Found 822 Articles for Business

What is the Meaning of Neuromarketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:57:33


The use of neuroscience and cognitive science in marketing is known as neuromarketing. Market research that aims to identify consumer demands, motives, and preferences that cannot be identified using conventional techniques like surveys and focus groups may fall under this category. Examining particular advertising, marketing, packaging, content, etc. is a part of neuromarketing in order to comprehend how customers are reacting subliminally. Additionally, it involves using knowledge gained from studies in neuroscience and cognitive science to improve marketing without putting new ideas to the test. Neuromarketing is also referred to as "consumer neuroscience." What is the Meaning of Consumer ... Read More

What is Sensory Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:56:13


Recently, marketers and businesspeople have been more interested in sensory marketing. Due to the challenges marketing encountered during the outbreak, it was critical to adjust to the situation and connect customers in fresh, original ways. What is sensory marketing exactly? The goal of sensory marketing is to use at least one of the five senses to elicit a significant, favorable, and so fruitful response from a company's primary audience. provides a memorable experience. Additionally, it is well established that they work best when a single message or campaign appeals to several senses. Humans consider many more indicators than mere ... Read More

What is Predictive Analytics?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:54:36


Predictive analytics refers to the application of statistics and modeling methods to forecast future results and performance. In order to determine if specific patterns in the data are likely to repeat, predictive analytics evaluates trends in both historical and present data. This enables businesses and investors to alter resource allocations to profit from expected future occurrences. Predictive analytics can also be utilized to lower risk and boost operational effectiveness. Predictive analytics is a type of technology that creates forecasts for future unknowns. These judgments are made using a variety of techniques, including artificial intelligence (AI), data mining, machine learning, modeling, ... Read More

What is Multi-Channel Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:52:35


In order to draw customers, multichannel marketing combines a variety of sales and advertising channels into one cohesive approach. This strategy makes use of the distinctive advantages of a specific marketing channel to effectively and efficiently convey the value of a good or service. Email, direct mail, internet, social media, display advertising, and point of sale are just a few of these channels. Marketers can use several channels of distribution to assist clients in obtaining their items in the manner of their choice. For instance, a company can run its own internet store and sell things at specific brick-and-mortar stores. ... Read More

What is Database Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:50:44


A methodical strategy for gathering, combining, and processing customer data is database marketing. Database marketing, often known as customer relationship management, is a type of direct marketing. The business gathers and stores data from both current and potential clients in its database. Businesses can better understand and market to potential customers thanks to the process of gathering this data, which could result in more potential sales. Database marketing is a personalized marketing strategy that leverages a database of current and potential customers to promote goods and services while achieving personalization objectives. Database marketing, also known as customer relationship management, gathers ... Read More

What is a Marketing Information System?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:47:03


The term "Marketing Information System" (MkIS) refers to the ongoing gathering, interpretation, analysis, and archiving of market data as well as widely disseminated market data from both internal and external sources. Importance of Marketing Information System (MkIS) The primary advantage of MkIS systems is the integration of economic systems with strategy creation and the tactical application of policies and procedures that aid in the gathering and use of customer service information. This field of marketing intelligence consists of real-time information and real-time applications that enable market-based approaches while supporting analysis and market-based activities that assist client relationships and customer care. ... Read More

What Do You Mean by Customer Journey?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:45:26


The route an individual takes to interact with a brand, item, and/or service is known as the customer journey. Both direct connections, like contacting his team, and indirect interactions, like hearing from the brand at an event, are included in customer service. One way to think of a customer's journey is as a road map of the various encounters that a certain consumer has had with your brand and marketing touchpoints. The experiences of every customer are unique. Each customer's journey through her website, customer care department and several other brands and channels enables marketers to specifically target them with ... Read More

What Do You Mean by Consumerism?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:43:06


Consumerism is the belief that increasing the consumption of products and services obtained via the market is always a worthwhile objective and that acquiring consumer products and material belongings is essential to a person's happiness. The term "consumerism" in economics mainly applies to the Keynesian notion that consumer spending is the main engine of the economy and that promoting consumer expenditure is a key objective of public policy. This viewpoint views consumption as a beneficial phenomenon that stimulates economic expansion. Others view the desire for greater material goods as a problem that damages societal cohesion and breeds personal insecurity. Additionally, ... Read More

What are the 5As in Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:41:46


Marketers have observed a modest but persistent fall in client engagement as they struggle with the "new normal." Our capacity to focus for more than a few seconds decreases as our regular activities quicken. In such circumstances, it is essential for companies to give both current and potential customers the correct information in the proper manner at the appropriate moment. Customers are now able to distinguish between what is real and what is fake. We mostly rejected communications that sounded too good to be true and relied on information from reliable sources like family and friends. In order to use ... Read More

What are Micro-moments in Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:39:45


Consumer habits are constantly evolving. Today's conflicts for minds, money, and hearts are decided (or lost) in micro-moments. Throughout the client journey, this is the intention-driven moment of preference and choice development. Mobile devices have altered how people consume media as they have become an essential part of our daily lives. Daily online sessions that were formerly predictable have been replaced by several immediate, fragmented exchanges. There are hundreds of times like this, every day, whether it's checking the time, texting your spouse, or speaking with your pals on social media. However, there are other times when you want to ... Read More
