Found 41 Articles for Centos 7

How to Install Anaconda on CentOS 7?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 12-May-2023 14:40:02

7K+ Views

Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of Python programming language. It is widely used in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Anaconda comes with a package manager and a set of pre-installed libraries that make it easy for developers to start working on data science projects without worrying about installing dependencies. In this article, we will discuss how to install Anaconda on CentOS 7. Prerequisites Before we start installing Anaconda, make sure you have following prerequisites − A CentOS 7 server with root access. A stable internet connection. At least 4 GB of RAM. At least 10 ... Read More

How To Install an FTP Server on CentOS 7 With VSFTPD?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 12-May-2023 14:31:27

3K+ Views

If you're looking for a reliable and efficient way to share files between computers on a network, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a popular option. In this article, we'll walk you through steps to install an FTP server on CentOS 7 using VSFTPD (Very Secure FTP Daemon), a lightweight and secure FTP server for Unix-like systems. Step 1: Update System Before installing any new packages, it's always a good idea to update your system to ensure that you have latest security patches and software updates. To do this, run following command − sudo yum update Step 2: Install VSFTPD ... Read More

How to Install Airsonic Media Server on CentOS 7

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-May-2023 14:53:01


Introduction Airsonic is an open-source web-based media server that allows users to manage, stream, and share their audio and video files. It is a versatile and powerful tool, with support for various media formats, as well as integration with third-party services like and Tidal. In this article, we will guide you through process of installing Airsonic on a CentOS 7 system. Prerequisites Before starting, ensure that you have − A CentOS 7 system with root or sudo access. A stable internet connection. Basic knowledge of command line. Step 1: Update Your System First, update your CentOS 7 ... Read More

How to Install a Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS 7

Satish Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 17:04:32

2K+ Views

Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform for managing containerized applications in a clustered environment. If you're looking to install Kubernetes on CentOS 7, this guide will take you through the process step-by-step. We'll cover everything you need to know to get a cluster up and running, including setting up the environment, installing the necessary components, and configuring your nodes. Prerequisites Before we get started, you'll need a few things − A CentOS 7 server with at least 2GB of RAM and 2 CPUs. Root access to the server. A basic understanding of Linux command-line usage. Setting up the ... Read More

How to Install & Setup a Mumble Server {Murmur} on Linux CentOS 7

Satish Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 16:52:54


Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high-quality, voice chat software primarily designed for online gaming communities. It is designed to provide a secure, reliable, and scalable communication system for users. Mumble has two components, the client software that users install on their machines, and the server software that runs on a dedicated server. In this article, we will discuss how to install and set up a Mumble server, commonly referred to as Murmur, on Linux CentOS 7. Prerequisites Before we start with the installation process, we need to ensure that the following prerequisites are met − A Linux CentOS 7 ... Read More

How to Install Enable OpenSSH on CentOS 7

Satish Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 11:16:39

4K+ Views

If you're looking to enable OpenSSH on CentOS 7, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll take a look at the steps you need to follow to install and enable OpenSSH on your CentOS 7 machine. We'll also take a look at some of the benefits of using OpenSSH and how to configure it to suit your needs. What is OpenSSH? OpenSSH is a secure shell protocol used to establish a secure connection between two computers over a network. It's an open-source version of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, which is widely used to provide secure remote ... Read More

How To Add User to Sudoers & Add User to Sudo Group on CentOS 7

Satish Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2023 10:37:27

66K+ Views

If you're new to CentOS 7, one of the first things you'll want to do is learn how to add users to the sudoers file and the sudo group. This will give them elevated privileges and allow them to run commands with root-level permissions. In this article, we'll walk you through the process step-by-step. What is Sudo? Before we get started, let's talk about what sudo is and why it's important. Sudo stands for "superuser do" and is a command that allows users to perform tasks with administrative permissions. By default, only the root user has these permissions on CentOS ... Read More

How to install the latest version of Git on CentOS 7.x/6.x?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 30-Jul-2021 08:45:33


Installing the latest version of Git on CentOS can be done in many ways. Below are three approaches for the same.Approach 1Commandsyum install epel-release yum remove git rpm -U yum install git2u git --versionOutputimmukul@192 lib % git --version git version 2.29.2Approach 2Commandsyum install -y curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker export GIT_VERSION=2.29.2 mkdir /root/git cd /root/git wget "" tar xvzf "git-2.29.2.tar.gz" cd git-2.29.2 make prefix=/usr/local all make prefix=/usr/local install yum remove -y git git --versionOutputimmukul@192 git-2.29.2 % git --version git version 2.29.2Approach 3Commandssudo yum -y install sudo yum install git git --versionOutputimmukul@192 git-2.29.2 % ... Read More

How to Install and Configure Ansible on CentOS 7

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:26:41

1K+ Views

In this article, we will learn how to configure Ansible on CentOS 7 which is an Automation configuration management system. This system can control a large number of client machines with an easy administration, which can be automated from a central location.Ansible communicates over SSH tunnels and it doesn’t need to install any software on the client machine and it can retrieve information from the remote ansible machines which issues commands and copies the files.The Ansible configuration files mainly use the YAML data formation as it can be due to expressive and similarity of popular languages. The clients can be ... Read More

How to Install and Configure MS SQL (Beta) on CentOS 7

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 07:57:45


In this article, we will learn about – How to install and configure MS SQL on CentOS 7. Microsoft has recently announced that they are planning to release the MS SQL for Linux. Specially the beta versions for RedHat enterprises Linux, Centos & Ubuntu but only with 64-bit editions.PrerequisitesA machine with a minimum of 4 GB RAM and 30 GB Hard disk space.A machine installed with CentOS 7.A user with root privileges or root user.MS SQL Server installation on CentOSSince MS SQL is not available with the default CentOS repository, we needed to add the MS SSQL repository details to ... Read More
