Found 450 Articles for Chemistry

Potassium Bromide

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 15:58:01


Introduction The chemical compound potassium bromide is used as a salt that makes for a good sedative. This chemical compound is used in the medical industry in spite of causing a certain degree of discomfort to the patient. Potassium bromide has its own chemical composition and properties set out in the field of chemistry. Chemical Composition of KBr The chemical composition of potassium bromide can be started with its empirical formula. Therefore, the formula of this chemical compound is known as KBr which is classified as a salt. The entire mass of the molecules that belong to the ... Read More

Colour of Transition Elements

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 18:26:00

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Introduction Complexes or colourful ions are formed by transition metals. The colours are determined by the element and whether that is in an aqueous medium/in a solvent other than $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$ . In a qualitative study, the colours are useful since they reveal the sample composition. A transition element is an element that may produce stable ions with partially filled d-orbitals. Not all of the periodic table's elements of d-block are transition elements according to this concept. Because those elements don't have partially filled d-orbital, a typical transition metal has many oxidation states. Images Coming soon Transition Elements We typically refer ... Read More

Colour Spectrum

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 18:07:35


Introduction The classic hues of such a rainbow inside the spectrum, named by Isaac Newton in 1671 from the Latin term for an appearance, include all Colours that may be formed using visible light of such a particular wavelength exclusively, the pure spectra and monochromatic tints. The capability of the individual sight to differentiate Colours is dependent on the varied sensitivity of distinct retinal cells with unique wavelengths of light. People are trichromatic, which means that the retina has three kinds of Colour receptor cells known as cones. When one or maybe more kinds of a human's Coloursensing cones seem ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 18:03:23


Introduction While performing experiments, scientists often need to measure the values of a particular compound in the concentrated solution or coloured solutions. Only eyes are not good enough to decide the concentration in coloured solutions. To carry out such experiments, a device is used known as a colorimeter. Therefore, it helps detect colour and determine the colour and determine a solution’s concentration. It works on the principle of absorbance of a specific wavelength of light in a particular solution, that is, how much light is absorbed and how much light passes through in a liquid or solution by analysing colour ... Read More

Collision Theory

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 17:46:54


Introduction The rate of a chemical reaction means how fast a reaction is proceeding. It can also be defined as how fast a product is formed or how fast a reactant is consumed. The collision of atoms and molecules is necessary to bring about a chemical change. The reactant molecules and atoms must collide with each other to bring a chemical reaction. But all the collisions made by reactant species will result in product formation. Effective collision is necessary to make a reaction to proceed. And an effective collision means that the species that are colliding need some minimum internal ... Read More

Colligative Properties

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 17:42:48


Introduction The properties of the solution are distinct compared to pure solvents and solutes. But several characteristics of the solution rely on the characteristics of the solute particles. It can be explained with some examples, the solution comprised of the solute Hydrogen chloride is acid while the solution of Ammonia is a base. And the solution of Sodium chloride is more packed while that of sucrose is thicker. But some characteristics of solutions do not rely on the character of solute particles existing instead it accounts only for the digit of solute particles present or the concentration of the solution. ... Read More

Coefficient of Viscosity

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:40:36

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Introduction We all might have noticed that it takes a long time for the honey to reach the mouth of the bottle when the honey bottle is about to empty. Such liquid behaviour in the flow possesses some internal property which is explained by the term viscosity. It is the property of a liquid by which an internal force comes into play between different layers whenever there is a relative motion between these layers of the liquid. In simple words, viscosity is related to the thickness of the liquid. For example, honey is thicker than water so it will take ... Read More

Coal Story

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:45:13


Introduction Coal seems to be a dense carbon-rich substance that is generally brown/black as well as originates in layered sedimentary rock. This is among the most significant major fossil fuels. It is described as containing 50 percent of the overall carbon-containing substance by weight generated by the compression as well as stiffening of modified plant residues, and mainly peat settlements. Many varieties of coal exist due to variances in plant matter, the extent of coalification, as well as impurity spectrum. In the 1600s, French explorers, as well as fur traders, found North American coal seams near the coast of Grand ... Read More

Coal Products

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:05:55


Introduction For our necessities, we use a variety of materials. Some are present in the environment, while others are the result of human labour. Natural resources are abundant due to the abundance of numerous resources in nature. Carbonization accounts for a significant amount of global coal production. Coke is the principal byproduct of high-temperature carbonization; roughly 4 percent of the total input coal is transformed into tar and crude benzol (light oil), and significant amounts of gas are also generated. The various useful products generated by processing coal without air: Coal Gas Coke Coal Tar Images Coming soon ... Read More

Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable Waste

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:00:38

5K+ Views

Introduction The biodegradable, name itself is a combination of two words that are bio and degradable which means any substance or object is capable of being degraded or decomposed through bacterial action or by any other living organisms without producing any kind of pollution. And, this biodegradation process is assumed to occur naturally. Some examples of biodegradables are organic wastes, paper, woods, etc. While Non-biodegradable or not-biodegradable means any substance or object that is not capable or incapable of being decomposed or broken down by the action of bacteria, fungi, or any other form of life. Some examples of non-biodegradable ... Read More
