Found 450 Articles for Chemistry

Preparation, Properties, and Uses of Dioxygen

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 13:46:42


Introduction An oxidising agent that easily produces oxides with most elements and other compounds, oxygen is a member of the chalcogen group of the periodic table and a highly reactive nonmetal. Following hydrogen and helium in the order of abundance in the universe, oxygen is the element that is most plentiful on Earth. Currently, 20.95% of the atmosphere on Earth is made up of diatomic oxygen gas. Nearly half of the Earth's crust is composed of oxides, which are oxygen compounds. Oxygen is the chemical substance with the atomic number 8 and the letter đť‘‚ in its name. ... Read More

Different Types of Intermolecular Forces

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 13:39:07


Introduction Intermolecular Forces are the forces that serve as the foundation for all interactions between molecules. These interactions are less powerful than intramolecular forces. The intensity of the intermolecular forces (IMF) of attraction dictates the sort of interaction that will occur between 2 molecules, as well as the alterations that these interactions will cause. When considering Intermolecular forces (IMF) of attraction, the most typical reference is a water $\mathrm{(H_{2}O)}$ molecule. Intermolecular forces (IMF) govern the physical characteristics of matter. Furthermore, water ($\mathrm{(H_{2}O)}$) is 1 of the few compounds that can exist in all 3 states: solid, liquid, as well as ... Read More

Difference Between Gas and Liquid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 13:33:41


Introduction Gas needs a sealed container to hold its molecules. Especially in comparison to molecules in liquids & solids, their molecular attraction is extremely weak. These molecules move continuously, randomly, and cellularly in all directions. The 4 states of matter are liquid, solid, gas, & plasma. Although liquids don't have a particular shape, they have an exact volume. Without a container, they cannot be stored. Its core cellular attraction mimics the movement of Brownian cells. Between levels, the liquid is always flowing. Gas molecules cannot be in a specific place. What are Gases? In gases, the matter is free ... Read More

Degenerate Orbitals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 13:26:47


Introduction Degenerate orbitals are the same subshell electron orbitals with the same energy level. These degenerate orbitals always exist if the magnetic field does not interfere with them. The degeneracy interferes with how the magnetic field is used. Learning about matter and chemical compounds through visualisation is a key component of the chemistry curriculum. Here, through comprehending the meaning of degenerate orbitals and the related concepts of the Aufbau Principle and Hund's Rule, we will learn the fundamental structure of the atom. Hund's Maximum Multiplication Rule According to Hund's Rule of Maximum Multiplicity, the phrase with the greatest number ... Read More

Concentration of Solution and the Calculation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 12:47:09


Concentration is a phrase that is widely used in chemistry as well as other related subjects. This is a method of measuring the amount of one material combined with another. This might relate to any form of chemical reaction; however, this is particularly used in the framework of solutions to describe the amount of solute dispersed in a solvent. The quantity of solute that dissolves in a given quantity of solution is determined by the concentration of a solution. It is indeed a macroscopic characteristic that may be represented qualitatively as well as quantitatively. To represent concentration qualitatively, a solution ... Read More

Study the Comparative Cleaning Capacity of a Sample of Soap in Soft and Hard Water

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:22:19


Introduction The use of soap in this specific experiment is to see the extent it can be used in order to clean a given object. They are soap and water which will be used to observe the result of the reaction. This is the reaction where soap reacts with hard and soft water. Aim of the experiment The aim of this experiment tries to look into a certain fact that is mainly associated with cleaning an object stained with something. This experiment tries to focus on the total amount of cleaning a sample of soap is able to do by ... Read More

Structure of Zeolites

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:26:23


Introduction “Zeolites” are “crystalline solids” that have three dimensions. It is the crystalline form of the “aluminium silicate” that has a “micro-porous nature”. The tiny and fixed holes are found on them that help in the passing of molecules. They are also called the “molecular sieves” and the cause is that the large molecules are not able in crossing them. Information on zeolites “Zeolites” is categorized as a matter of “tetrahedral geometry” and the structure describes the free movement of water within these pores. The micro-pores that are seen in the zeolites at a “molecular level” are employed as ... Read More

Structure of Glucose and Fructose

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:28:58


Introduction Glucose and fructose are “monosaccharides or simple sugars” Glucose is favored by the human body for producing energy. “Plants and algae” produce glucose with the presence of “water and $\mathrm{CO_{2}}$”. Fructose is produced in the liver. The compounds contain atoms of three elements - “hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon”. What are “Glucose” and “Fructose”? “Glucose” is “monosaccharides” and sourced from “primary carbohydrates”. “Grape sugar” is another name for glucose. A “structure of pyranose ring” is formed by a “six-member ring” that represents glucose. The human body prefers glucose as a “primary source of energy”. It is an “aldohexose”. “Fructose” also ... Read More

Structure of Benzene

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:31:05


Introduction Benzene is considered a parent of different “aromatic compounds”. Due to the presence of odour, benzene can be identified quickly. The production of the benzene compound in the chemistry lab is possible by the application of heat to “benzoic acid and lime”. Various types of chemicals are phenol, polystyrene, and detergent, benzene are used. Information regarding Benzene Benzene is considered one of the most significant “organic compounds” that contains the formula of “$\mathrm{C_{6}H_{6}}$”. Benzene has a strong relationship with the “aromatic hydrocarbons” as it has a different odour. Many products are produced from benzene and all products are of ... Read More

Structure of Acetylene

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:33:40


Introduction The structure of acetylene is one of the most significant attributes that help in understanding the componential importance of acetylene. “Quantum mechanical theories” are helpful in presenting the structural components of acetylene. Triple bonds are formed within atoms and this bond is known to be the strongest one among all other bonds. The structure of acetylene is “unsaturated hydrocarbon” in which a minimum range of carbon triple bond is found. The generation of a triple bond is based on two atoms’ capabilities. What is Acetylene? Pure ethylene is highly unstable in nature and it consists of two individual carbon ... Read More
