Found 822 Articles for Business

Difference between Job Costing and Batch Costing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:48:01

5K+ Views

Operating a business is expensive because expenses pile up over time. Job costing refers to the procedure through which a company calculates the amount of money needed to produce a product or deliver a service. The smooth running of the business depends on this procedure. To calculate the cost per unit of production, it is necessary to keep track of all costs, categorize those costs, and assign both indirect and direct costs to individual products. A product's or process's cost per unit can be calculated in this way. It is possible to calculate the price of a service or an ... Read More

Difference between Inspection and Appraisal

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:38:19


There are two necessary steps in every real estate deal: an inspection and an appraisal. Both of these areas of study revolve around determining how well a given property meets a set of criteria. Real estate transactions now always include an inspection and appraisal since your home is now a commodity that has to be valued. Because an appraisal is required before the property can be put up for sale. Product inspection and assessment, which in this case would apply to your home, can be performed to ascertain whether or not it meets the requirements of an order. Inspection ... Read More

Difference between Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:34:51


In today's dynamic world – where all old systems are getting rapidly replaced with alternative technologies, ways of life, methods of working – individuals and businesses can survive and thrive only in an atmosphere that encourages original thought and the launch of new businesses. This evolution of business operations has facilitated the operations of new age innovators, and has also ushered in the era of several new entrepreneurs. This innovator + entrepreneur partnership has, in turn, led to a massive upsurge in development and manufacture of goods, services, etc. creating plenty of job openings for others. There is a relationship ... Read More

Difference between Horizontal Equity and Vertical Equity

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:13:34


Taxes are the mandatory contributions that citizens must make to the government so that it can fund essential services and programs. Acts of resistance or evasion are illegal ways to avoid paying, and those who do so risk legal repercussions. As a result, most countries have fully functional tax systems, and the government bears the cost of tax collection. Subunits such as property, gifts, estates, wealth, inheritance, payrolls, and sales are all liable to taxation. Inheritance and material riches are two other components. In the event that taxation is necessary, fair procedures must be used. The two most common types ... Read More

Difference between Horizontal and Vertical Relationships

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 15:08:36

6K+ Views

An individual's life is filled with many various sorts of relationships with other individuals, some of which may be categorized as horizontal relationships and others as vertical relationships. Most of these bonds are interpersonal relationships, such as those within families or between friends and acquaintances. Simultaneously, both horizontal and vertical are employed to represent the connection between a person and a higher authority figure, such as the state or a religious god. It will be shown in the following discussion that the labels "horizontal" and "vertical" do, in reality, most commonly refer to the orientation, most visibly identifying who the ... Read More

Difference between Growth Funds and Value Funds

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 14:56:46


Choosing the right stock mutual fund to invest in can be a challenging task. This is because certain stocks might offer large rewards while also posing high risks or low risks. While both value and growth funds may be lucrative investments, it's vital to familiarize oneself with the former and the latter's dangers, yields, dividend payoffs, and possible time horizons before seeing a return on one's initial outlay. What are Growth Funds? These are stocks in a company that is expected to expand at a very fast rate compared to its performance in the previous year. Their prices are higher ... Read More

Difference between Funnel and Flywheel

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 14:45:26


The transformation from a funnel to a flywheel! The concepts are ubiquitous in the corporate world, especially in the fields of marketing and sales. For a very long time, businesses have used the notion of a sales funnel as the framework for organizing their marketing and sales activities. Salespeople, CEOs, and marketers have complained that this doesn't work, despite the fact that it has been shown advantageous. One of the most powerful influences on consumer behavior is positive word-of-mouth and recommendations from current customers, yet the sales funnel considers the customer as an afterthought rather than a driving force. The ... Read More

Difference between Gig Economy and Traditional Economy

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 14:42:48

1K+ Views

The expansion of new types of employment has led to a corresponding increase in diversity in workplace cultures and organizational structures. Individuals typically held down a single job in the past, but the emergence of on-demand service providers like Uber, a decline in the number of people finding work in traditional settings, and the need for greater flexibility have all contributed to the rise of what is now known as the gig economy. Both of these economic systems are commonplace in the modern world, yet they are different in important ways. What is Gig Economy? Due to the economy's current ... Read More

Difference between Free Market Economy and Command Economy

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 14:40:15

2K+ Views

The existence of an economic system, as well as the way in which it functions, is of critical significance in any economy. This answers all of the issues that arose regarding the economy; The categories of products that should be manufactured How should the products themselves be manufactured? Who should be responsible for producing the goods? To function properly, an economic system is required to take into account not just the rights of consumers and producers but also the rules of the government. However, significant economic choices can be taken by either the government or by individuals, which ... Read More

Difference between Fiscal Stimulus and Monetary Stimulus

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 14:37:16


The monetary issue has long been a source of concern. Financial market crashes have serious negative effects on economies. Changes in the operations of financial institutions are common during economic downturns, such as the founding of the Federal Reserve System following the Panic of 1907 or the regulation of US banking after bank failures in the early 1930s. When growth rates are negative, or the standard deviation drops below zero, an economic downturn is experienced. Fiscal and monetary stimulus are the main tools available to the government and central bank during economic downturns to stimulate the economy back to ... Read More
