Found 822 Articles for Business

Sales Vs Marketing: A Detailed Comparison

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:37:37


Every company's sales and marketing departments are crucial cornerstones. They are interconnected and act as a driver for generating income (profit). Building brand and company recognition is the main goal of marketing, but selling translates those audiences into profits by turning prospects into paying customers. Continue reading to find out more about the differences between sales and marketing. A company's marketing and sales departments both have an impact on lead generation and sales. All actions that result in the selling of products or services are referred to as sales. And marketing is the practice of gaining consumers' attention in the ... Read More

How to Generate Leads Through Online Webinars?

Mrudula DD
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:17:34


The webinar is one of the best tools you can employ in your strategy for digital marketing to set your business apart from the competition. This kind of content offers several opportunities to engage and interact with your audience and provide fresh leads. By sharing your knowledge and skills with the community, you can build a relationship. While many businesses are attempting to use webinars to their advantage, many of them make a few basic mistakes and are therefore unable to generate leads. So, the question is, how can you prevent this and guarantee the success of your presentation? This ... Read More

5 Steps to Becoming a Marketing Consultant

Mrudula DD
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 18:13:31


Marketing is one of the most important aspects of any business. The success of a business lies in knowing how to market products and services. Surprisingly, out of all the companies that are launched in an average year, only half of them know the art and science of marketing. Most businesses seek guidance on the marketing front. And so, a marketing consultant is of utmost importance in this era of startups. But, becoming a marketing consultant isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It needs the right qualifications, experience, and skills. In this blog, you will get to learn about how to ... Read More

What is Revenue Performance Management?

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 14:38:09


No company is flawless. There is always room for improvement; there is always some issue or obstacle in the way of a successful sales or marketing campaign. For some firms, these gaps are more pronounced and even more urgent, but continuous, incremental development is beneficial for all organizations. Wherever your sales and marketing activities are focused, something called Revenue Performance Management (RPM) can serve as the foundation for this kind of progress. What Do We Mean by Revenue Performance? The method used to evaluate and enhance sales-oriented sales and marketing initiatives is known as revenue performance. It is an information-driven method that highlights ... Read More

What is Omnichannel Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 14:36:37


In order to provide a seamless brand experience, omnichannel marketing entails synchronizing and aligning the various channels that your company utilizes to interact and communicate with its clients. The above applies to both the offline distribution channels such as the corner stores and online distribution channels like websites and mobile applications. An omnichannel business model aims to offer their customers a straightforward, hindrance-free user experience with a great variety of fulfillment options. The omnichannel marketing strategy allows the customers to browse, select and make final purchases of the products online, physically, or through a blend of both, such as "purchase ... Read More

What is an Innovative Growth Strategy?

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 14:34:15


A unified innovation objective and plan that aims to produce new value that customers are willing to pay for is known as an innovation strategy. It consists of a collection of guidelines or measures intended to spur further expansion of the company. The most creative businesses are aware that brilliant new ideas don't just appear. Instead, innovation arises from settings and procedures that are intended to promote it. As strategy is the utilization of marketing, operations, finance, research, development, etc. to achieve competitive goals, whereas innovation is the creation of new value that people are ready to use and pay ... Read More

What is Healthcare Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 14:22:44


Finding innovative methods for communicating with patients wherever they are on the patient healthcare ecosystem has become a sophisticated process in healthcare marketing. Patients now more than ever want to be in charge of their own health and educate themselves on what they do and how they have to do it. It is essential to have a successful healthcare marketing strategy in order to reach and educate both current and potential patients. Healthcare marketing is a task that necessitates constant adjustment to the laws and trends of the day. Because a person's health and a facility's opportunity to give ... Read More

What do you mean by Value Centric Selling?

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 14:17:51


The goal of value-centric selling is to keep the consumer in mind at every stage of the sales process. Sales decisions are centered on the potential value a product might offer since salespeople prioritize a proactive approach to delivering value to clients. The objective of a value-based selling strategy is to prioritize the needs of the client, assist them in the sales process, and help them make decisions that best fit those needs (ideally, when it comes to acquiring things). This fosters in the customer an anticipation of successful consequences the product will bring about. Importance of Value Centric Selling ... Read More

What are the Tactics for Team Communication?

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 14:12:19


Workplace communication is a powerful instrument that can influence an organization's overall success. In any scenario or connection, whether it be private or professional, communication is crucial to maintaining harmony and operating effectively. Communication and cooperation between team members are governed by formality. Teams must prioritize effective communication in order to foster a more efficient and welcoming workplace. Team members can communicate and grow as a result of this. The term "team communication" refers to both the means of communication and the interactions between team members. Additionally, it involves accepted team social behaviors like cooperation, communication, and the expression of ... Read More

The Importance of Branding

Priya More
Updated on 02-Feb-2023 13:00:00


“Brands are essentially patterns of familiarity, meaning, fondness, and reassurance that exist in the minds of people.”- Tom Goodwin Branding is important as it tells the customers and clients what to expect from their organization along with being which makes a strong impression on its customers. This is a tactic for standing differently from the competitors and promoting the qualities which you are offering that make you the preferable choice. A brand can be created in a variety of ways, such as through marketing, customer service, involvement in the community, recognition, and visuals. Together, these elements create a distinctive, alluring profile. ... Read More
