Found 450 Articles for Chemistry

Barium Hydroxide

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 14-Dec-2022 10:13:15


Introduction Barium Hydroxide is made up of the elements Ba, H and O. It seems to be a soft, shiny, alkaline earth metal found within Group 2 of the current periodic table. This is scientifically quite reactive. As a result, it would never be discovered in the environment as a pure element. These derivatives are utilised in the petroleum industry as well as radiography, but it is also useful in metallurgy. It is indeed a transparent white granule having no naturally toxic odour. Because of the hydroxides, $\mathrm{Ba(OH)_{2}}$ is harmful or could harm the skin as well as the eyes. ... Read More

Biological Importance of Calcium and Magnesium

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Calcium Calcium is one of the most important and abundant minerals in human body, which is associated with our healthy bones and teeth, helps muscle to contract, it also places an important role in blood clotting. Coming to calcium as a chemical element, its symbol is Ca, its atomic number is 20, calcium has an atomic mass of 40.078u. It belongs to Group 2 i.e., alkaline earth metals. It is a reactive metal, and it forms a dark oxide nitrate when exposed to air. Biological Importance of Calcium Let us see the biological importance of calcium in living organisms. ... Read More

Brown Ring Test

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction To begin, we need to understand the qualitative analysis of nitrate ions is performed through Brown Ring Experiment. The brown ring test is conducted by adding iron(II) sulphate to a nitrate solution, then slowly adding strong sulfuric acid until the acid forms a layer under the aqueous solution. The existence of the nitrate ion will be shown by the formation of a brown ring at the intersection of the two layers. This test will be hampered by the presence of nitrite ions. Preparation of Water Extract Water can dissolve all common nitrates, nitrites, thiosulphates and acetates. Confirmatory test for ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction Fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (I), and Astatine (At) are the five elements that make up the halogen group of the periodic table. In Greek, 'halos' means sea salts, ‘genes’ means born. Except for astatine, which is radioactive and only exists in trace amounts, these elements react with metals to produce salts and are plentiful in nature. Because the elements' valence shells have seven electrons, the typical electronic configuration of Br is $\mathrm{[Ar]\:4s^2 \:4p^4}$. Occurrence and Extraction of Bromine Bromine is the 47th most prevalent element in the earth's crust, with a concentration of 2.5 ppm by ... Read More

Bravais Lattice

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

2K+ Views

Introduction The atoms/molecules in a solid crystalline substance are grouped uniformly and periodically over all three dimensions. Crystal structure refers to the atomic arrangement of a crystal. To make crystal symmetries easier to understand, a unit of atom (a single atom or a group of atom) that repeat in three dimensions in the crystal can be represented as a unit. The resultant points in space are called space lattice if each such atom or unit of atoms in a crystal is substituted by a point in space. A lattice point is a point in a space lattice, and a basis ... Read More

Boyles Law

Updated on 22-Aug-2023 10:39:50


Introduction Boyle's Law, which describes the effect of pressure on gas, is the most often utilised and has the most influence out of the three basic Gas Laws that exists. As a result, it will be the focus of this tutorial. The usage of scuba tanks by divers who need to operate and breathe underwater is a simple illustration of Boyle's Law in action in the real world. How is it that a diver can stay submerged for so long inhaling from a scuba tank with such a little internal volume capacity which is usually less than percent cubic feet? ... Read More

Boron Family

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The electronic configuration for elements from Boron family have outer-shell electronic configuration as $\mathrm{ns^2np^1}$. The existence of nd electrons, however, causes differences in the characteristics of the first two elements (B and Al) and the remainder of the elements from Ga onwards. The electronic configuration of Group 13 elements is shown in the table below. Thus, boron $\mathrm{(1s^2)}$ has 2 electrons in the outermost shell, aluminium $\mathrm{(2s^22p^6)}$ has 8 electrons, and the remaining elements have 18 electrons $\mathrm{(ns^2np^6nd^{10})}$. ElementsElectronic Configuration Boron (B)$\mathrm{[He] 2s^2 \:2p^1}$ Aluminium (Al)$\mathrm{[Ne] 3s^2\:3p^1}$ Gallium (Ga)$\mathrm{[Ar] 3d^{10}\: 4s^2\: 4p^1}$ Indium (In)$\mathrm{[Kr] 4d^{10}\: 5s^2 \:5p^1}$ Thallium ... Read More

Born Haber Cycle

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47

1K+ Views

Introduction An approach for evaluating reaction energy is the Born–Haber cycle. It was created in 1919 by two German chemists, Fritz Haber and Max Born, and named after them. It clarifies and aids in the understanding of how ionic compounds are formed. Because lattice energy can't be measured directly, it's mostly utilised to compute it. The Born-Haber cycle is a method of applying Hess's Law to the usual enthalpy changes that occur during the formation of an ionic molecule. The enthalpy change is a thermodynamic quantity that describes the lattice energy of ionic compounds. Factors Affecting Lattice Energy The lattice ... Read More


Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction You will frequently be asked to place a glass tube, rod, or thermometer into a cork when working in a Chemistry laboratory. You must first poke a hole in the cork to do this. The goal of this tutorial is to teach you how to drill a hole in a cork and put a glass tube, glass rod, or glass thermometer into it. On completion of the experiment, your skill should include: Bore a smooth hole of required size in a cork. Insert a glass tube, glass rod, or thermometer into a cork Remove the ... Read More

Bond Energy

Updated on 13-Oct-2022 11:19:47


Introduction The amount of energy produced when one mole of bonds is created in isolated gaseous atoms to form a gaseous compound is known as bond formation energy or bond energy. The amount of energy necessary to break the link between two gaseous compounds and generate isolated gaseous atoms is known as bond dissociation energy. These two values are usually the same for a diatomic molecule, hence the phrase "bond energy" is employed. The phrase ‘average bond energy’ is used to describe the bond energy of a polyatomic molecule. Bond Energy Corresponding to a Chemical Bond The average bond energy ... Read More
