Found 822 Articles for Business

The Future of Marketing

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:42:23


It is crucial for every business, irrespective of their industry, size, or geographical location, to see what they have achieved in the past and what they are striving for. They should try to predict the future of the business as a whole and all the concerned departments moving forward. This practice is basically known as reminiscing about the past and planning for the future. Here the company weighs in on external factors, the mood of the market, and plans as per the resources it has on how to strive in the future. In this article, we will be taking a ... Read More

The Concept of Finding Gold at the Bottom of the Pyramid

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:41:44


We have a myriad of companies coming up as well as fighting with each other to serve high-class people or people in the upper middle class. They are fighting for brand positioning, brand recognition, aesthetics, super-quality products, customer experience, extra profits, and other such parameters. However, marketers are now realizing the untapped market or the untapped customer segment. The bottom of the pyramid at the top of the pyramid, we have numerous competitors, but at the bottom of the pyramid, we have numerous consumers. More than half of the world’s population is in the mid-segment and at the bottom of ... Read More

How to Start a Buzz Fire in the Online World?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:41:05


There are millions and trillions of companies in the online world trying their best to sell their product, service, or brand name. It is extremely critical as well as difficult for companies to get the limelight. In a study, it was found that more than 80% of the users on Google will not even go to the second Search Engine Results Page (SERP) on Google while searching for a product or seeking answers. It is difficult to rank in the top 10 or to share your content with users. On top of this, we have also observed that on a ... Read More

How Do You Manage Brand Equity?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:40:25


Companies fight hard to occupy a space in the mind of the customer. It is very crucial for companies to ensure that not only do customers know about the product and believe in the product and the brand, but they also remember the brand at the time of purchase. This remembrance and positioning of the brand in the minds of customers over the years are known as brand equity. Companies have to invest a lot of money in marketing campaigns as well as deliver excellent products and services throughout the years to create this brand equity for themselves. Brand equity ... Read More

How Do You Construct a Brand’s Positioning?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:38:49


It is very crucial for brands to establish themselves or position themselves in the market or in the mind of the customer. Brand positioning helps the consumer remember the product and thus make purchase decisions. In simple terms, positioning means designing an image of the brand and its product offerings that could occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the customer, which will help the customer in maintaining long-term relationships with the brand, make their purchase decisions, spread positive word of mouth, and other essentials. Good positioning is a situation in which the brand can sustain the Brand Substitution ... Read More

How Can Companies Segment Their Customers Based on Psychographics?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:37:07


It is crucial for companies to divide their target customers into different segments. These different segments act like a focus group for the company, and when the company understands the focus group better, they are able to serve and communicate better with its customers. Different ads will hit different nerves with the ad viewers or customers, and for ensuring volume for the sales company, marketers have to hit the right nerve. When we do the segmentation of markets, there are several approaches that a company can adopt, and those are − Geographical segmentation of markets Behavioral segmentation of markets ... Read More

How Can Companies Segment Their Customers Based on Behavior?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:36:18


It is crucial for companies to understand the market that they are operating in as well as the customers that they are serving. This analysis helps the company fit the right square into the right pack, or, in simpler terms, serve the right products to the right customers. Targeting, segmentation, and positioning are the three crucial steps before deciding on the company's marketing approach. These three basic steps help the company in both designing and implementing a successful marketing approach. Targeting customers means deciding on the potential customers of the company and the product, segmentation of marketing means dividing the ... Read More

How Can Companies Protect Kids from Online Marketing?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:33:47


With the explosion of cell phones, the internet, tablets, and social media across the globe in every household, it has become critical to protect kids from the web of online marketing. Companies view their target audience only in terms of numbers and sales. Kids as well as adults are nothing more than dumping grounds for their produced goods. Companies not only collect unlimited data regarding the kids and influence their moods, but also use those pain points to sell the products. These products might be useful, but kids are not believed to be in a position to decide what is ... Read More

How Can Companies Integrate Different Channels?

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:02:21


A lot of intermediaries are involved in the process of producing the goods and then making them available for sale to customers. Business is the perfect example "of one cannot do it all alone, but all of you can do something". The intermediaries that companies are involved with are known as channels. If we have to divide the distribution channel into simple terms, it will be the raw material provider, the producer, the wholesaler, and the retailer. Agents are added in between because not all the information is freely available to everyone. All the members of the channel are in ... Read More

Geographical Segmentation of Consumers and Examples of Renowned Companies

Akshaya Daga
Updated on 11-May-2023 16:00:58


We live in an era that is technologically advanced and constantly changing. Companies are no longer only the local players or leaders in the market; they are transgressing the geographical borders. Starting their operations at the district level and then moving to the towns, cities, national, and international levels. This geographic expansion by the company as well as the segmentation of its customers is known as geographical segmentation by the company. In this article, we will be diving into the concept of geographic segmentation and how renowned companies apply it to win over the market. The Concept of Geographic Segmentation ... Read More
