Found 450 Articles for Chemistry

Difference Between Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Feb-2024 17:29:50


Introduction Sodium carbonate, washing soda because of its characteristic properties has been extracted several years ago from the ashes of plants that are growing in solar that are well enriched with the metal sodium. Later, French chemist Nicholas Leblanc introduced a process for making sodium carbonate in bulk. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is used very widely even several years ago. The pharmacist first discovered it Valentin Rose the Younger in the year 1801. Later bulk amount preparation of sodium bicarbonate has been developed. Both sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are very important chemical compounds in industrial and commercial uses. ... Read More

Difference Between Molecule and Compound

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Feb-2024 17:37:48


Introduction There is a significant distinction between molecules as well as compounds that everybody should understand. Molecules are formed when chemical bonds connect any 2 or more atoms. While compounds are molecules made up of distinct atoms of distinct chemical elements. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds. A molecule is just any grouping of atoms. Nonetheless, when the atom combinations differ from elements, its referred to as a compound. Hydrogen gas (H2)as well as oxygen (O2), are all molecules since they contain 2 or more atoms. While calcium carbonate (CaCO3), NaCl, and H2 O are classified ... Read More

Difference Between Mass and Matter

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Feb-2024 17:43:03


Introduction Usually, we are confused in differentiating between mass and matter. We consider mass and matter as the same unit. In this tutorial, we will learn about the difference between mass and matter. The mass is something that has a weight, and that can be measured. The matter is everything that surrounds us in the form of solid, liquid, and gas. It can be seen, touched or felt but mass can not be seen. Let’s understand it more deeply. What is Mass? Mass is a measurable quantity. It is considered a fundamental property of all matters. the mass of ... Read More

Difference Between Fluid and Liquid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:02:11


Introduction Liquids and gases are two forms of matter which tend to flow. Fluid substances also tend to flow. The ability to flow through its properties exists in only two states of matter - Liquid and gases. All three forms of matter act differently due to the differences in their intermolecular forces of attraction between particles. The arrangement of particles in substances gives compactness, rigidity, or fluidity. The substances tend to flow easily because of the larger inter-molecular spaces between particles. Liquids exhibit flow due to their molecular arrangement and spaces present between particles. Also, gases have large intermolecular spaces ... Read More

Difference between Extensive and Intensive Properties

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:05:19


Introduction Intensive and extensive properties are the basis for the categorization of the physical type properties of the substances and the systems. And, this could be done, based on the property forms or changes whenever the size or shape of the very system changes. We can say that intensive property is that which does not depends on the size or shape of the system taken or the quantity or amount of material present in the system. While the extensive property is the property that depends on the shape or size of the system or the quantity or amount of substances ... Read More

Difference Between CNG and LPG

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:15:24


Introduction Both CNG, as well as LPG, are forms of fuel. CNG stands for compressed natural gas, whereas LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. They can be used as gasoline substitutes. CNG is squeezed significantly more tightly than LPG. Since it compresses more energy into such a small area, it is a superior automobile fuel. LPG was originally adopted as a handy fuel source in 1860, as its supply or even usage for domestic and industrial applications has grown dramatically since that day. CNG burning releases less harmful gases than that of alternative fuels. Natural gas is less likely to ... Read More

Difference between allotropes and isomers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:20:02


Introduction Jöns Jakob Berzelius, the Swedish chemist proposed the concept of isomerism and allotropes. The concept of allotropy was proposed in the year 1841. The allotropes of Oxygen in the O2 and O3 has been found in the year 1860. In 1827 the property of isomerism was first noticed and was made by the preparation of cynic acid by Friedrich Woehler. Since the properties of cyanic acid are different from fulminic acid even though both have the same elemental composition. After some additional discoveries made by Woehler that urea and ammonium cyanate were the same, Jöns Jakob Berzelius introduced the ... Read More

Dielectric Properties of Solids

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:24:35


Introduction The solids which do not allow the flow of electric charge when kept in an electric field are known as dielectric solids. They arrange themselves in such a way that their net dipole moment becomes zero. It happens because in strong electric fields the nucleus and the electrons in the solid are pulled at the opposite sides of the solid and create dipoles in the molecule. In this article, we are going to discuss what are dielectric materials and the properties of dielectric properties of solids. What are Dielectric Materials? The dielectric materials are electrical insulators, when ... Read More

Development of Modern Periodic Table

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:41:00


Introduction All known living or non-living things are classified and arranged based on their characteristics. Like different plants and animals are classified and organised into groups and species likewise many scientists tried to set the bases of the elements on their atomic number or atomic mass. Many scientists fail to arrange the elements properly. The elements are arranged according to periodic properties and atomic numbers in that table. Several scientists worked to arrange elements, but Mendeleev’s Table worked well. Mendeleev’s periodic table was later modified by atomic numbers by the scientist Henry Moseley. Brief History of Periodic Table ... Read More

Forest Conservation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 10:50:27


Introduction Due to the wide variety of materials they offer, forests are essential to human life. They create oxygen, which is necessary for life to exist on earth, operate as a carbon sink, and store carbon, earning them the title of "earth lung." Furthermore, they regulate the hydrological cycle, and the global climate; purify the water; provide habitat for wildlife, reduce global warming, absorb harmful gases, and many more. More trees are planted and wooded areas are maintained through the practice of forest conservation to ensure their sustainability for future generations. But it has become crucial to protect forests ... Read More
