Found 1401 Articles for C

C program to find type of array entered by the user.

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:34:34


ProblemWrite a C Program to find the array type which we need to check, whether the given elements in an array are even numbers or odd numbers or combination of both.SolutionSo, user has to enter an array of integers, then, display the type of the array.Example 1 − Input: 5 3 1, Output: odd array.Example 2 − Input: 2 4 6 8, Output: even array.Example 3 − Input: 1 2 3 4 5, Output: mixed array.AlgorithmRefer an algorithm given below to find the array type entered by the user.Step 1 − Read the size of array at runtime.Step 2 − ... Read More

C Program to display the numbers in X pattern

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:37:30

2K+ Views

Refer an algorithm given below for the C program to display the numbers in X pattern.AlgorithmStep 1: Start Step 2: Declare variables Step 3: Read number of rows Step 4: for loop satisfiesif(i==j || i+j==rows-1)print i+1Print " "Step 5: Print new line Step 6: StopThe logic to print numbers in X pattern is as follows −for(i=0;i

C program to explain the goto statement

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:33:46


The C program evaluates the square root for five numbers. The variable count stores the count of numbers read. When count is less than or equal to 5, goto read statement directs the control to the label read. Otherwise, the program prints a message and stops.Goto statementIt is used after the normal sequence of program execution by transferring the control to some other part of program.ProgramFollowing is the C program for usage of goto statement −#include main(){    double x, y;    int count;    count = 1;    printf("Enter FIVE real values in a LINE ");    read: ... Read More

C program for testing the character type

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:33:20


There are some predefined functions available in "ctype.h" library for analyzing the character input and converting them.Analysis FunctionsThe character analysis functions are listed below −FunctionChecks whether entered character isisalphaAn alphabet (or) notisdigitA digit (or) notisspace QA space, a newline (or) tabispunct (A special symbol (or) notislowerA lower case letter of alphabetisupper QAn upper case letter of alphabetisalphanumericAn alphabet/digit or notConverting FunctionsThe converting functions are listed below −FunctionConversiontolower()Converts an upper case alphabet to lower casetoupper QConverts a lower case alphabet to upper caseProgramFollowing is the C program for character analysis and conversion functions which are used to test the character type ... Read More

C program to convert days into months and number of days

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:31:10

9K+ Views

User has to enter total number of days. We need to convert the total number of days into months and left-over days in coming month.The formula to convert days into months is as follows −          Month=days/30The logic to find left-over days for the coming month is as follows −          Days=days %30AlgorithmRefer an algorithm given below to convert days into months and number of days.Step 1: Start Step 2: Declare month and days Step 3: Read total number of days Step 4: Compute months    months=days/30 Step 5: Compute days    Days= days ... Read More

Explain important functions in math.h library functions using C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:30:48


All mathematical related functions are stored in math.h header file in C programming language. The functions are explained below in detail.sin()This function is used to find the sin value of its argument.The syntax of sin() function is as follows −double sin(double a);For example, double a=sin(3.14/2);The output is as follows −a=1 (approx.)cos()It is used to find the cos value of its argument.The syntax for cos() function is as follows −double cos(double a); For example, double a=cos(3.14/2);The output is as follows −a=0 (approx.)tan()It is used to find the tan value of its argument.The syntax for tan() function is as follows −double tan ... Read More

Explain the concept of one and two dimensional array processing using C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:25:25


Let us first understand the one dimensional array processing in C programming language.1D Array ProcessingStoring values in 1 D Array(reading) is done as follows −int num[5] int i; for(i=0;i

C Program to check the type of character entered

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:32:19

6K+ Views

Write a program to find out that a given character is upper case, lower case, number or special character.SolutionIf an entered character is capital letter then, it displays the upper case.Example: Input =H Output: upper case letterIf an entered character is small letter then, it displays the lower case letter.Example: Input= g Output: lower case letterIf an entered character is number then, it displays the digit.Example: Input=3 Output: digitIf an entered character is a special character then, it displays the special character.Example: Input= & Output: special characterAlgorithmRefer an algorithm given below to find out that a given character is upper ... Read More

C program to find in which quadrant the coordinates lie.

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:25:34


ProblemWrite a program to find the quadrant in which the given coordinates lie.User has to enter a coordinate at runtime and we need to find the quadrant in which these coordinates lie.SolutionIf both numbers are positive then, it displays the first quadrant.Example: Input =2, 3 Output = 1st quadrantIf the first number is negative and the second number is positive then, it displays the second quadrant.Example: Input = -4, 3 Output= 2nd quadrantIf the first number is negative and the second number is also negative then, it displays the third quadrant.Example: Input = -5, -7 Output= 3rd quadrantIf the first ... Read More

C program to remove the brackets from a given input.

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 26-Mar-2021 07:18:28


ProblemLet’s create a simplified expression by removing brackets from the expressions.SolutionExample 1Input: A string expression with bracket is as follows: (x+y)+(z+q) The output is as follows: x+y+z+qExample 2The input is as follows: (x-y+z)-p+q The output is as follows: x-y+z-p+qAlgorithmRefer an algorithm to remove the brackets from a given input.Step 1: Declare and read the input at runtime.Step 2: Traverse the string.Step 3: Copy each element of the input string into new string.Step 4: If anyone parenthesis is encountered as an element, replace it with empty space.ExampleFollowing is the C program to remove the brackets from a given input −#include int ... Read More
