Found 19 Articles for Civics & Humanity

What is Indus Valley Civilization?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


The Indus Valley, a region of great fertility, (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) defines the eastern edge of the zone in which Near Eastern agriculture developed, based on wheat, barley, sheep, goats, and cattle.To its west lies Baluchistan, the mountainous eastern edge of the Iranian plateau, an area with which it has always been closely linked. Networks of trade routes across the Iranian plateau have often provided distant communications with the civilizations of the Near East, while the Arabian Sea, into which the Indus flows, has allowed seaborne connections with the Gulf and the Near East, with Arabia and ... Read More

Recently one of my teachers died. How can I pay him a tribute when he is no more?

Ridhi Arora
Updated on 05-May-2022 06:42:53


Although, we all know that death is inevitable; however, this awareness does not help us in the time when we lose someone very dear to us. As the question suggests, you have recently lost a teacher of yours. It must be an irreparable loss as teachers are fountains of knowledge and their unfathomable expertise is what we all strive to achieve.Hold A Prayer Meeting  − We do meet occasionally for some or the other reason but when the reason is so genuine, I am sure no one would deny meeting each other. You may hold a prayer meeting for the ... Read More

What are the reasons for the increasing rate of rapes in India?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Jun-2020 14:02:53


It's rather ironic that rapes happen in such high frequency in a country like India where we worship the female deity - Goddess Shakti in so many different avatars. This should not be seen in a lighter vein because religion is a serious business in India and I suspect, even the rapists themselves must have gone to the temple of the Goddess and sought her blessings many times.So, it's not that they don't know the moral and divine implications of their sin. In fact, they know perfectly well that it's the worst crime anybody can ever commit and it will ... Read More

What is the importance of religion in our lives?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24

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Religion today has taken a much-institutionalized form. Its origin has always been debated and discussed today by various scholars. In sociological terms, ‘Religion is a system of sacred belief and practices both in the tangible and intangible form’. Religion can serve the dual role of ideology as well as institution. Today, religion has assumed a more narrow-minded approach. However, understanding religion in the broad sense highlights the following important points about it in society:Cultural IdentityReligion plays a crucial role for a person in giving a cultural identity. Each religion has festivals, traditions, mythologies which form a part of the tangible ... Read More

Why do people donate for social causes?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


IntroductionSocial causes are basically different types of social issues or problems faced by people living in a country. In India, we have a number of pressing issues that engulf the lives of people in different sections of the society. These problems are often complex and a number of factors are associated with them which make it difficult to resolve the issues in a single go.Many of these social causes actually take years of government intervention for effective management. In many cases, the national, regional and local governments work together to control the problems that impact the lives of people in ... Read More

Historic Ordinances by Governor NN Vohra Against Rape Case Convicts in Jammu and Kashmir.

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


It is a horrifying fact that there is a steep increase in the number of minor rape cases in India in the last few months. Pity is that the conviction rate in these minor rape cases is very low. The reason could be the fear of delayed court proceedings, victims turning hostile and refusing to identify the accused in the court, which is making the criminals fearless.The Governor of Jammu and Kashmir N.N.Vohra has signed a historic ordinance to curb such violence against women. The Jammu and Kashmir Protection of Children from Sexual Violence Ordinance, 2018, and the Jammu and ... Read More

Why should students read newspapers?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 29-Jun-2020 04:40:48


In today’s age, media plays a very important role in keeping Public informed and also in shaping the views and opinions. Thus, it is important for all the educated citizens who have access to newspapers should read it regularly. Newspapers are also economical and easily accessible.For the student community, it is of utmost importance to read newspapers daily owing to the following reasons −Newspapers are storehouses of knowledgeThere is no denial of the fact that students who read newspapers regularly have a plethora of knowledge about different topics like national and international affairs, sports events, academic, and research-based articles and ... Read More

How can an ordinary man contribute to women’s safety?

Rashmi Iyer
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 14:01:16


Wise men say that charity begins at home and there is no denial in this point. Mahatma Gandhi had once claimed – ‘Be the Change you want to see in this world’. If we wish to create a safe space for our women in all walks of life, then men have to be equal participants in creating a gender inclusive society. But the major question remains is that how one simple and ordinary man can start this bring positive change.Here are a few small steps with which men can start contributing towards women safety -A Lonely Woman Is Your Responsibility ... Read More

How was money introduced into the world?

Prasanna Kotamraju
Updated on 05-May-2022 06:09:30


In the beginning, people bartered. Bartering is the exchange of goods or services for some other goods or services. The exchange items included bags of rice, wheat, cattle, sheep, pigs and so on. Barter system worked like this, take one bag of rice in exchange for one lamb.But after a few days, it has become increasingly difficult to store the goods taken in exchange and people started thinking they deserve more than these perishable goods. The selfishness to own the things by themselves and store for their kith and kin has made the man think of an alternative, and introduced ... Read More
