Found 450 Articles for Chemistry


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:30:55


Introduction The word "electrolyte" refers to particles with a positive or negative charge. It corresponds to important nutrients found in blood, sweat, & urine from a nutritional standpoint. Chloride, bicarbonate, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphate, calcium, & other electrolytes are found in our bodies. They are important in many bodily processes, including nerve & muscle function, maintaining a proper pH in the body, & keeping us hydrated. Electrolytes are minerals that contain an electric charge. When certain components dissolve in water $\mathrm{(H_{2}O)}$, they perform either a physical or a chemical change that results in the production of ions in the ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:32:39


Introduction The name electrode was first put forward by the scientist William Whewell. And is obtained from the Greek word 'Elektron' and 'hodos' which means 'amber' and 'way'. The highly conducting nature of electrodes leads to the use of electrodes in many fields. Electrophore is the early version of an electrode that was discovered by the scientist Johan Wilcke that is used for the study of static electricity. And is also used as a term where the electricity enters or leaves the system. They have become an essential part of batteries and cells after their discovery. Later different types of ... Read More

Effects of Environmental Pollution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:44:43


Introduction Environmental pollution is caused by adverse changes in our environment, which damages a variety of plants, and animals, including humans. Contaminants lead to environmental pollution. They are any substances that can pollute the environment. It could be solid, liquid, or gaseous. It is produced in large concentrations because of certain human activities as well as natural events. This problem is increasing over the period. The ecological crisis is worsening by the day, and it must be discussed so that its adverse consequences on society & environment can be reduced. What is Pollution? Pollution exposes us to the universe of ... Read More

Displacement Reactions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:46:22


Introduction Chemical reactions known as displacement reactions occur when a highly reactive element replaces a lesser reactive element from a molecule. Displacement reactions involve both metals & non-metals. If a chemical participates readily and fast in chemical reactions, it is said to be reactive. Different metals have varying degrees of reactivity. The reactivity of metals can be ordered in a hierarchy. An example of this is a reactivity series. Less reactive metals either take part in chemical reactions very slowly or often not. Metal as well as the complexity of some other metals can both undergo displacement reactions. In a ... Read More

Discovery of Electron

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 11:21:22


Introduction Electrons $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ are atom particles, just as atoms are matter substructures. These atoms can't be formed or destroyed. Until the discovery of electrons $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ atoms was thought to be the smallest unit of a particle. Some of the fundamental properties of atoms were revealed by the tests employed in the discovery of the electron $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ . Because the electron $\mathrm{([e^{-})]}$ was the first subatomic particle found, it is regarded as a watershed moment in physics. It turned out to be 1 of the most essential for describing the chemical bond in today's chemistry as well as physics. Thomson Cathode ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:48:07


Introduction Dimethylglyoxime is a white compound. Additionally, it can be written as $\mathrm{DMGH_{2}}$ for the anionic phase and $\mathrm{DMGH_{2}}$ for the neutral phase. 𝐻 here stands for Hydrogen. In the laboratories, $\mathrm{DMGH_{2}}$ is used to analyse chemical elements like nickel or palladium. Dimethylglyoxime coordination complexes are crucial and fascinating for theoretical frameworks of enzymes & as catalysts. What is Dimethylglyoxime? Dimethylglyoxime, often known as $\mathrm{DMG}$, is a chemical that resembles white solid but is far less soluble in $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$ than it is in $\mathrm{NaOH}$ solution/ methanol. Dimethylglyoxime has the chemical formula $\mathrm{C_{4}H_{8}N_{2}O_{2}}$ and is sometimes referred to as 2, 3-Butanedione ... Read More

Difference Between Vapor and Gas

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 11:36:00


Introduction Vapour is described as a substance that usually exists in the gaseous phase at a temperature (t) below its critical temperature (𝑇𝑐). That means the vapour can be frozen back to a liquid by or through exceeding pressure (p) on it and without decreasing the temperature. vapour pressure is the pressure at equilibrium that occurs from a liquid (l) or a solid (s) at a certain specific temperature. And the vapour pressure (p) of a liquid (l) or a solid (s) at equilibrium is not get affected or hampered by the quantity of contact with the liquid (l) or ... Read More

Difference Between Pure Substance and Mixture

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 11:43:53


Introduction Pure substances are elements that cannot be broken further like oxygen, metals and metals, non-metals, etc. In contrast, mixtures are combinations of two or more elements mixed like lemonade. We should not be getting confused with pure substances and mixtures. They are two separate entities. Pure substances are pure elements that can’t be broken further into smaller entities. They can be in any state of matter like liquid, solid, or gas. The mixtures are combinations of two or more elements or substances just understood by a simple example. Water is composed of two elements hydrogen and oxygen in a ... Read More

Difference Between Nitrate and Nitrite

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 11:45:34


Introduction Nitrate, as well as nitrite, are inorganic chemicals with nitrogen (𝑁) as an important component. They have a variety of applications, including food preservation, fertiliser, ammunition, explosives, and so on. They are naturally created by nitrogen (𝑁) fixing bacteria. However, if consumed in excess, it can induce many gastrointestinal disorders, particularly in neonates, resulting in blue baby syndrome. Both nitrates, as well as nitrite, are frequently mistaken, however, they differ in the quantity of oxygen (𝑂) atoms they contain. Because nitrate is more stable than nitrite, microorganisms in the soil convert it to nitrate. Other features that distinguish them ... Read More

Difference Between Fats and Oils

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Feb-2024 09:49:04


Introduction Both Fats and Oils are a source of macronutrients and are the storage form of energy in the body. These fats and oil are a group of chemical compounds composed of fatty acids. These fatty acids are the building block of fat, and during digestion, the body releases or breaks down fats into fatty acids. It then flows into the bloodstream and is produced in the form of energy. The fatty acids are composed of three molecules joined together to form a triglyceride. All fatty acids are molecules of long-chain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. There are three ... Read More
