Found 822 Articles for Business

How to Manage Stakeholder Engagement?

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:34:14


It's difficult to convince a stakeholder to purchase your services or agree to what you're offering if they don't know the people touching their life. One of the most important skills a project manager can have is in engaging and managing stakeholders. Learn how to help yourself by reading this post. When we talk about stakeholder management, we're talking about a project manager's ability to engage people throughout the process. However, a project manager often lacks much power or authority. But a project manager never has to worry about that because he or she is capable of gathering faith and ... Read More

Balancing Hard and Soft Skills: Skill for Project Manager

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 16-Dec-2022 14:32:38


Project management is difficult because every project has different factors that must be addressed in a specific way. One important trait of a successful project manager is the ability to blend a wide range of skills and abilities, which are sometimes measurable and observable—and others are subtle and difficult to define. So, the best thing you can do is figure out what made those individuals successful. To start with, consider what makes these projects fail. Important Skill for Project Manager: Understanding the Failures Lacking sufficient charter Uncertain of what requires a team effort Uncertain of what will be most ... Read More

Difference between OKR and KPI

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:39:37


KPI is an abbreviation for "key performance indicator, " which is a measurement that affects an organization's actions. Virtually every company uses KPIs throughout the globe. However, it's very uncommon for key performance indicators to be abandoned once a company or team grows. As a result, many business leaders have turned to a technique called Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to assist them to stay on track. It's like comparing apples and oranges by contrasting KPIs and OKRs. Evaluation meetings often include these phrases. While there may be some overlap between the two methods, they serve quite different ends. What ... Read More

Difference between Nonprofit and Charity

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:33:57


All communities have, over a period of time, greatly benefited from both monetary donations and humanitarian aid offered by philanthropists across the world. A wide variety of groups including charities, nonprofits, and foundations-- are dedicated to carrying these tasks of providing effective and timely assistance. As both charities and non-profit organizations have a similar scope of functioning and overlapping areas of concerns, and closely resembling methods of operations, many are led to the conclusion that both charities and non-profit are the same. However, the truth is that while they may have certain common activities, there also exist many important contrasts ... Read More

Difference between Multinational and Transnational

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:30:52

5K+ Views

Thanks to modern, low-cost and reliable communication technology (and a bit of nudge from the pandemic) it is now considerably easier for enterprises to operate their businesses in places outside of their country of origin. In other words, many individuals today have the chance to showcase their own companies as one with a global presence. Based on this very asset, companies can be sorted into distinct groups considering their corporate makeup, the products and services they offer, and the financial assets they invest in. Since their corporate forms are so different, multinational and transnational corporations are examples of international corporations. ... Read More

Difference between Multi-Channel Marketing and Omnichannel Marketing

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:28:13


The business world has become increasingly competitive in recent decades. Because of this, companies can't afford to treat marketing aggressively as a nice to have if they want to stay in business. Traditional marketing channels were formerly the sole means for firms to communicate with their clients, but with the rise of modern technology, more effective marketing channels have emerged, notably in the internet sphere. As a result, advertising for products can take place on websites like Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Twitter. Nonetheless, deliberate strategies for utilizing the web should be put into action. Some examples of oftenconfusing ... Read More

Difference between Merger and Tender Offer

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:25:07


Organizational management has benefits and drawbacks. A business can choose to fail or thrive on its own, but there are still many things that can be done to ensure the company's continued viability. Possible actions include buying out the current owner, merging with another company, making a tender offer, or even converting to a different type of ownership structure. Decisions on which strategy to execute depend not only on who owns what inside the firm but also on what kind of returns that strategy may provide. Despite their obvious differences, mergers and tender offers are often used interchangeably. What is ... Read More

Difference between Marketing Automation and CRM

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:17:44


The marketing division is, without a doubt, a crucial aspect of every successful business. Most businesses know what they want and work hard to get there through various forms of advertising, but many sales funnels still have holes in them because their employees don't stick to a set procedure. Potential clients may be scared away, and current ones may not return. Marketing automation and customer relationship management systems are the most widely utilized software in the marketing industry. Even though different types of software are needed to achieve different ends, marketing still requires a wide range of them. In this ... Read More

Difference between Marginal Analysis and Incremental Analysis

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:14:09

1K+ Views

Making decisions is the most important duty in any firm since they may have far-reaching consequences, hence individuals and companies employ different decision making approaches are used to make the process more manageable. Such examples are the marginal analysis and the incremental analysis. However, the two have some key differences despite their close collaboration. What is Marginal Analysis? This analysis compares the gains from a certain activity against the costs associated with the same activity. Marginal refers to the additional cost or gain associated with making one more unit of output or employing one more person. Many businesses use this ... Read More

Difference between Land Use and Zoning

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 15-Dec-2022 16:02:47

1K+ Views

Every real estate transaction must address issues related to responsible land management. Your real estate business will be heavily influenced by local ordinances that limit how land may be used. But what exactly does "land usage" involve, and how does it affect things? Whether you own a piece of land or a building, surface rights are often the first item to cross your thoughts. The freedom to restrict who enters one's home and who is permitted to interfere with one's possessions is an essential human right. Protecting and upholding these rights is the responsibility of zoning and land use planning. ... Read More
