Found 1401 Articles for C

How to display the complete text one word per line in C language?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 08-Mar-2021 10:06:44


First, open the file in write mode. Later on, enter the text until it reaches the End Of File (EOF) i.e. press ctrlZ to close the file.Again, open in reading mode. Then, read words from the file and print each word in a separate line and close the file.The logic we implement to print one word per line is as follows −while ((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF){    if(fp){       char word[100];       while(fscanf(fp, "%s", word)!=EOF) // read words from file{          printf("%s", word); // print each word on separate lines.       }     ... Read More

Explain the accessing of structure variable in C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 08-Mar-2021 10:05:00


The structure is a user-defined data type, which is used to store a collection of different data types of data.The structure is similar to an array. The only difference is that an array is used to store the same data types whereas, the structure is used to store different data types.The keyword struct is for declaring the structure.Variables inside the structure are the members of the structure.A structure can be declared as follows −Struct structurename{    //member declaration };ExampleFollowing is the C program for accessing a structure variable − Live Demostruct book{    int pages;    float price;    char author[20]; ... Read More

Demonstrate the concept of pointers using C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 08-Mar-2021 06:43:58


The pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable.The syntax for the pointer is as follows −pointer = &variable;ExampleFollowing is the C program for the concept of pointers using C language − Live Demo#include void main(){    //Declaring variables and pointer//    int a=2;    int *p;    //Declaring relation between variable and pointer//    p=&a;    //Printing required example statements//    printf("Size of the integer is %d", sizeof (int));//4//    printf("Address of %d is %d", a, p);//Address value//    printf("Value of %d is %d", a, *p);//2//    printf("Value of next address location of %d is %d", a, ... Read More

Example program on Dynamic memory allocation function in C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 08-Mar-2021 10:36:21


ProblemHow to display and calculate the sum of n numbers by using dynamic memory allocation function in C language?SolutionFollowing is the C program to display the elements and calculate the sum of n numbers by the user by using dynamic memory allocation functions. Here, we also try to reduce the wastage of memory.Example Live Demo#include #include void main(){    //Declaring variables and pointers, sum//    int numofe, i, sum=0;    int *p;    //Reading number of elements from user//    printf("Enter the number of elements : ");    scanf("%d", &numofe);    //Calling malloc() function//    p=(int *)malloc(numofe*sizeof(int));    /*Printing O/p - ... Read More

Write a C Program to delete the duplicate numbers in an array

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Mar-2021 09:41:04


Let the user enter the numbers in an array, which contains duplicate elements.Now, let’s write a code to delete the repeated numbers or elements in an array and make an array with unique elements without duplicatesFor example, An example is explained below −User input is 12, 30, 12, 45, 67, 30.Output is 12, 30, 45, 67 (after deleting duplicates).ProgramFollowing is the C program to delete the duplicate numbers in an array − Live Demo#include #define MAX 100 // Maximum size of the array int main(){    int array[MAX]; // Declares an array of size 100    int size;    int ... Read More

C program to convert upper case to lower and vice versa by using string concepts

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Mar-2021 09:39:55

1K+ Views

Converting upper to lower and lower to upper is generally termed as toggle.Toggle each character means, in a given string, the lower letter is print in upper form and upper case is print in lower letter respectively.ProgramThe C program to convert upper case to lower and lower case to upper is given below − Live Demo#include #define MAX 100 void toggle(char * string); int main(){    char string[MAX];    printf("enter the string need to be toggle :");    gets(string);    toggle(string);    printf("final string after toggling is:");    printf("%s", string);    return 0; } void toggle(char * string){    int ... Read More

C program to verify if the numbers are abundant(friendly) or not?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 13-Mar-2021 11:56:06


In this program, we are trying to check whether the two given numbers by the user through console, are friendly pair or not?ExampleIf sum of all divisors of number1 is equal to number1 and sum of all divisors of number2 is equal to number2, then we can say, those two numbers are abundant numbers.The logic that we used to find friendly pairs is as follows −For the sum of all divisors of number 1.for(i=1;i

Explain Squeeze Function C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 13-Mar-2021 11:54:47

1K+ Views

Squeeze(s1, s2) or squeeze(char[], char[]) is a user defined function which is used to delete the common characters or equal characters in two strings.ProblemHow to delete the common characters in two strings using squeeze function in C programming language?SolutionIn this program, the user enters two strings in the console and write a code to display first string excluding the common characters present in second string.ExampleThe C program which demonstrates the functioning of squeeze function is as follows − Live Demo#include void squeeze(char string1[], char string2[]);//prototype declaration int main(){    char string1[50];    char string2[30];    printf("enter the string1:");    scanf("%s", string1);// ... Read More

How to use ‘else if ladder’ conditional statement is C language?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 08-Mar-2021 10:35:00


Else − if the ladder is the most general way of writing a multi-way decision.The syntax for else if the ladder is as follows −if (condition1)    stmt1; else if (condition2)    stmt2;    - - - - -    - - - - -    else if (condition n)       stmtn;    else       stmt x;FlowchartRefer the flowchart given below −ExampleFollowing is the C program to execute Else If Ladder conditional statement − Live Demo#include void main (){    int a, b, c, d;    printf("Enter the values of a, b, c, d: ");    scanf("%d%d%d%d", ... Read More

Write a C program to display all datatypes ranges in tabular form

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 13-Mar-2021 11:53:34


The different data types that we use in C programming are integer, short int, Signed and un signed char etc.Data TypesData type specifies the set of values and the type of data that can be stored in a variable. They allow the programmer to select the type appropriate to the needs of application.The data types are as follows −Primary data typesDerived data typesLet us understand primary data types.Primary data types‘C’ compilers support four fundamental data types. They are mentioned below −integercharacterFloating – pointDouble precision floating pointIntegral data typeIntegral data types are used to store whole numbers and characters. It is ... Read More
