition in 1965. The story catches the physical and psychological experience of the narrator while being at the highest peak in the world. The author described how he felt joyful and humbled and above all, thankful to God for allowing him to experience this magnificent sight in his life. The story outlines the obstacles of climbing a mountain perfectly and describes the amount of effort it ... Read More

The Best Christmas Present in the World

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 06-Jan-2023 15:16:35


Chapter Summary The story “The Best Christmas Present in the World” starts with the author buying a roll-top table from a junk shop in the window of Christmas Eve. Immediately after buying the table, the author starts repairing it and eventually finds a secret space in the last drawer of the table. From the secret space, the author retrieves a tin box and a letter within it written by Captain Jim Macpherson from the English Army. The letter was dedicated to his wife Connie where he narrated how the British Army and the German Army celebrated Christmas Day in ... Read More

The Ant and the Cricket

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:22:50

1K+ Views

Chapter Summary ‘The Ant and the Cricket’ is a fable that has been composed in the form of a poem by a famous Greek writer “Aesop”. A fable is a fictional tale or a short story that is brought forth by the writer generally by incorporating different animal characters. These fables are taught to children and in general, are helpful to people as it conveys various moral values. This poem conveys a social message and teaches an important life lesson with the assistance of an ant. There are two different characters in this poem that is an ant and ... Read More

Macavity: The Mystery Cat

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:19:14


Chapter Summary The poet of this poem T.S. Eliot shows a playful attitude in this poem and he is very fond of cats. This poem talks about the cat Macavity, who is portrayed as a criminal. The cat disobeyed all the laws and orders of its masters. The flying squad is running after the cat and fails to catch the cat all the time because he is faster compared to them. Macavity can also float in the air and he does not need support for this, as it is a special cat. The recognition of this cat is ... Read More

Geography Lesson

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:16:35


Chapter Summary The poet Zulfikar Ghose, in the poem “Geography Lesson” portrays the actual state of India when it was under the dominance of British rule. In this poetic masterpiece, the poet mainly focuses on three factors such as what is the process of looking at everything beautiful, how the civilization of this planet was set up and what is the main reason for hating people each other. The poet realizes this thought when he saw the city form a jet and he finds that the city is not at all properly planned. He thinks that the most essential ... Read More

The Great Stone Face II

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 03-Jan-2023 15:43:57


Chapter Summary Ernest was now a middle-aged man and according to his neighbours, he was more than an ordinary man. The Great Stone Face-II was the second portion of the story that reveals everything about the likeness of the stone face, that Earnest is waiting for. This part depicts that Ernest is still residing in his native valley and is a simple and kind hearted person. Ernest always tries to work for everyone’s betterment. All over the world, he is now well known for his thoughts, honesty, and creativity. People come to meet him from distant places including a new ... Read More
