Found 21 Articles for Circuits

Types of Circuits

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction Energy is supplied to a circuit with a generator or a battery. In a circuit, energy is converted from different forms such as electromagnetic, chemical, thermal, and mechanical forms into electrical forms. An electrical charge is used to carry energy to the electrical circuit. Energy enters a circuit with the help of one or more than one sources. The agency of an electric charge is used in transporting electrical energy to any device. What is a circuit? A circuit is a path, circular in nature with which electricity flows to a certain direction and point. In a simple ... Read More

Types of Cables

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

9K+ Views

Introduction The electric cable refers to the cables that help to distribute the eclectic power. The components of the electric cables are the conductor, dielectric as well as sheath. The conductor of cables provides a conducting path and it is also very helpful for the insulation as well as dielectric withstands the voltage service. The cables isolate as the live conductor. Electric cables are mainly composed of copper as this metal is a very good conductor for electricity. Apart from copper, silver and aluminium are also severally used in the making electric cables. What is the cable? ... Read More

Types of Battery

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

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Introduction In recent times, most electronic devices have a battery that helps transform the chemical energy into the electrical energy. Primarily the battery of an electric device can be classified into two differed types primary cell or battery and secondary cell or battery. A battery refers to a collection of a single or more than one cell that goes under the different chemical reactions for creating an electric flow to other devices of the machine. Recently, different types of technologies are used in making an electric battery like breakthrough technologies. Battery and its applications Battery refers to a small ... Read More

Transistor As Switch Amplifier

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

4K+ Views

Introduction The transistor is the kind of service that works in an active region, the transistor acts as an amplifier and in case it acts as a switch it tends to perform in various cutoff and saturation regions. In the transistor that is working in the cutoff state, both the collector base and the emitter-base junctions are reverse biased. The transistor can act as a device, switch and amplifier. All these aspects accumulate to provide a service in multiple regions for example transistor as an amplifier is useful in the functionality of the optic fibers and is also useful ... Read More

Resistors in Series Parallel

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Calculation of total circuit resistance is important to know the total amount of resistors used in both parallel and series resistors. Voltages can also be measured by significant resistive combinations. A circuit, associated with a resistor that helps in combining several parallels and series resistors is regarded as a resistor combination. Resistor network plays an important role. The method of calculating in which the resistance terms and values are calculated is simple and the same for both parallel and series combinations. The same value of current and resistors possess the same voltage. Components of parallel and series resistor Mixed ... Read More

Resistor Series Parallel

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The current flow and voltage level are reduced by a resistor within a circuit. In most of circuits, more than one resistor is found that helps in limiting the charge flow within a circuit. There are two simplest resistor combinations, namely Parallel and series. The combination of these two resistors is very important as the overall flow of charge is integrally connected to this. Importance of a combination circuit A combination circuit is an important component for a series and parallel resistors. A resistor is known as an ohmic device in which V = IR (Hope et al. ... Read More

Resistor Colour Codes

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The resistor is a tiny electric body having printed with many colours on the body to denote the different values of electrical resistance. The colour band of the resistor is called resistor colour code. The electric designers print the rate of tolerance, resistance value as well as wattage rating on the body of a resistor in numerical or alphabetical form. This can be seen in a large power resistor. The number bands of the resistor body presented with the variation of three to six numbers. Among the three numbers, the first two numbers stand for the resistance ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The resistor is an electric device for limiting the current flow in an electric body. The resistor is also very much applicable for the introduction and control of the amount of electricity in the circuit. This electric device works as a resistance in the electric flow and it is used almost in every electrical device. The basic unit of the measurement of the resistor is ohms ($\Omega$). The unit is applicable as resistance with an ampere of current flow and when the electric volume is measuring in twitch the unit of a volt. R = V/I is the measuring ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Different types of electronic circuits are used in the operation of the DC voltage, which is very helpful for converting the AC voltage into a DC current system that guides to increase the flow of electricity in the electric circuit as well as in the magnetic field. The p-n junction diode allows the flow of the electric current that if effective to forward the electricity control in the bias condition .As the diode only allows to flow of the electricity in a single direction so to make the electricity flow on both sides rectifiers are used. What is Rectifier? ... Read More

Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 01-Nov-2023 02:38:53

46K+ Views

Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits are types of sequential circuits that use feedback for the next output generation. On the basis of the type of this feedback, both circuits can be differentiated. A sequential circuit is one whose output depends upon both present and past inputs. The classification of sequential circuits into synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits is done on the basis of their triggering. In a synchronous sequential circuit, the changes in all the state variables are synchronized with the universal clock signal. In contrast, in an asynchronous sequential circuit, the changes in all the state variables are ... Read More
