Found 822 Articles for Business

Conflict, Cooperation, and Competition in Channels

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 15:58:24

1K+ Views

Companies have to build channels to work effectively in the market. It is rightly said that one person cannot do everything, but everyone can do something to contribute to success, and this is exactly how the distribution system works in the business environment. For example, producers manufacture the product, and wholesalers keep the product stored in high quantities. Agents help in connecting the wholesaler with different buyers who will be interested in buying the product. Retailers buy small quantities of those products and sell them to consumers. So, for one manufactured good, we see various people getting involved. Now that ... Read More

11 PPC Trends You Can't Ignore in 2023

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:38:49


As the world continues to become more competitive, it’s important that you make sure that you’re taking advantage of the most effective opportunities to maximise your ad budget. However, it can be hard to keep track of all the latest pay-per-click trends and improvements. This is why it’s important that you keep up with the changes to ensure that you can get the most out of your marketing efforts. The PPC industry is still as dynamic and fluent as it has been in the past. However, since the industry is constantly changing, the best practices may not be the ... Read More

10 Website Design Ideas for an E-commerce Site

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:35:35


Creating and managing an online business can be a complex process. Having the right website design and content is one of the most critical factors that businesses need to consider. Its visual design should be captivating and informative, and its checkout process should be simple and intuitive. There are so many different kinds of e-commerce websites. According to estimates, by 2040, almost 70% of all purchases will be made through online retailers. In order to keep up with this growth, you need to create a well-designed and functional eCommerce website. These 10 best designs will help you attract and ... Read More

8 Reasons Why Blogs Are Important for Businesses

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:29:46


Through blogs, businesses can easily find their products and services on Google. They can also provide customers with a better understanding of their products and services by helping them navigate through the various channels that a company uses to promote itself. According to a study conducted by HubSpot, over 60% of people read blogs regularly. Aside from being beneficial for marketing, blogs can also help businesses develop effective multichannel strategies. One of the most important factors that a marketing professional must consider is the changes in the marketing landscape. Over the years, blogging has become a vital component of ... Read More

7 Ways to Improve Your Business Blog

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 15:48:28


It’s always been your desire to try new things, so when you heard about blogging as a way to boost website traffic and raise brand awareness, you jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, despite the benefits of this approach, your business blog has not produced the results you expected. A well-designed business blog can help you market your company and attract new customers. Unfortunately, many companies start blogging without the necessary knowledge about how to use it for their business. This can lead to them spending a lot of time and energy trying to establish a blog that doesn’t work. ... Read More

Multichannel Marketing Strategies: Leveraging Various Digital Channels to Reach and Engage Audiences

Radhika Dadhich
Updated on 08-May-2023 15:59:32


The world of digital marketing has become extremely competitive and dynamic with the latest technologies that are now being used. Suppose you are to survive and grow your business online, where there is now cut-throat competition. You need to employ the latest digital marketing strategies. Only by using the latest technologies will your business stay ahead of the competition. Speaking of the latest technologies in digital marketing, multichannel marketing has gained significant prominence and come to the forefront. It has happened for good reasons as well. Before we get into the details of how to use it to promote ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Intranet

Updated on 04-May-2023 18:19:55


An intranet has been designed for employees in an organization to share the resources within the network and it does not allow outside access beyond the network range specified by the company. It is a private network that is used among employees to interact with each other to access web servers, applications, databases, tools, projects, and common work-related information. This local network also provides security in terms of the authentication process for accessing the shared resources only by authorized users. However, this does not meet the modern technologies which are effective and provides better performance for interacting in remote places, ... Read More

The Impact of Email Marketing on Your Brand

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:36:58


A strong online presence can help a business generate sales. There are many ways to do this, such as using PPC ads and sending out promotional emails. Email marketing is a proven method that can help boost sales. Despite the evolution of email marketing, it’s still very popular among consumers. According to a study, 60% of consumers prefer receiving and sending emails as they are their preferred channel for receiving updates and promotions from businesses. It’s also more effective than Facebook and Twitter when it comes to acquiring customers. Today, there are over 1, 500 companies that are dedicated to ... Read More

The Benefits of Outbound Marketing for Your Business

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:37:57


An outbound marketing strategy is a proven method to generate sales and leads. It involves reaching out to various potential customers through various marketing channels, such as direct mail, email, and phone. This method can be very effective in connecting with individuals who may not know about your services or product. Marketing plans can be daunting, especially when you have so much information at your disposal. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by all the advice and information that's out there. Instead, focus on creating eye-catching signs, networking at events, or developing a strategy that's digital only. Marketing techniques ... Read More

The Benefits of Investing in Online Marketing

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 14:40:22


Your website is your sales representative, and it's there to provide your customers with the latest information about your products and services 24 hours a day. Having a well-designed and optimised website is very important for any business to grow and attract more customers, hence, investing in marketing your website and services is very important. Your website is like a helpless baby that needs constant care. It needs to be regularly updated and maintained so that it can grow and become more successful. If your goal is to increase leads, build awareness, and make sales, then investing in digital marketing ... Read More
