Found 822 Articles for Business

How To Use Technical SEO To Boost Your Local Business

Arpa Chatterjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 11:11:41


To succeed as a local company in the modern day, you must go where the customers already are: online. Your present clientele can only sustain a brick-and-mortar business for so long. Having a web presence where potential clients may learn about your company is crucial. You'll need a website and local listings in particular. And you'll need to take special steps to have these items indexed by search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) describes this process. This scary-sounding concept is about gaining readers' trust with consistently excellent content. In this piece, we'll go over some SEO best practices that can ... Read More

Why Technical SEO Is Essential for Your Business

Arpa Chatterjee
Updated on 20-Apr-2023 10:48:17


Want to boost your website's Google ranking? Then your firm needs technical SEO. To increase search engine rankings, technical SEO optimizes a website's technical characteristics, such as speed, mobile-friendliness, and architecture. To attract and keep clients online, companies need a well-optimized website. Technical SEO and website performance advice are covered in this blog article. Sit back and understand why technical SEO matters for your company. SEO Fundamentals Technical SEO optimizes your website's technical features for search engine rankings and user experience. Technical SEO makes your website more search engine and user-friendly. Website optimization requires technical SEO. Technical SEO Technical SEO ... Read More

What is Sustainable Operations Management (SOM)?

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:09:10

5K+ Views

Introduction Operations Management functions with administering and efficiently utilizing man, machine and money to deliver quality output. It primarily focuses on business profits. On the other hand, Sustainable Operations Management (SOM) applies the principle of sustainability to all strategic decisions of business operations. It advocates economic, social and environmental objectives too along with revenue generation. SOM requires an organization to contribute towards the economic and social growth along with promoting environmental sustainability. An exhaustive study on sustainable operations management is carried out here discussing the concept, factors, ways to implement and the importance of sustainability in operations. Sustainable Operations Management ... Read More

What is Competitive Advantage Pyramid?

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:08:01


Introduction Competition advantage in simple terms refers to all the factors that allow a company to perform better than its competitors. It helps the business to produce more quality goods and services with reduced cost generating higher sales and profit. Anything that helps a company to attain an edge over its competitors and attract more customers to spread its market space is termed as competitive advantage. Primarily, it has three factors that leverage advantage over others. First is the cost advantage, where a business produces or provides a service at a lower cost when compared to its competitors. Next is ... Read More

Steps in Business Process Reengineering

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:06:13


Introduction Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a management approach put forward by Michael Hammer, former professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. According to him, reengineering is the fundamental rethinking that initiates a radical change in overall business processes with a view to achieve drastic enhancement in performance, quality, delivery time and revenue. It aims at structurally changing the work flows targeting the entire organization. The reengineering approach concentrated on business out comes than the tasks involved. Involvement of information technology is crucial in designing and developing process flows and automating tasks to make it free of human errors. As the ... Read More

Role of Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:04:52

4K+ Views

Introduction Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the process of comprehensively revamping the existing business process with a view to create a dramatic return of investment by reducing cost and improving quality. Changes in customer preferences, tight competition in the market with superior goods and services, advancement of technology decreasing profits and higher operational costs all pave way to BPR. The primary aim of reengineering process is to boost the performance of a business to its optimum level possible. BPR initiates a quantum jump not only to the organization, but also to the external parties like suppliers and customers. Attaining ... Read More

Relation Between Operations Management and Productivity

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 16:19:50


Introduction Operations management is a management approach that conducts the complete production cycle of a product or service. Different concepts of operation, technologies and procedures are put to use to transform inputs into finished goods or services. The performance and efficiency of a business depends on how successfully the operations are managed. The process through which a set of input gets transformed into final output is called production. Productivity, on the other hand, refers to the rate of efficacy in which the production takes place. It is rather a concept of performance measurement that indicates the ratio of outputs in ... Read More

Recent Trends and Developments in Operations Management

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:59:11

8K+ Views

Introduction Operations management comprises of managing all business activities that facilitate input to output cycle. The term operations management was initially confined to production or manufacturing departments. However, the system has evolved through the years and is now used comprehensively to denote the management of day to day business activities of all units that finally channel towards the final product or services. Operations management aims at ensuring that the production process and overall operations across the business functions as efficient as possible. One of the main roles of operations management is to ensure the expenditure and costs of a company ... Read More

Principles of Operations Management in Business

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:57:51


Introduction Business operations and its management is an inevitable part of all organizations irrespective of the sector. It comprises of all the activities that are involved in the procurement of inputs to the final delivery of goods or services. Numerous business processes and operations are engaged throughout the business cycle. Only effective management of these business operations help the company to deliver quality products or services with reduced cost and wastages. In other words, proper operations management helps to increase efficiency of a business. It comprises of all the steps and sub units that help channel the inputs to finished ... Read More

Possible Challenges in Operations Management

Dr. Rasmy Kiran
Updated on 18-Apr-2023 15:56:45

4K+ Views

Introduction Operations management has a vital role in coordinating and managing functional units, business process and rules across departments. It acts as the main thread that connects every activity within a business towards achieving the final outcome. Operations management involves administering and monitoring business activities to ensure that they are functioning with maximum efficiency. An organization attains optimal performance only with the effective utilization of man, machine and resources involved. Operations management ensures this process balancing the costs incurred and inputs needed with the output obtained. It continuously strives to keep the profits high by reducing costs and increasing revenue. ... Read More
